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dc.contributor.advisorDivitini, Monica
dc.contributor.authorSolberg, Dag Frode
dc.description.abstractThe world relies more and more on information technology, for everything from emails, to turning on lights. Huge amounts of data are created every moment, and much of it is related to one or more people. Among this increased use information technology and amounts of data, it is hard to know what information is collected and stored about you. Reading and understanding terms of agreements are hard, and even if you understand them, you might not be aware of the consequences of sharing data that can seem innocent. There is effort such as the General Data Protection Regulation that tries to clarify for the user what data is collected, for what purposes, and for how long it is stored. However, it is still up to the consumer to make a decision. Raising the general population's awareness of privacy issues should, therefore, be a priority. The goal of this project is to create a tool for raising awareness of privacy issues in children and young adults. This was done through developing a workshop that introduces the participants to serious games and privacy issues. The workshop creates an arena were children, and young adults can acquire knowledge about privacy issues and through collaborating on designing a serious game, discuss the issue and how to raise awareness of that issue. The workshop was run with lower and upper secondary school students as well as university students. 38 students were involved in the preliminary work, 11 were involved in the pilots executed. Two classes with 32 students from upper secondary school and 28 university students were part of evaluating version 1 of the serious privacy game workshop. Three classes with 70 students in total were part of evaluation version 2 of the workshop. In total, 141 students and their teachers have been involved in this project in some way. The Workshop is based on the Triadic Game Design Workshop described in \cite{harteveld_triadic_2009}, and combines, reality, meaning, play, and technology to create serious games based on privacy issues. The workshop has four parts reality, meaning, play, and technology. The workshops consist of a board with covers that hides the parts of the workshop not yet started. The covers have instruction for the part it hides. In addition to the board does the workshop have three types of category cards that contain information about privacy issues, awareness raising, and technologies. The workshop also has a set of question cards, one for each part of the workshop, functioning as a worksheet that helps facilitate the group's discussion and provides a means to communicate the group's ideas. The results show that the participant's awareness of privacy issues was raised after the workshop. The workshop also produced a relevant serious game concept for raising awareness of privacy issues.
dc.subjectInformatikk, Programvaresystemer
dc.titleSPRIG: Serious Privacy Game Workshop
dc.typeMaster thesis

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