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dc.contributor.advisorGravdhal, Jan Tommy
dc.contributor.advisorGjersvik, Amund
dc.contributor.authorMostad, Martin
dc.description.abstractTo eksplisite Model Prediktive Kontrollere ble utviklet for CubeSaten Selfie-Sat. Den ene kontroller skulle bruke til å peke et kamera, mens den andre skulle bruke til å holde satellitten i en ideell orientasjon for lading. I tilleg bel en test benk maskinvare i løken (Hardware in the Loop) utviklet for å teste kontrollene. Som en del av maskinvare i løken ble også utviklet modeller for forstyrrelser, sensorer og aktuatorer som var skreddersydd for Selfie-Sat. Kontrollene som ble utviklet var noenlunde suksessfulle, de fungerte i ideelle tilfeller, men ikke når de ble utsatt for forstyrrelser. Kontrollene ble ikke teste i maskinvare i løkke systemet ettersom det foreslått designet ikke kunne håndtere den nødvendige dataflyten.
dc.description.abstractTow explicit Model Predictive Controllers where developed for the CubeSat Selfie-Sat. One was intended to be used for camera pointing and the other was intended to be used to keep the satellite in ideal chagrin orientation. In addition a initial design of a Hardware in the Loop test setup for testing the controller was developed. As part of the Hardware in the Loop development disturbance, sensor and actuator models where also developed tailored to the Selfi-Sat. In the end the two controllers where somewhat successful working in ideal conditions, but not when exposed to disturbances. The controller where not tested using the Hardware in the Loop environment as the proposed design could not handle the necessary data flow.
dc.titleHardware in the Loop Testing of Explicit Model Predictive Control of The CubeSat Selfie-Sat
dc.typeMaster thesis

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