Browsing NTNU Open by Title
Now showing items 80877-80896 of 109819
Q-PRM - A QoS Aware Resource Manager for Colocated Services
(Master thesis, 2021)Veksten innenfor bruk av skytjenester har ført til at tjenester som er følsomme for forsinkelser i større grad bor i skyen. Disse tjenestene er ofte rettet mot brukere, et faktum som gjør konsvensjonelle energibesparingsmetoder ... -
Q-PRM - A QoS Aware Resource Manager for Colocated Services
(Master thesis, 2021)Veksten innenfor bruk av skytjenester har ført til at tjenester som er følsomme for forsinkelser i større grad bor i skyen. Disse tjenestene er ofte rettet mot brukere, et faktum som gjør konvensjonelle energibesparingsmetoder ... -
Q-SEA – a tool for quality assessment of ethics analyses conducted as part of Health technology assessments
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Introduction: Assessment of ethics issues is an important part of health technology assessments (HTA). However, in terms of existence of quality assessment tools, ethics for HTA is methodologically underdeveloped in ... -
QCD at finite isospin density: chiral perturbation theory confronts lattice data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We consider the thermodynamics of three-flavor QCD in the pion-condensed phase at nonzero isospin chemical potential (μI) and vanishing temperature using chiral perturbation theory in the isospin limit. The transition from ... -
QCD phase diagram in a constant magnetic background: Inverse magnetic catalysis: where models meet the lattice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Magnetic catalysis is the enhancement of a condensate due to the presence of an external magnetic field. Magnetic catalysis at T=0 is a robust phenomenon in low-energy theories and models of QCD as well as in lattice ... -
QEEG and Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback Training in Fibromyalgia: A pilot Study
(Master thesis, 2019)Bakgrunn: Fibromyalgi (FM) er en kompleks kronisk smertesykdom karakterisert av diffus smerte, fatigue (utmattelse), og fibrotåke (kognitive vanskeligheter) som i betydelig grad påvirker pasientenes livskvalitet. Årsaken ... -
QEPH - Questionnaire to map employees´ knowledge and opinion on the municipal public health work
(Master thesis, 2013)Background: There is an increasing focus on the need to work intersectoral with public health in municipalities, which imply that the employees in all sectors should work with public health. However, there are currently ... -
QoE - Defining a User-Centric Concept for Service Quality
(Chapter, 2016) -
QoE Analysis of the Setup of Different Internet Services for FIFO Server Systems
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Queueing systems following a first-in-first-out (FIFO) strategy are well understood and various results are known for the response time of the system. However, the question arises how the results look like when taking into ... -
QoE Aspects of Motion Tracking in Sensor Based Digital Storytelling
(Master thesis, 2016)Storytelling is, and always will be, an important part of cultures all around the world. It is used for education, to entertain and to preserve history. Sen- sor based digital storytelling is a new concept within Interactive ... -
QoE Beyond the MOS: An In-Depth Look at QoE via Better Metrics and their Relation to MOS
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)While Quality of Experience (QoE) has advanced very significantly as a field in recent years, the methods used for analyzing it have not always kept pace. When QoE is studied, measured or estimated, practically all the ... -
QoE of in-car multimedia use in \newline Traditional and Autonomous Cars
(Master thesis, 2022)Da COVID-19 pandemien inntraff, ble alle brått anbefalt å kjøre bil til jobb fremfor å bruke kollektiv transport som lenge har vært anbefalt tilkomstmetode på grunn av de negative klimaeffektene til bilkjøring. Dette ... -
QoS aware resource allocation for coexistence mechanisms between eMBB and URLLC: Issues, challenges, and future directions in 5G
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)5G NR enables three types of use case scenarios viz. enhance mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC), and massive machine type communication (mMTC). The eMBB is suitable for applications ... -
QoS performance of LTE networks with network coding
(Master thesis, 2015)Nowadays the widespread use of variety of smart phones and tablets with wide range of multimedia application support is driving more data service users towards full mobility causing a rapid increase in demand for mobile ... -
QoS-Aware Inter-Domain Connectivity: Control Plane Design and Operational Considerations
(Chapter, 2022)Scenarios related to 5G and beyond give rise to a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of applications, services, and user expectations as well as more demanding QoS requirements with an end-to-end scope that can cover ... -
QSOFA som nytt screeningverktøy for sepsis: hvilke barrierer kan påvirke implementeringen i akuttmottak?
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Introduksjon: For å sikre tryggere behandling av sepsispasienter og unngå avvik, er det blitt innført et nytt screeningverktøy for å fange opp pasientene. QSOFA-kriteriene er ment til å brukes i akuttmottak, men implementering ... -
QT-UNet: A Self-Querying All-Transformer U-Net for 2D and 3D Segmentation Augmented by Self-Supervised Learning
(Master thesis, 2022)I 2017 revolusjonerte Transformer-modellen naturlig språkbehandling ved å tilgjengeliggjøre store modeller som var i stand til å forstå komplekse sammenhenger over store avstander i tekst med en håndterbar beregningskostnad. ... -
(Journal article, 2006) -
Quadcopter for indoor mapping
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen er et bidrag til prosjektet «Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping Project», der flere roboter kartlegger et innemiljø, nærmere bestemt en labyrint. Målet var å utvikle en databehandlingsmodul for et ... -
Quadratic Invariant-Preserving Runge-Kutta Methods for the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations
(Master thesis, 2015)In this paper we consider stochastic Runge-Kutta methods and expand some results from the deterministic theory of invariants to a stochastic setting. Specifically we find the necessary conditions for conservation of quadratic ...