Institutt for arkitektur og teknologi
Recent Submissions
Metadata for Smart Control in Smart Buildings
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The topics of data-driven smart buildings and smart control have been emerging in research on smart buildings. A returning point of concern in the creation of a data-driven smart building is the need for metadata and how ... -
Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in Greater Oslo
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)Resource efficiency strategies are key to reduce material use and help limit global warming to below 2°C in 2100. Understanding the role of such strategies at the municipal level requires a localized approach. Here we ... -
A Systematic Mapping Study and a Review of the Optimization Methods of Structures in Architectural Design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Structural optimization has gained popularity in modern structural design, helping to reduce material consumption while maintaining the structural performance of buildings. This process also significantly influences the ... -
Indoor relative humidity: relevance for health, comfort, and choice of ventilation system
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)It is generally recommended to keep the values of relative humidity (RH) indoors between 40 and 60% for comfort and health. However, the environment in our homes and offices is a lot dryer in the winter, going down to 20% ... -
Metoder for inkludering av DFD i klimagassberegninger. Rapport fra SirkBygg, FME-ZEN og Powerhouse – Juni 2024
(ZEN Report;, Research report, 2024) -
Increasing citizen engagement in sustainable architecture using augmented reality: A pilot study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Sustainability processes aim to include citizens as it is their behaviour and use of the cities that will play a pivotal role in achieving sustainable communities. Yet, active participation of citizens can be challenging, ... -
Persaune Hageby: From Yesterday To Tomorrow A comparative study of material embodied emissions and operational emissions in a retrofit project
(Master thesis, 2024)Det faktum at nesten 85 % av dagens bygninger fortsatt vil være i bruk innen 2050, gjør renovering og energiombygging avgjørende for en bærekraftig utvikling. Økt energieffektivitet reduserer bygningers karbonfotavtrykk i ... -
The Cost of Mitigating Climate Change by Building with Renewable Materials
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)While the reduction of operational greenhouse gas emissions is prioritized for the existing building stock, embodied emissions dominate the environmental impact of newly constructed buildings that fulfil zero emission ... -
Electric vehicle charging dataset with 35,000 charging sessions from 12 residential locations in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Comparison of 16 national methods in the life cycle assessment of carbon storage in wood products in a reference building
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Wood and bio-based construction products are perceived as a way to use renewable resources, to save energy and to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG)-emissions during production and to store carbon during the entire service life ... -
Connecting Past + Future Trondheim Museum of Art and Design
(Master thesis, 2024)Trondheim Kunstmuseum og Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum (NKIM) har vokst ut av sine nåværende bygninger i løpet av de siste tiårene. NKIM har vært stengt siden 2021 på grunn av dårlig forfatning og etterslepende ... -
Transforming the Sunnland Skole into apartments
(Master thesis, 2024)Sunnland og Nidarvoll Skole i Trondheim slås sammen og får nytt skolebygg. Som følge av denne sammenslåingen vil de gamle bygningene til Sunnland Skole stå tomme og det er foreløpig ingen planer om hva som skal skje med ... -
Human Nurture - Designing For Sustainable Mental Health Treatment
(Master thesis, 2024)Forskning viser at eksponering for natur og naturlige elementer har en positiv effekt på velvære, fysisk og psykisk helse, samt rehabilitering. Dette vekket interessen for å utforske biofili som designfilosofi for arkitektonisk ... -
'Human Nurture' - Designing for Sustainable Mental Health Treatment
(Master thesis, 2024)Forskning viser at eksponering for natur og naturlige elementer har en positiv effekt på velvære, fysisk og psykisk helse, samt rehabilitering. Dette vekket interessen for å utforske biofili som designfilosofi for arkitektonisk ... -
Bridging digital and analog tools in bioclimatic design. Development of an experimental setting for bioclimatic design processes.
(Master thesis, 2024)Digitale simuleringsverktøy brukes ofte i bioklimatisk design for å analysere miljøprestasjonen av bygninger. Derimot, noe forskninger foreslår at analoge verktøy kan bedre støtte holistisk design. Derfor, målet er å svare ... -
Marinevold Hageby Energy Efficiency Renovation Analysis-based Recommendations to Reach EU’s Energy Goals by 2035
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven har som mål å forbedre energieffektiviteten til boligbygg i Marinevold Hageby, Trondheim, Norge. Å forbedre energiytelsen til bygninger er avgjørende for å nå EUs energieffektivitetsmål, noe som vil resultere ... -
(Master thesis, 2024)Cissi Klein Videregående er en ny videregående skole som for tiden bygges i Falkenborgvegen 32 i Trondheim. Skolen er designet med fleksible designløsninger slik at byggets planløsning og funksjoner enkelt kan endres til ... -
Investigating digital mapping to facilitate reuse in the Norwegian building stock.
(Master thesis, 2024)The construction industry faces a global challenge to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The majority of the buildings for the future are already constructed, and therefore, it is crucial to implement transformation ... -
Workflow enabling various design and planning possibilities of neighbourhoods via digital twins
(Master thesis, 2024)As urbanization accelerates, the demand for urban design and planning grows. Traditional planning methods often face limitations due to insufficient data and delays in updates, struggling to meet rapidly changing demands. ...