• Pelee-Text++: A Tiny Neural Network for Scene Text Detection 

      Cordova, Manuel; Pinto, Allan; Pedrini, Helio; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Scene text detection has become an important field in the computer vision area due to the increasing number of applications. This is a very challenging problem as textual elements are commonly found in “noisy” and complex ...
    • Overgang fra 11 kV til 22 kV i Ålesund og Volda 

      Nordstrand, Nikolai Støbakk; Gjerde, Thomas; Mupenda, Marien Numbi; Lade, Eirik Halbrend (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Norge beveger seg stadig mer mot et helelektrisk samfunn. Med mer last og flere høyeffekts komponenter kommer også utfordringer. Dette er grunner til at nettselskapene i Norge vil utbedre sitt strømnett, inklusive Mørenett ...
    • Smart data driven quality prediction for urban water source management 

      Wu, Di; Wang, Hao; Seidu, Razak (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      A water supply system that integrates water source management, treatment and distribution is a critical infrastructure in urban areas. Traditional water quality research mostly focused on separate aspects, lacking a ...
    • SpaceChase 

      Frostad, Asbjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne rapporten beskriver grunnlag for, gjennomføring og resultatet av et bachelorprosjekt gjennomført ved NTNU Ålesund. Oppgaven ble gitt og gjennomført av meg selv. Oppgaven var å utvikle et spill for Android ved hjelp ...
    • a simulation model for power management in hybrid ships 

      Sorte, Nora (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Målet for dette prosjektet var å lage en grunnleggende Simulink modell som kan brukes til å simulere kraftproduksjonen i et skip som har både batterier og dieselelektriske generatorer. Jeg begynte med å lage en veldig ...
    • Co-simulation as a Fundamental Technology for Twin Ships 

      Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Skulstad, Robert; Li, Guoyuan; Styve, Arne; Zhang, Houxiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The concept of digital twins, characterized by the high fidelity with which they mimic their physical counterpart, provide potential benefits for the next generation of advanced ships. It allows analysis of data and ...
    • Digitale helsetjenester: nye muligheter, nye utfordringer 

      Karlsen, Anniken Th; Sørbø, Marie Flem; Nylenna, Magne (Chapter, 2020)
      En aldrende befolkning, økning i kroniske og sammensatte lidelser og økt etterspørsel etter helse- og omsorgstjenester, fordrer nye tjenestetilbud. Mer bruk av datateknologi er åpenbart en del av løsningen. Økt brukermedvirkning ...
    • Valg av open source rammeverk for tilstandsløst API 

      Kvalvik, Per Christian Bach; Kvernstad, Espen; Moen, Jon Sondre (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Det kommer stadig nye teknologier som gjør det enklere å bygge nettsider med separat logikk og brukergrensesnitt. Det kan være vanskelig å velge hvilken teknologi som er best tilpasset forskjellige bruksområder til personlig ...
    • Mobile application for snow ploughing 

      Bjørnland, Henrik Ranvik; Nakstad, Marius Blokkum; Urtegård, Theodor Giskegjerde (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne rapporten inneholder resultatene, refleksjonen og konklusjonen for bacheloroppgaven utført av Henrik Ranvik Bjørnland, Marius Blokkum Nakstad and Theodor Giskegjerde Urtegård ved NTNU i Ålesund, samt teoretisk grunnlag, ...
    • Exploring the determinants of success in different clusters of ball possession sequences in soccer 

      Merlim, Murilo; Cunha, Sergio; Moura, Felipe; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Gonçalves, Bruno; Sampaio, Jaime (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The purpose of this study was two-step: (1) classify ball possession (BP) according to the duration and number of passes and (2) identify which tactical variables most discriminate the different BP. We obtained 527 BPs ...
    • Vico: An entity-component-system based co-simulation framework 

      Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Chu, Yingguang; Styve, Arne; Zhang, Houxiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper introduces a novel co-simulation framework running on the Java Virtual Machine built on a software architecture known as the Entity-Component-System. Popularised by games, this architecture favours composition ...
    • A Bibliometric Analysis of Corona Pandemic in Social Sciences: A Review of Influential Aspects and Conceptual Structure 

      Nasir, Adeel; Shaukat, Kamran; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Luo, Suhuai; Mahboob, Talha; Iqbal, Farhat (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Corona pandemic has affected the whole world, and it is a highly researched area in biological sciences. As the current pandemic has affected countries socially and economically, the purpose of this bibliometric analysis ...
    • Accuracy and limitations for spectroscopic prediction of leaf traits in seasonally dry tropical environments 

      Streher, Annia; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Leonor, Morellato; Thiago, Silva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Generalized assessments of the accuracy of spectroscopic estimates of ecologically important leaf traits such as leaf mass per area (LMA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC) are still lacking for most ecosystems, and ...
    • Den tause kunnskapen i IT-studia 

      Schaathun, Hans Georg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Michael Polanyi er kjend for omgrepet taus kunnskap. Han viste at me ofte veit meir enn me kan fortelja. Dette ser me tydleg i profesjonsstudia. Studentane treng ein praktisk kompetanse som førelesarane slit med å setja ...
    • What is Core and What Future Holds for Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrencies: A Bibliometric Analysis 

      Nasir, Adeel; Shaukat, Kamran; Khan, Kanwal Iqbal; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Mahboob, Talha; Luo, Suhuai (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      A new era awaits the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. This study highlights the influential and conceptual aspects of blockchain and cryptocurrency literature with bibliometric analysis. There are ...
    • Application-Oriented Retinal Image Models for Computer Vision 

      Silva, Ewerton; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Pinto, Allan; Li, Lin; Vianna, José; Azevedo, Rodolfo; Goldenstein, Siome (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Energy and storage restrictions are relevant variables that software applications should be concerned about when running in low-power environments. In particular, computer vision (CV) applications exemplify well that ...
    • Relationship between maximal aerobic power with aerobic fitness as a function of signal-to-noise ratio 

      Beltrame, Thomas; Gois, Mariana; Hoffmann, Uwe; Koschate, Jessica; Hughson, Richard; Frade, Maria; Linares, Stephanie; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Catai, Aparecida (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Efforts to better understand cardiorespiratory health are relevant for the future development of optimized physical activity programs. We aimed to explore the impact of the signal quality on the expected associations between ...
    • Hospital project front-end planning: Current practice and discovered challenges 

      Larsen, Anne Strand Alfredsen; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Development of healthcare services is a societal responsibility often appearing as major public projects. These types of projects often have a long lifetime expectancy and represent large investments and changes to established ...
    • A Dynamic Three-Bit Image Steganography Algorithm for Medical and e-Healthcare Systems 

      Siddiqui, Ghazanfar Farooq; Iqbal, Zafar; Saleem, Khalid; Saeed, Zafar; Ahmed, Adeel; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Khan, Muhammad Fahad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Massive advances in internet infrastructure are impacting e-healthcare services compared to conventional means. Therefore, extra care and protection is needed for extremely confidential patient medical records. With this ...
    • Ingeniørdannelse. Kva har danning i teknologifag å gjera? 

      Schaathun, Hans Georg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Etter rammeplanen for ingeniørfag, er ingeniørdannelse ein viktig del av dataingeniørstudiet. Dette har vore eit utfordrande krav, for kva er eigentleg ingeniørdanning? Der er skrive mykje om danning innanfor didaktikk ...