Institutt for energi og prosessteknikk
Recent Submissions
Pressure Pulsations in Francis Turbines
(Master thesis, 2024)Med innføringen av intermitterende energikilder som sol og vind i energisystemet, og utfasingen av fossile brennstoff, vil Francisturbiner oppleve større lastendringer. Francisturbiner kan endre laster raskt for å balansere ... -
Quantifying Circular Economy Measures in Electrical and Electronic Equipment: An Environmental Model for Enhancing Sustainable Consumption and Reducing Carbon Footprint
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker effekten av miljøtiltak rettet mot Sirkulær Økonomi (SØ) på karbonfotavtrykket forårsaket av elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr (EEU) og maskiner. Disse tiltakene har som mål å redusere avfall ... -
Assessing Emissions Savings: Renovation versus New Construction – A Case Study of a Public Building in Oslo
(Master thesis, 2024)Bygg- og anleggssektoren er ein viktig bidragsytar til den globale oppvarminga. Den er ansvarleg for ein stor del av ressursuttaket, noko som førar til betydeleg klimagassutslepp. Målet med denne studien er å vurdere og ... -
Teaching Process Design – Quo Vadis?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The capstone course in chemical process design, together with its associated design project is the acid test to gauge the mastery of trainee chemical engineers. There is no other component in the chemical engineering ... -
Numerical Investigation of Reheat Hydrogen Flames in the Sequential-Combustion Stage of a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine
(Chapter, 2024)Recent theoretical studies and experimental evidence suggest that turbulent burning-rate augmentation, flame instabilities and NOx emissions, notoriously characterizing fuel-lean hydrogen premixed combustion, are significantly ... -
Assessing the undesired impacts on water sustainability from climate change mitigation technologies in fossil-based power generation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This work investigates the water impact of carbon capture technologies employed in coal and natural gas power generation, viz. the integrated gasification combined cycle, oxy-fuel combustion, solid oxide fuel cells and ... -
The Effect of Horizontal Shear on Extracting Water Currents From Surface Wave Data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The dispersive motion of surface waves is now routinely used to remotely measure the currents close beneath the surface of oceans and other natural flows. The current manifests as wavelength-dependent Doppler shifts in the ... -
Utprøving av nye løsninger for vannbåren varme
(SINTEF Energi. Rapport;, Research report, 2013) -
Material Flow Analysis of magnesium and aluminium in the EU to propose improvements in circularity through policy interventions.
(Master thesis, 2024)Magnesium er kategorisert som et kritisk råmateriale i EU på bakgrunn av importavhengighet av primær materiale. Kombinert med et begrenset utvalg av leverandører og utviklingen av nye reguleringer mot et klima nøytralt EU ... -
An integrated analysis of climate change mitigation strategies for the maritime sector
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:350, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has recently revised its GHG strategy, setting an unprecedented ambition for international shipping to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by or around 2050. To meet this ... -
Identifying Problematic Phase Transformations in Pb Foil Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Development of a Framework using Orthogonal Grids and Immersed Boundary Methods for Large Eddy Simulation of Indoor Airflows
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:335, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Energy efficiency is regarded as a key measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize the dependency on energy imports. In the European Union, building energy consumption, particularly in heating, represents a ... -
How can refurbishment improve the environmental impact of smartphones in Norway?
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven utforsker levetiden til smarttelefoner i Norge, og virkningen av renovering av smarttelefoner. Ved å kombinere funn fra et omfattende litteratursøk og intervjuer med interessenter i sektoren, er det utviklet ... -
Techno-economic Analysis of Sawdust Derived Hard Carbon for LIBs
(Master thesis, 2024)Hardt karbon har fått meir merksemd dei siste åra som eit potensielt alternativ til grafitt som det aktive anodematerialet i litium-ion-batteri. Å produsera hardt karbon frå avfallsbiomasse kan gi ei meir bærekraftig og ... -
2D simulation of temperature distribution within large-scale PEM electrolysis stack based on thermal conductivity measurements
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyser cells (PEMEC) are recognized as highly suitable for large-scale green hydrogen production from variable renewable sources. To enhance production rates in PEMECs, current densities ... -
Towards inclusion of plastic pollution in Life Cycle Assessments: Impacts of entanglement from species to ecosystem quality level
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:353, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Continuous inputs of plastic into the ocean degrade marine ecosystem quality, necessitatinginterventions from local to global scales. As the impacts of mismanaged plastic are largely absent from Life Cycle Assessments ... -
Fiber Bragg Grating Optical Sensors for Strain and Temperature Monitoring of Lithium-Ion Coin Cells
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg bruk av fiber optiske sensorer, nærmere bestemt Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensorer, til å utføre målinger på litiumionbatterier i form av knappeceller. FBG sensorer har som egenskap å måle ... -
Validation of the Energy Demand Load Profile Estimator “PROFet” for Trondheim Non-residential Buildings
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Accurate long-term forecasts of aggregate energy load profiles are crucial for effective energy system planning at regional and national scales. This study aims to validate PROFet, a flexible load profile modeling tool. ... -
(Master thesis, 2024)Innemiljøkvalitet (IEQ) er et viktig aspekt ved klasserommene som bestemmer situasjonen for komfort, helse og produktivitet. Målt og oppfattet IEQ er to vanligste metoder foreslått av internasjonal standard og mange ...