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X Hedging: An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Hedging Framework
(Master thesis, 2022)Vi utvikler et rammeverk for sikring (eng: hedging) av finansielle opsjoner. Rammeverket bruker nye metoder innen kunstig intelligens, er mulig å forklare, og tilpasselig til ulike markedsmodeller, markedsfriksjoner, og ... -
"X'er og Y'er er ikke mer algebra enn noter på et ark er musikk" En kvalitativ studie om elevers handlinger knyttet til algebraisk tenkning i arbeid med generalisert aritmetikk
(Master thesis, 2020)Gjennom denne studien har jeg undersøkt hvilke handlinger knyttet til algebraisk tenkning elever tar i bruk i arbeid med en oppgave innen generalisert aritmetikk. Valget av tema var basert på kunnskap om at algebra av mange ... -
X-chromosome and kidney function: evidence from a multi-trait genetic analysis of 908,697 individuals reveals sex-specific and sex-differential findings in genes regulated by androgen response elements
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)X-chromosomal genetic variants are understudied but can yield valuable insights into sexually dimorphic human traits and diseases. We performed a sex-stratified cross-ancestry X-chromosome-wide association meta-analysis ... -
X-ray absorption spectroscopic studies on active metal sites in zeotypes during the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with propene in an oxygen rich atmosphere
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:130, Doctoral thesis, 2005)This thesis is concerned with the synthesis and characterisation of CuAPO-5, CuSAPO-5 and also copper ion-exchanged SAPO-5, SAPO-11 and ZSM-5. The ability of these materials to catalyse the selective reduction of NOx using ... -
X-ray absorption, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy study of spent cobalt based catalyst in semi-commercial scale Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Calcined, reduced and spent Co-Re/γ-Al2O3 catalysts for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (FTS) were characterized and compared. Co-K-edge and Re-LIII-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES), X-ray powder diffraction ... -
X-ray computed tomography investigation of dilation of mineral-filled PVC under monotonic loading
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The deformation-induced dilation of mineral-filled polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is investigated by means of polychromatic X-ray absorption tomography (XCT). Axisymmetric notched tensile specimens are strained to prescribed ... -
X-ray Diffraction and Tomography Studies of Functional Organic Fibres
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:74, Doctoral thesis, 2013)Structural characterisations of materials belong to the primary interests of basic and applied research, since they provide insights into the interactions of molecules and atoms, establish correlations with desired properties ... -
X-ray diffraction studies of InAs/GaAs heterostructures
(Master thesis, 2012)Intermediate band solar cells (IBSC) is a proposed new type of solar cell device that has an intermediate energy band in the band gap. One possible implementation of IBSCs is by using arrays of nano-sized semiconductor ... -
An X-ray micro-tomographic study of the pore space, permeability and percolation threshold of young sea ice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
X-ray Microprobe Investigation of Iron During a Simulated Silicon Feedstock Extraction Process
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Elemental silicon is extracted through carbothermic reduction from silicon-bearing raw feedstock materials such as quartz and quartzites. We investigate the micron-scale distribution and valence state of iron, a deleterious ... -
X-ray nanoscopy of a bulk heterojunction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Optimizing the morphology of bulk heterojunctions is known to significantly improve the photovoltaic performance of organic solar cells, but available quantitative imaging techniques are few and have severe limitations. ... -
X-ray now: samples of Norwegian jazz and electronica
(Bachelor thesis, 2005)Vi har produsert en DVD som blir benyttet under hundreårsmarkeringen av Norges selvstendighet. Resultatet er blitt et produkt vi er godt fornøyd med. Vi har behandlet lyd- og videomaterialet, og implementert dette til ... -
X-ray repair cross complementing protein 1 in base excision repair
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)X-ray Repair Cross Complementing protein 1 (XRCC1) acts as a scaffolding protein in the converging base excision repair (BER) and single strand break repair (SSBR) pathways. XRCC1 also interacts with itself and rapidly ... -
X-ray Repair Cross- Complementing protein 1: - the role as a scaffold protein in base excision repair and single strand break repair
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:27, Doctoral thesis, 2012)X-ray Repair Cross-Complementing protein 1 – en plattform for regulering av baseeksisjonsreparasjon og enkelttrådbruddsreparasjon DNA, vårt arvestoff, er et tilsynelatende stabilt molekyl satt sammen av to lange tråder ... -
X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 1 associated multiprotein complexes in base excision repair
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:116, Doctoral thesis, 2012)XRCC1 assoierte multiproteinkomplekser i base eksisjonsreparasjon Arvestoffet (DNA) degraderes konstant av ytre faktorer, som stråling og kjemikalier, og indre faktorer, som produkter av metabolismen. Slik degradering ... -
X-ray Scattering Study of Nanostructured GaSb Surfaces
(Master thesis, 2013)In this thesis the surface structure of a sample consisting of slightly tilted, denselypacked Gallium-Antimonide (GaSb) nanocones, self-assembled through Ion Beam Sputtering(IBS) is investigated with a selection of X-ray ... -
X-ray Structure of Eleven New N,N′-Substituted Guanidines: Effect of Substituents on Tautomer Structure in the Solid State
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Guanidine-containing molecules are an interesting class of compounds within both medicinal and material sciences. Having knowledge of their tautomerism is key in designing guanidines that interact with biological and ... -
X-ray Studies of Capture, Storage and Release of CO2
(Master thesis, 2012)We show experimentally that CO2 intercalates into the interlayer spaceof the synthetic smectite clay Li-fluorohectorite (LiFh). The intercalationoccurs for a range of conditions in terms of pressure (5 bar to 20 bar) ... -
X-ray Studies of Carbon Dioxide Intercalation in Na-Fluorohectorite Clay at Near-Ambient Conditions
(Journal article, 2012)We show experimentally that gaseous CO2 intercalates into the interlayer space of the synthetic smectite clay Na-fluorohectorite at conditions not too far from ambient. The mean interlayer repetition distance of the clay ... -
X65 steel pipes subjected to combined stretching and bending
(Chapter, 2015)Subsea pipelines are occasionally struck and hooked by objects such as anchors or trawl gear. The initial denting followed by a potential hooking and displacement of the pipeline, with a simultaneous increase in tensile ...