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dc.contributor.advisorSindre, Guttorm
dc.contributor.authorHeintz, Aleksander
dc.description.abstractIn today's world where everything is increasingly done on computers, university exams are traditionally lagging behind and are still conducted using pen and paper for the most part. Recently, however, NTNU has started a slow migration process towards digital exams using Safe Exam Browser and Inspera Assessment on private devices brought by the students on the exam day. Digital exams have the potential to resolve some of the issues with old style pen and paper exams, however, that is not without bringing its own set of problems into the mix. In this thesis, I look at specifically how digital exams using Safe Exam Browser and Inspera Assessment software might enable students to cheat on the exams in ways that were not possible on pen and paper exams. The main focus is on the interactions between the three components Safe Exam Browser, Inspera Assessment and the students own computer to look at both technical and theoretical ways that students can cheat during digital exams at NTNU. And where possible, I provide solutions/mitigations to any problems I do discover. The current solution employed by NTNU to facilitate digital exams for students does have several problematic security vulnerabilities. There are several ways a student can manage to cheat on a digital exam that they would not be able to do using a traditional pen and paper exam. However, the work to improve digital exams are important, and there are definitely improvements that can be made. While it's true that the current implementation is problematic, with improvements to Safe Exam Browser and Inspera Assessment as well as the setup used by the university it's entirely plausible to make digital exams almost as secure as traditional pen and paper exams.
dc.subjectDatateknologi, Intelligente systemer
dc.titleCheating at Digital Exams - Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures
dc.typeMaster thesis

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