Now showing items 21117-21136 of 38672

    • Machine-learned model Hamiltonian and strength of spin–orbit interaction in strained Mg2X (X = Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) 

      Alidoust, Mohammad; Rothmund, Erling Velten; Akola, Jaakko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Machine-learned multi-orbital tight-binding (MMTB) Hamiltonian models have been developed to describe the electronic characteristics of intermetallic compounds Mg2Si, Mg2Ge, Mg2Sn, and Mg2Pb subject to strain. The MMTB ...
    • Machine-learning analysis of cross-study samples according to the gut microbiome in 12 infant cohorts 

      Vänni, Petri; Tejesvi, Mysore V; Paalanne, Niko; Aagaard, Kjersti; Ackermann, Gail; Camargo Jr., Carlos A; Eggesbø, Merete Åse; Hasegawa, Kohei; Hoen, Anne G.; Karagas, Margaret R.; Kolho, Kaija-Leena; Laursen, Martin F.; Ludvigsson, Johnny; Madan, Juliette; Ownby, Dennis; Stanton, Catherine; Stokholm, Jakob; Tapiainen, Terhi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Combining and comparing microbiome data from distinct infant cohorts has been challenging because such data are inherently multidimensional and complex. Here, we used an ensemble of machine-learning (ML) models and studied ...
    • A Machine-Learning Architecture for Sensor Fault Detection, Isolation and Accommodation in Digital Twins 

      Darvishi, Hossein; Ciuonzo, Domenico; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Sensor technologies empower Industry 4.0 by enabling integration of in-field and real-time raw data into digital twins. However, sensors might be unreliable due to inherent issues and/or environmental conditions. This paper ...
    • Machine-learning-based estimation and rendering of scattering in virtual reality 

      Pulkki, Ville; Svensson, U. Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In this work, a technique to render the acoustic effect of scattering from finite objects in virtual reality is proposed, which aims to provide a perceptually plausible response for the listener, rather than a physically ...
    • Machine-Learning-Based Prediction of HVAC-Driven Load Flexibility in Warehouses 

      Javan, Farzad Dadras; Avendano, Italo Aldo Campodonico; Najafi, Behzad; Moazami, Amin Nitter; Rinaldi, Fabio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper introduces a methodology for predicting a warehouse’s reduced load while offering flexibility. Physics-based energy simulations are first performed to model flexibility events, which involve adjusting cooling ...
    • Macklin's Books 

      Goring, Paul Michael (Chapter, 2022)
      This chapter analyses the content of Macklin’s large library, and it considers how his book collecting tendencies may be read as indicators of his personal, professional and scholarly interests and of his position within ...
    • MACPET: model-based analysis for ChIA-PET 

      Vardaxis, Ioannis; Drabløs, Finn; Rye, Morten Beck; Lindqvist, Bo Henry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We present model-based analysis for ChIA-PET (MACPET), which analyzes paired-end read sequences provided by ChIA-PET for finding binding sites of a protein of interest. MACPET uses information from both tags of each PET ...
    • Macro-indentation testing of soft biological materials and assessment of hyper-elastic material models from inverse finite element analysis 

      Ayyalasomayajula, Venkat Siva Radha Krishna; Ervik, Øyvind; Sorger, Hanne; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Mechanical characterization of hydrogels and ultra-soft tissues is a challenging task both from an experimental and material parameter estimation perspective because they are much softer than many biological materials, ...
    • Macroalgal browsing on a heavily degraded, urbanized equatorial reef system 

      Bauman, Andrew G; Hoey, Andrew; Dunshea, Glenn; Feary, David A.; Low, Jeffery; Todd, Peter A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      The removal of macroalgal biomass is critical to the health of coral reef ecosystems. Previous studies on relatively intact reefs with diverse and abundant fish communities have quantified rapid removal of macroalgae by ...
    • MacroBiomass En kompetansebase for industriell taredyrking 

      Forbord, Silje; Handå, Aleksander; Broch, Ole Jacob; Arff, Johanne; Dahle, Stine Veronica Wiborg; Fredriksen, Stein; Reitan, Kjell Inge; Steinhovden, Kristine; Størseth, Trond Røvik; Tangen, Karl; Lüning, Klaus (Research report, 2013)
      MacroBiomass Prosjektet MacroBiomass har hatt som mål å bygge en kompetansebase med fokus på biologiske utfordringer i storskala dyrking av makroalger (tare) til bioenergi. Prosjektet har jobbet med hele produksjonssyklusen ...
    • Macrocell corrosion in carbonated Portland and Portland-fly ash concrete - Contribution and mechanism 

