ZEB Laboratory - Research Possibilities
Time, Berit; Nocente, Alessandro; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Førland-Larsen, Arne; Myhr, Anders Ramberg; Jacobsen, Terje; Gustavsen, Arild
The ZEB Laboratory is an experimental facility located in NTNU Gløshaugen campus in Trondheim. The building is designed as 4 storeys high and 1800 m2 area office space and should achieve the ZEB-COM ambition level over 60 years. The laboratory will contribute to build knowledge for zero-emission buildings, it will be an arena for experimental investigation of user-building interaction, and a laboratory to test new technologies on a large scale. Innovative ventilation and energy technologies are included. At the first floor two identical rooms are equipped as test cells with dedicated HVAC systems, a larger number of sensors and with a higher flexibility for control. This paper reports some characteristics of the ZEB Laboratory and some of the research possibilities.