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dc.contributor.advisorPitera, Kelly
dc.contributor.advisorRiersen, Kai-Arne
dc.contributor.authorGjersø, Karine
dc.description.abstractThe increase in Norway´s population will provide an increase in travels estimated to about two million travels a day. This will result in a 300 billion NOK infrastructure investment if handled by cars, as well as an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. The Norwegian government has decided that further growth in transportation should be handled by walking, biking or public transport. Public transport (PT) needs to be efficient and environmentally friendly, but also comfortable and accessible, to promote a higher utilization. Thus, it is important to consider both design and location of the stops when designing a PT service. The aim of this study is to research whether location and design of a bus stop can influence people s willingness to use public transport. The thesis is a case study of a bus stop in Granåsen, Trondheim. A survey was sent out to existing and future users of the bus stop to get information on travel habits, and views on the design and location. A stated choice study was included to see if improving the design of a bus stop could influence the respondent s choice of transport mode or destination. Interviews, observations and literature analysis were executed and compared to the results of the survey. The study used data expressed by AtB, ÅF Engineering and Miljøpakken. The literature review looked into earlier research on PT, bus stop design and location, comfort and its effects on utilization of PT. The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system and the plans for the Superbuss were also researched. The thesis includes the aspects of mobility, the urban concept of shared space and the effects of outdoor environment. The analysis demonstrates that the public does not view an upgrade in design and location as an incentive for using the bus system, which also reflects previous studies. This is a relevant result as a redevelopment of a bus stop is an investment and thus, it is important to know if the outcome of the investment reflect the goal. However, this have been a small study, and it is recommended that a revealed choice study is executed to see if it people s behavior reflects their conceptions.
dc.subjectBygg- og miljøteknikk, Veg
dc.titleGranåsen Case Study: How Can Location and Design of a Bus Stop Influence the Use of Public Transport?
dc.typeMaster thesis

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