      Belda Revert, Andres; Hornbostel, Karla; De Weerdt, Klaartje; Geiker, Mette Rica (Journal article, 2019)
      The corrosion of reinforcement in carbonated concrete with high moisture state was measured with and without electrical connection to reinforcement in non-carbonated concrete. The impact of the fly ash content and the ...
    • Macroclimatic structuring of spatial phylogenetic turnover in liverworts 

      Collart, Flavien; Wang, Jian; Patiño, Jairo; Hagborg, Anders; Söderström, Lars; Goffinet, Bernard; Magain, N.; Hardy, Olivier J.; Vanderpoorten, Alain (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Phylogenetic turnover has emerged as a powerful tool to identify the mechanisms by which biological communities assemble. When significantly structured along environmental gradients, phylogenetic turnover evidences ...
    • Macroeconomic costs of the unmet burden of surgical disease in Sierra Leone: A retrospective economic analysis 

      Grimes, Caris E.; Quaife, Matthew; Kamara, Thaim B.; Lavy, Christopher B.D.; Leather, Andy J.M.; Bolkan, Håkon Angell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Objectives The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery estimated that low/middle-income countries will lose an estimated cumulative loss of US$12.3 trillion from gross domestic product (GDP) due to the unmet burden of surgical ...
    • Macromolecular acidic coating increases shelf life by inhibition of bacterial growth 

      Christensen, Bjørn E.; Strand, Sabina P.; Basset, Coraline; Kristiansen, Kåre Andre; Ulset, Ann-Sissel Teialeret; Ballance, Simon; Granum, Per Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The sensitivity of microorganisms to low pH can be utilized in food protection by preparing coatings based on macromolecular acids. Due to limited diffusivity of macromolecules low pH occurs primarily at the surface, while ...
    • Macroplastic in Soil and Peat. A Case Study from the Remote Islands of Mausund and Froan Landscape Conservation Area, Norway; Implications for Coastal Cleanups and Biodiversity 

      Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Ervik, Hilde; Kveberg, Anne Aasen; Hellevik, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Marine plastic litter is ubiquitous and knowledge about its impact on coasts, open waters, the deep-sea, and the biota found in those habitats is increasing. However, studies of how it affects terrestrial environments such ...
    • Macroscopic modelling of Flow-Drill Screw connections 

      Sønstabø, Johan Kolstø; Morin, David Didier; Langseth, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This study focuses on the modelling of Flow-Drill Screw (FDS) connections in large-scale shell analyses. Macroscopic connection models for large-scale crash simulations were assessed for modelling of FDS connections between ...
    • Macroscopic modelling of flow-drill screw connections in thin-walled aluminium structures 

      Sønstabø, Johan Kolstø; Morin, David; Langseth, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This paper presents an investigation on the modelling of flow-drill screw connections in thin-walled aluminium plates in large-scale finite element analyses using different macroscopic modelling techniques. Five models ...
    • Macroscopic strength and failure properties of flow-drill screw connections 

      Sønstabø, Johan Kolstø; Holmstrøm, Petter Henrik; Morin, David; Langseth, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Force–displacement responses and failure behaviour of connections using flow-drill screws to join aluminium sheets were investigated under various quasi-static loading conditions. This included single connector tests under ...
    • Magma hybridization in the middle crust: Possible consequences for deep-crustal magma mixing 

      Barnes, CG; Frost, CD; Nordgulen, Øystein; Prestvik, Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The 465 Ma Svarthopen pluton in north-central Norway was emplaced under middle-crustal conditions (∼700 MPa) into metasedimentary rocks of the Helgeland Nappe Complex. The pluton is characterized by zones of mingling and ...
    • Magma-driven, high-grade metamorphism in the Sveconorwegian Province, southwest Norway, during the terminal stages of Fennoscandian Shield evolution 

      Slagstad, Trond; Roberts, Nick M.W.; Coint, Nolwenn.; Høy, Ingjerd Ulsaker; Sauer, Simone; Kirkland, CL; Marker, Mogens; Røhr, Torkil Sørlie; Henderson, Iain; Stormoen, Martin Austin; Skår, Øyvind; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Bybee, Grant M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Recently it has been argued that the Sveconorwegian orogeny in southwest Fennoscandia comprised a series of accretionary events between 1140 and 920 Ma, behind a long-lived, active continental margin characterized by ...