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dc.contributor.advisorSchjølberg, Per
dc.contributor.authorZhu, Huihong
dc.description.abstractRailway infrastructure maintenance is complicated to organize and has numerous challenging planning problems and consumes very large budgets. The European countries are reported to allocate 25 billion EUR annually on maintenance and renewals for a railway system. There is however an inherent conflict in deciding how to assign maintenance work slots and train operation paths since these activities are mutually exclusive. This planning conflict becomes crucial on lines with high traffic density and especially when network traffic demand and maintenance needs are increasing. The Norwegian government's vision for an active industrial policy is: Norway will be a leading industrial and technology nation. This means that we must invest greener, smarter and more innovative to provide future growth, jobs and tax revenues. The Government will facilitate growth in both existing and new companies and promote Norway as an attractive location for industrial activity. Stable economic development and a weak krone are important for new growth in competitive business, and this is taken into account by the government in the formulation of economic policy. (Meld.St (2017)) Smart use of sensor technology can also reduce machine downtime, increase maintenance efficiency, and save energy. The digital factory can shorten the planning time and enable seamless integration between design, product development and production - even without the various activities having to be co-located. The industrial concept also includes assembly of parts for finished products, waste recycling, specialized maintenance and repair of products, industrial machinery and installation of industrial machinery and equipment.
dc.titleSmart maintenance railway infrastructure in Norway
dc.typeMaster thesis

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