Blar i Fakultet for arkitektur og design (AD) på tittel
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Packaging design strategies for introducing whole mealworms as human food
(Chapter, 2020)the variety of packaging design strategies for mealworms, based on packaging design suggestions by master‘s students. The design suggestions are analysed and categorised under different themes for introducing mealworms for ... -
PANGstart - en aktivitetshage for barn
(Master thesis, 2014) -
Panta Rhei (Everything Flows)
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Genom essän ”The art of Anthropology, chapter 6: Vogel´s Net Traps as Artworks and Artworks as Traps” har jag kommit att reflektera över de föremål jag skapar som konst och fått bekräftelse på “varför” jag och andra betraktar ... -
Parallellpublisering fra print til web
(Bachelor thesis, 2008)NORSK: Bacheloroppgavens oppdragsgiver er Hamar Media AS og deres datter- selskaper Idé Trykk AS og React Solutions AS. Bedriftene ønsker å gjøre prosessen fra print til web mer effektiv og «tidsparende» for å kunne ... -
Parametric analyses of facades in early design phase, to optimise daylight and energy performance
(Master thesis, 2020)I 2030 vil det være 6 millioner mennesker i Norge. Populasjonsveksten vil hovedsakelig forgå i de store byene. For å kunne nå målene fra Paris-avtalen og få lavutslippsbyer, må planleggingen av ekspansjonen av byene inneholde ... -
Parametric design to minimize the embodied GHG emissions in a ZEB
(Journal article, 2018)This work aims to apply parametric design to minimize the embodied greenhouse gas emissions and op- erational energy in a zero emission building in Oslo, Norway. An original generative workflow based on parametric design ... -
Parametric simulation as a tool for deep learning experience in Building science
(Master thesis, 2023)En verden i stadig endring på flere områder krever bygninger av en tilpasningsevne og motstandsdyktighet som gjør designprosjekter og deres mål mer komplekse enn noen gang (1). Å løse disse komplekse oppgavene krever ... -
Parametric Timber Detailing A parametric toolkit customized for detailing fabrication-ready timber structures
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:238, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This thesis develops a parametric toolkit for visual programming that is customised for detailing fabrication-ready timber structures. Digital fabrication increases the domain of what is rational to manufacture, and ... -
Paraotwayite-Type α-Ni(OH)2 Nanowires: Structural, Optical and Electrochemical Properties
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Paraotwayite-type nickel hydroxide [Ni(OH)2] nanowires with typical diameters of 20−30 nm and lengths up to several micrometers were prepared via a simple hydrothermal synthesis. The as-prepared nanowires had a mean ... -
Parker i byen - En casestudie av hvordan Gåsaparken, Stiftsgårdsparken og Iladalen park er planlagt, utformet, brukt og opplevd
(Master thesis, 2020)Et flertall av verdens befolkning bor i dag i urbane områder. Denne veksten er forventet å fortsette i årene som kommer – noe som vil skape både muligheter og utfordringer. Samtidig er mange byer blitt mer kompakte. Byvekst ... -
Participation and Inclusion of Children and Youth with Disabilities in Local Communities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This research aimed at strengthening the evidence base for interventions to promote the participation and inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in their communities. Four selected municipalities in four different ... -
Participatory approaches as drivers for sustainable waste management in ruralnepal
(Chapter, 2023)Nepal has been facing waste management problems for a long time. This is especially true for cities, but also increasingly for rural areas. Improper treatment, lack of organization and management of solid waste (SW), ... -
Participatory Design and Environmental Education in Visitor Centers: A Case Study from Nepal
(Chapter, 2020)This paper discusses how environmental education in visitor centers can be enhanced through participatory design approaches. Participatory design provides useful methods and tools to capture visitors’ diverse needs and ... -
Participatory Design and Environmental Education in Visitor Centers: A Case Study from Nepal
(Chapter, 2020)This paper discusses how environmental education in visitor centers can be enhanced through participatory design approaches. Participatory design provides useful methods and tools to capture visitors’ diverse needs and ... -
Participatory design research for urban community building in China
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis aims to provide direct input for the deliverables required for Task 1.1 of the TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA project. This thesis means to create a knowledge base about how to experiment with context-specific and citizen ... -
Participatory Disaster Risk Reduction in Developing Countries
(Chapter, 2020)As conventional Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in developing countries fails to create a real and long-lasting impact, a more community-based approach has emerged. However, even this approach struggles to be truly empowering ... -
Pasientens sikkerhetsnett - Trygg aktiv overvåkning av prostatakreft
(Master thesis, 2015)Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er hvordan oppfølgingen av menn under aktiv overvåkning kan forbedres ved hjelp av tjenestedesignmetodikk. Målet har vært å designe et konsept som vil forbedre pasientens opplevelse av ... -
Pasientlogistsikk og køhåndtering ved sykehus
(Master thesis, 2014)Masterprosjektet tar for seg håndtering av pasienter på venteliste hos revmatologisk avdeling ved St. Olavs Hospital.Helsetilsynet og Fylkesmannen påpeker at et utdatert system for ventelister og timeoppsett er hovedårsaken ... -
PASSERE / BLI - Ny metrostasjon på Vækerø
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Passing the baton? Handing over digital data from the project to operations.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)From fieldwork conducted ahead of the London Olympic Games, we develop new understanding of how organizations hand over digital data from the project to operations. Prior research explains how practitioners negotiate meaning ...