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dc.contributor.advisorBryne, Lars Petter
dc.contributor.advisorLyberg, Erik
dc.contributor.advisorTessem, Magne
dc.contributor.authorMaximov, Sergey
dc.contributor.authorKrabbestig, Håkon
dc.description.abstractOppgaven handler om a lage fjæring/demping på barnevognen BEAT Projektet startet med å komme på forskjellige ideer og løsninger på mekanismen til fjæringen, Den beste løsningen ble valgt, tegnet til en 3D modell, så laget prototype av. Hele prosessen fra ide til en ferdig prototype inneholder mye beregninger, FE analyser, DFM og testing. Det ble også gjort en del leting av patenter for diverse fjærings systemer, materialer, fjær egenskaper, test prosedyrer samt standarder. De fleste segmentene er evaluert av stokkes ingeniører. Resultatet av dette projektet er en fungerende prototype av fjærsystemet, som er printet i materialet PA12. Fjæringen blokerer ikke barnevognens sammenslåing. Vibrasjons toppene til barnevognen under testing er redusert med ca 40%.
dc.description.abstractThe task for this project was to create a back-wheel suspension system for the Beat stroller. The project started by coming up with different solutions for a suspension mechanism and then sketching them. The best concept was picked, developed into a 3D-model, and then 3D-printed. The whole process from idea to final prototype included a lot of calculations, FE analyses, DFM and testing. There was also a lot of research done on patents for suspension systems, materials, spring properties, test procedures and standards. Most of the steps in this project were evaluated by the lead engineer. The result of this project was a functional prototype of a suspension system made of PA12 for the back wheels of the Beat stroller. The suspension does not compromise the brake system and does not hinder the folding of the stroller. With this new suspension, the vibration peaks of the stroller were reduced by approximately 40 %.
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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