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dc.contributor.advisorMitchell, Domhnall.
dc.contributor.authorSangar, Shivani.
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractDenne bacheloroppgaven fokuserer på forholdet mellom arbeid og utdanning for jødiske innvandrere i Amerika i Yezierskas novellesamling Hungry Hearts. Yezierska var selv en jødisk innvandrer som flyttet til Amerika med familien. Etter en utfordrende start på livet i Amerika begynte hun å skrive noveller og romaner. Hun skrev ofte om jødiske innvandrere og deres erfaringer i Amerika. Hun var også interessert i å skildre utfordringene knyttet til arbeid og utdanning for innvandrere i Amerika, som er det denne bacheloroppgaven handler om. Jeg har fokusert på temaene arbeid og utdanning i tre av Yezierskas noveller; “How I Found America”, “Soap and Water” og “The Miracle”. Mens Yezierska beskriver innvandrernes liv som utfordrende, spesielt når det gjelder å få en utdannelse eller jobb, er det samtidig viktig å merke seg at det er et håp i historiene. Selv om hun til tider kritiserer utdanningssystemet gjennom skrivingen, illustrerer hun også at Amerika tilbyr muligheter for innvandrerne som ankommer. Veien til målet deres kan være lengre og tøffere, men med hardt arbeid kan de også oppfylle drømmene sine.
dc.description.abstractThis bachelor thesis focuses on the relationship between work and education for Jewish immigrants in America in Yezierska's short story collection Hungry Hearts. Yezierska was herself a Jewish immigrant who moved to America with her family hoping for a better life. After a challenging start to her life in America, she started writing short stories and novels. She often wrote about Jewish immigrants and their experiences in America. She was also interested in portraying the challenges of work and education for immigrant in America, which is what this thesis is about. I have focused on the theme of work and education in three of Yezierska's short stories; “How I Found America”, “Soap and Water”, and “The Miracle”. While Yezierska describes the life of the immigrants as challenging, especially regarding getting an education or job, there is at the same time important to note that there is a display of hope in the stories. Although she at times criticizes the educational system through her writing, she also illustrates that America does hold opportunities for the immigrants that arrive. Their journey may be longer and tougher, but with a lot of hard work they too can fulfill their dreams.
dc.titleThe Jewish Immigrant in Anzia Yezierska’s Short Story Collection Hungry Hearts - The Relationship Between Work and Education
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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