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A (k, p)-anonymity Framework to Sanitize Transactional Database with Personalized Sensitivity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In recent years, analyzing transactional data has become an important data analytic task since it can discover important information in several domains, for recommendation, prediction, and personalization. Nonetheless, ... -
A 1 kW PFC converter with GaN-transistors and planar magnetics
(Master thesis, 2019)Auka krafttettleik, kostnadsreduksjon, auka effektivitet og auka driftssikkerheit er fire av dei viktigaste målsetjingane i halvleiarindustrien i dag. Ved bruk av GaN-halvleiarar er fleire av desse målsetjingane innan ... -
A 1.05 NEF stacked cascode inverter-based amplifier for neural signal recording
(Master thesis, 2021)Strømeffektive lavstøy forsterkere er en viktig del av moderne bærbare biosensorer på grunn av deres liten størrelse og lav batterikapasitet. Denne rapporten presenter en stablet forsterker med en cascode-invertererbasert ... -
A 10 dBm 2.4 GHz CMOS PA
(Master thesis, 2006)This report describes the assessment and design of a 10 dBm 2.4 GHz CMOS PA including driver stage. The PA is designed in a 0.18 um CMOS technology. A three stage PA has been designed due to the high voltage gain needed. ... -
A 10 dBm 2.4 GHz CMOS PA
(Master thesis, 2006)This report describes the assessment and design of a 10 dBm 2.4 GHz CMOS PA including driver stage. The PA is designed in a 0.18 um CMOS technology. A three stage PA has been designed due to the high voltage gain needed. ... -
A 2-year RSA study of the Vanguard CR total knee system: A randomized controlled trial comparing patient-specific positioning guides with conventional technique
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Backgound and purpose - There is some concern regarding the revision rate of the Vanguard CR TKA in 1 registry, and the literature is ambiguous about the effi cacy of patient-specifi c positioning guides (PSPGs). The objective ... -
A 2.4 GHz Ultra-Low-Power Low-Noise-Amplifier
(Master thesis, 2010)In this thesis different aspects of general low power design and LNA-design have been studied. A new architecture for an ultra low power LNA is proposed and simple simulation results are presented. Simulations show that ... -
A 2D Experimental and Numerical Study of Moonpools With Recess
(Chapter, 2018)Moonpool resonance is investigated in a two-dimensional setting in terms of regular, forced heave motions of a model with moonpool with different rectangular-shaped recess configurations. A recess is a reduced draft zone ... -
A 2D sediment bed morphodynamics model for turbulent, non-Newtonian, particle-loaded flows
(Chapter, 2017)In petroleum drilling, cuttings transport problems, i.e. an accumulation of drilled of solids in the wellbore, are a major contributor to well downtime and have therefore been extensively researched over the years, both ... -
A 33 µW Sub-3 dB Noise Figure Low Noise Amplifier for Medical Ultrasound Applications
(Master thesis, 2011)The low noise amplifier is a critical part of most high performance ultrasoundreceivers, and is important for achieving high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range.By having a large gain in the low noise amplifier, the total ... -
A 36-month follow-up of decline in activities of daily living in individuals receiving domiciliary care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Background There have been few studies of how personal and instrumental activities of daily living (P-ADL and I-ADL) develop over time in older people receiving domiciliary care. This study aimed at assessing variables ... -
A 3D motion planning framework for snake robots
(Chapter, 2014)This paper presents a motion planning framework for three-dimensional body shape control of snake robots. Whereas conventional motion planning approaches define the body shape of snake robots in terms of their individual ... -
A 3D Reactive Collision Avoidance Algorithm for Nonholonomic Vehicles
(Chapter, 2018)This paper presents a 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for vehicles with nonholonomic constraints. The algorithm steers the heading and pitch angle of the vehicle in order to maintain a constant avoidance angle ... -
A 3D Reactive Collision Avoidance Algorithm for Underactuated Vehicles
(Chapter, 2018)This paper presents a 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for vehicles with underactuated dynamics. The underactuated states cannot be directly controlled, but are controlled indirectly by steering the direction of ... -
A 3D Reactive Collision Avoidance Algorithm for Underactuated Vehicles
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper presents a 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for vehicles with underactuated dynamics. The underactuated states cannot be directly controlled, but are controlled indirectly by steering the direction of ... -
A 4-year follow-up of patients with medication-overuse headache previously included in a randomized multicentre study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011) -
A 52 month follow-up of functional decline in nursing home residents - Degree of dementia contributes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: Few have studied how personal activities of daily living (P-ADL) develop over time in nursing home residents with dementia. Thus, the aim was to study variables associated with the development of P-ADL functioning ... -
A 5MW direct-drive generator for floating spar-buoy wind turbine: Drive-train dynamics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article proceeds with investigations on a 5 MW direct-drive floating wind turbine system (FWTDD) that was developed in a previous study. A fully integrated land-based direct-drive wind turbine system (WTDD) was created ... -
A 65nm CMOS Front-end LNA for Medical Ultrasound Imaging with Feedback Employing Noise and Distortion Cancellation
(Master thesis, 2013)A high performance 67.2uW low power front-end Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) for ultrasound applications is proposed. The amplifier utilizes a balun based on a common-gate (CG) and a common-source (CS) combination. The CS-amplifier ... -
A 7-field Lagrangian slug capturing and slug tracking model with higher order methods
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:246, Doctoral thesis, 2017)In this thesis, a 7-field Lagrangian slug capturing and slug tracking model with higher order methods and an adaptive grid is investigated for predicting the behaviour of two-phase gasliquid flow in multiphase flow pipelines. ...