Data Set from Long-Term Wave, Wind, and Response Monitoring of the Bergsøysund Bridge
Kvåle, Knut Andreas Kirkestuen; Fenerci, Aksel; Petersen, Øyvind Wiig; Rønnquist, Nils Erik Anders; Øiseth, Ole Andre
Original version
Wind, wave, displacement, and acceleration data have been collected in a measurement campaign on Norway’s Bergsøysund Bridge, an end-supported pontoon bridge, between the years 2014 and 2018. The data set is now available in an open-access research entry for free access and download. The data are collected in two hierarchical data format (h5) files, with sampling rates of 2 and 10 Hz, downsampled from the raw sampling rate of 200 Hz. The data have undergone some minimal signal processing and adjustment. Some examples of how to import and browse through the data using an openly available Python package are also given.