Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk
Recent Submissions
Welded aluminium connections - Behaviour and numerical modelling for large-scale simulations
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:485, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This PhD thesis explores the behaviour and modelling of welded aluminium connections. It is divided into four parts: Parts 1 and 2 have been published in peer-reviewed journals, while Part 3 has been submitted for potential ... -
Application of Automation in Building Design According to Structural and Circular Economy Principles
(Master thesis, 2024)En stor del av klimagassutslippene som kommer fra bygg- og anleggsindustrien skyldes produksjon og bruk av materialer. På grunn av dette er det et akutt behov for å finne løsninger som kan drastisk redusere disse utslippene ... -
Buffeting induced fatigue damage assessment of long-span bridge decks under uncertain turbulence conditions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Fatigue in wind-sensitive structures is influenced by the mean wind speed and the turbulence characteristics. This study investigates the importance of uncertainty in the turbulence characteristics of buffeting-induced ... -
Digitalised Structural Engineers: Application of computational design for sustainable and efficient structures.
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:465, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Buildings and structures are integral to society, providing shelter, workspaces, and social hubs while symbolising wealth and reflecting culture and technological advancements. From the Industrial Revolution onwards, ... -
An experimental study of effect of printed thickness on the mechanical properties of LPBF produced AlSi10Mg
(Chapter, 2024)Additive manufacturing process allows fabrication of parts with a broad range of sizes with high resolution. This size variation introduces new mechanical properties within the printed component, which creates a significant ... -
Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The hydrogen compatibility of two X65 pipeline steels for transport of hydrogen gas is investigated through microstructural characterization, hydrogen permeation measurements and fracture mechanical testing. The investigated ... -
Characterisation and modelling of bonded and hybrid assemblies under crash loading
(Doctoral thesis, 2024) -
Identification of optimal accelerometer placement on trains for railway switch wear monitoring via multibody simulation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Accelerometers play a crucial role in the railway industry, especially in track monitoring. Traditionally, they are placed on the railway tracks or often on bridges to monitor the health and condition of the infrastructure. ... -
Understanding and Predicting Extreme Wind Fluctuations on the Hardanger Bridge: Implications for Bridge Monitoring and Safety
(Master thesis, 2024)Mange av dagens og fremtidens broer i Norge er bygget i kupert terreng med uforutsigbare vindforhold. Store variasjoner i vindhastighet kan føre til ulykker for kjøretøy og fotgjengere. Unødvendig stenging av broer kan ha ... -
Analysis Techniques for Symmetries of Multi-Higgs-doublet Potentials
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:395, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Since their introduction more than 50 years ago, multi-Higgs-Doublet Models (NHDM) have become some of the most studied extensions of the Standard Model. In addition to the original motivation of introducing additional ... -
Quantified planar collagen distribution in healthy and degenerative mitral valve: biomechanical and clinical implications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Degenerative mitral valve disease is a common valvular disease with two arguably distinct phenotypes: fibroelastic deficiency and Barlow’s disease. These phenotypes significantly alter the microstructures of the leaflets, ... -
STAR - Service life modelling
(Research report, 2024)This report provides an overview of service life models and parameters linked to reinforced concrete structures suffering from chloride induced corrosion of the steel reinforcement. All deterioration phases from chloride ... -
Vibration Response of Footbridges under Pedestrian Loading: A Review and Analysis of Guidelines and Numerical Models
(Master thesis, 2024)Svingninger forårsaket av fotgjengere på gangbruer blir stadig viktigere å ta med i betraktning under dimensjoneringsfasen. Ambisiøse arkitekter og økende fokus på miljøhensyn driver moderne gangbrudesign mot å bli slankere ... -
Optimizing Reuse for Sustainable Construction: An-IFC Based Approach for Comprehensive Mapping and Assessment of Multi-Linear Elements
(Master thesis, 2024)Produksjon og uthenting av byggematerialer er blant de mest energikrevende prosessene i byggebransjen, hvilket utgjør en stor del av byggesektorens allerede faretruende klimapåvirkning og utslipp. Ombruk av brukte ... -
Beyond gas supersaturation: Dissecting the secondary formation of methane hydrate
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Rapid secondary formation of gas hydrate is a critical issue in gas transportation and at the same time has foreseeable potential in future gas storage. Despite the devoted research in the past decade, the intrinsic mechanism ... -
Machine Learning-Assisted Structural Health Monitoring of Herøysund Bridge
(Master thesis, 2024)Herøysundbrua i Herøy kommune, Nordland, forbinder øyene Nord-Herøy og Sør-Herøy sammen. Den etteroppspente betongbrua står eksponert mot havet, hvor det kystlige klimaet trolig har forårsaket betydelig korrosjon i ... -
A self-consistent void-based rationale for hydrogen embrittlement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Solely based on the failure process of metallic materials containing voids, we propose a straightforward rationale for a self-consistent void-based hydrogen embrittlement (CVHE) predictive framework that effectively captures ... -
Finite element model updating on the existing Grenland Bridge
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen utforsker optimaliseringen av modelloppdatering ved bruk av Abaqus kombinert med operasjonell modalanalyse. Hovedmålet er å forstå hvordan varierende sett med parametere og forskjellige forhold mellom ... -
Mekanisk respons av vev for sunne og aneurysmatiske stigende aorta: materialmodellering og parameterestimeringer
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven er en del av et pågående forskningsprosjekt for å modellere den mekaniske responsen og forutsi vevssvikt i aneurismer i den stigende torakale aorta, med følgende spesifikke mål: å forbedre materialmodellene ... -
Changes in the nanomechanical properties of the constituent minerals in the ductile fauske marble and the brittle kuru granite during progressive failure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The nanoscale elastic moduli and hardness of the constituent minerals of the Class II Kuru granite and the Class I Fauske marble were experimentally investigated. The aims were to correlate the microcrack patterns with the ...