• Volumetric terrain rendering with WebGL 

      van Rüschen, Raoul; McCallum, Simon; Kim, Stefan; Creutzburg, Reiner (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Since the introduction of WebGL in 2011, the web browser evolved into a new and promising platform for high-performance 3D games. One of the most common game elements is heightmapbased terrain, but due to the limited ...
    • Volumetric visualization of vanishing vortices in wind turbine wakes 

      Hillestad, Johannes Næsset; Yadala Venkata, Srikar; Neunaber, Ingrid Johanne; Li, Leon; Hearst, Robert Jason; Worth, Nicholas Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Volumetric velocimetry is used to investigate the evolution of tip vortices in the wake of a model wind turbine. The power spectral density of streamwise velocity fluctuations is estimated at several downstream locations, ...
    • Voluntary Work in the Norwegian long-term Care Sector: Complementing or substituting formal Services? 

      Skinner, Marianne Sundlisæter; Sogstad, Maren Kristine Raknes; Tingvold, Laila (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Across Europe, governments call for increased involvement of volunteers to shoulder some of the welfare burden. Nevertheless, there is little research into what kind of work and how much volunteers currently contribute in ...
    • Volunteer tourism in Cambodian residential care facilities-A child rights-based approach 

      Ursin, Marit; Skålevik, Mona (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Cambodia has experienced a rapid and uncontrolled increase in the institutionalisation of children in the last decade. In this article, we analyse the impact of volunteer tourism on children’s wellbeing in residential care ...
    • Volunteered geographic information research in the first decade: a narrative review of selected journal articles in GIScience 

      Yan, Yingwei; Feng, Chen-Chieh; Huang, Wei; Fan, Hongchao; Wang, Yi-Chen; Zipf, Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      More than 10 years have passed since the coining of the term volunteered geographic information (VGI) in 2007. This article presents the results of a review of the literature concerning VGI. A total of 346 articles published ...
    • Volunteered Geographic Information Research in the First Decade: Visualizing and Analyzing the Author Connectedness of Selected Journal Articles in GIScience 

      Yan, Yingwei; Ma, Dawei; Huang, Wei; Feng, Chen-Chieh; Fan, Hongchao; Deng, Yingbin; Xu, Jianhui (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Volunteered geographic information (VGI) has been widely explored by researchers for decision support in various application domains because the data are cost-effective to collect and their richness in volume and spatiotemporal ...
    • Volunteering: A Tool for Social Inclusion and Promoting the Well-Being of Refugees? A Qualitative Study 

      Sveen, Silje; Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim; Batt-Rawden, Kari Bjerke; Tingvold, Laila (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: The Norwegian government’s increased expectations that volunteering can be used as a means of integration and the scarce research regarding refugees’ experiences with volunteering is taken as the background for ...
    • Volunteers and informal carers’ contributions and collaboration with staff in Norwegian long-term care 

      Skinner, Marianne Sundlisæter; Lorentzen, Håkon Wergeland; Tingvold, Laila; Sortland, Oddrunn Elin; Andfossen, Nina Beate; Jegermalm, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The article illuminates and discusses the realism of policy-makers’ goals to increase involvement of volunteers and informal caregivers in long-term care services in Norway. Drawing on multiple data sources, the article ...
    • Voronoi-Based Deployment of Multi-Agent Systems 

      Hatleskog, Johan; Olaru, Sorin; Hovd, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This paper considers a decentralized control scheme for Voronoi-based deployment of discrete-time multiagent dynamical systems within multi-dimensional static convex polytopic environments. The deployment objective is to ...
    • Vortex dislocation mechanisms in the near wake of a step cylinder 

      Tian, Cai; Jiang, Fengjian; Pettersen, Bjørnar; Andersson, Helge Ingolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Vortex interactions behind step cylinders with diameter ratio D/d = 2 and 2.4 at Reynolds number ( ReD ) 150 were investigated by directly solving the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations. In accordance with previous ...
    • Vortex dynamics and flow patterns in a two-dimensional oscillatory lid-driven rectangular cavity 

      Zhu, Jianxun; Holmedal, Lars Erik; Wang, Hong; Myrhaug, Dag (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The vortex dynamics in a two-dimensional oscillatory lid-driven cavity with depth-to-width ratio 1:2 has been investigated, covering a wide range of Reynolds numbers and Stokes numbers where this flow is known to be in the ...
    • Vortex dynamics of a jet at the pressure node in a standing wave 

      Worth, Nicholas; Mistry, Dhiren; Berk, Tim; Dawson, James (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      In this paper we investigate the vortex structure and dynamics formed in the near field of a turbulent axisymmetric jet subjected to transverse acoustic forcing. Full three-dimensional phase-averaged velocity measurements ...
    • Vortex generator's effect on trailing edge vortex shedding and fluid structure interaction 

      Besirovic, Hasan; Forfot Sagmo, Kristian; Storli, Pål-Tore Selbo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      An initial study of the effects vortex generators (VGs) have on the mitigation of vortex-induced vibrations (VIVs) of hydrofoils have been performed at the Waterpower laboratory of the Norwegian University of Science and ...
    • Vortex Induced Vibrations of Pipelines With Non-Linear Seabed Contact Properties 

      Ulveseter, Jan Vidar; Sævik, Svein; Larsen, Carl Martin (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      A promising time domain model for calculation of cross-flow vortex induced vibrations (VIV) is under development at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Time domain, as oppose to frequency domain, makes it ...
    • Vortex interaction in the wake of a two- and three-bladed wind turbine 

      Bartl, Jan Michael Simon; Hansen, Thomas; Kuhn, Wolf Ludwig; Mühle, Franz Volker; Sætran, Lars Roar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The vortex interaction in the wake behind a two- and three-bladed model scale wind turbine is investigated. The two rotors have equal solidity, and produce similar power and thrust at the design tip speed ratio. Phase-averaged ...
    • Vortex spin valve on a topological insulator 

      Amundsen, Morten; Hugdal, Henning Goa; Sudbø, Asle; Linder, Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Spin-valve structures are usually associated with the ability to modify the resistance of electrical currents. We here demonstrate a profoundly different effect of a spin-valve. In combination with a topological insulator ...
    • Vortex system around a step cylinder in a turbulent flow field 

      Tian, Cai; Jiang, Fengjian; Pettersen, Bjørnar; Andersson, Helge Ingolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The vortex system around the step surface of a step cylinder with a diameter ratio D/d=2 at Reynolds number (ReD) 3900 was investigated by directly solving the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations. Formation mechanisms ...
    • Vortex-induced vibrations of a vertical riser with time-varying tension 

      Thorsen, Mats Jørgen; Sævik, Svein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Numerical simulations of a vertical tensioned riser in a sheared flow are performed, where the riser top end oscillates sinusoidally in the vertical direction. The oscillating top-end motion causes tension variations and ...
    • Vote Selling Resistant Voting 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Haines, Thomas Edmund; Rønne, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Creating a secure (purely) remote voting scheme which prevents active vote selling is an open problem. Observing that vote selling has a primarily economic motivation, we propose a novel approach to the problem which ...
    • Voter responses to refugee arrivals: Effects of settlement policy 

      Finseraas, Henning; Strøm, Marte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In this paper we leverage a sudden shift in refugee settlement policy to study the electoral consequences of refugee settlements. After the 2013 Norwegian parliamentary election, the newly elected right-wing government ...