Now showing items 138-157 of 3156

    • The aftermath of fatal violence incidents: Why organisational measures were successful and why they their effects diminished 

      Elvegård, Kurt-Idar Løkke; Antonsen, Stian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      In 2013, an employee at a human service office in Norway was killed by a service recipient. Fast forward to 2021, another murder took place. As is often the case after recurring unwanted events, questions arose in the ...
    • Ageing@home: A secure 5G welfare technology solution for elderlies 

      Feng, Boning; Langhammer, Birgitta; Do, Thuan Van; Jacot, Niels; Santos, Bernardo; Dzogovic, Bruno; Nesse, Per Jonny; Van Do, Thanh (Chapter, 2021)
      The world population is ageing at a fast pace and to enable elderly to age at home can become a viable solution both economically and socially speaking, leading also to the overall improvement of the elderly’s well-being ...
    • An Agent-Based Model of Adoption of Fuel Cell Vehicles - Diffusion of Competing Technologies in Norway 

      Leiva, David Zhu (Master thesis, 2016)
      In the spring of 2016, there were five hydrogen fuel stations serving 34 hydrogen cars in Norway. Up until this time, the purpose of the hydrogen stations were demonstrational. New players are now investing in hydrogen ...
    • An Agent-Based Model of the Global Salmon Market 

      Mork, Håkon Sveinssønn; Jahnsen, Runar (Master thesis, 2015)
      While the global production of Atlantic salmon has grown substantially in the last few decades, the wholesale spot market is still organised around over-the-counter transactions negotiated between sellers and buyers. This ...
    • Agil arbeidsmetodikk - veien til kundefokus? 

      Bjerke, Johanne Høeg; Kallager, Nora Gillhagen; Gjøen, Rikke Hellandsjø (Master thesis, 2021)
      Agil arbeidsmetodikk hadde sitt utspring i IT-bransjen på 1990-tallet og har siden økt i popularitet. Dette som følge av at metodikken forsøker å hensynta kundens stadig endrede behov, og derav ønsker å sette kunden i ...
    • Agile autonomous teams in complex organizations 

      Mikalsen, Marius; Næsje, Magne; Reime, Erik André; Solem, Anniken (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In complex organizations, the effective functioning of autonomous teams is challenged by the need to coordinate and align work with multiple experts and other units in the organization. We report on the challenges experienced ...
    • Agile Change Management - Developing an agile change management framework based on Norwegian change management practises 

      Årvik, Kristoffer Vestaberg; Karud, Kristoffer Ramberg (Master thesis, 2017)
      Change management is a major challenge for organisations today, and one of the biggest challenges of change management is uncertainty. Companies are facing increasing competition, globalisation, and digitalisation, and ...

      Visser, Sybolt; Selnes, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2017)
      The Agile approach has for last 25 years revolutionized information technology through its radical alternative to traditional sequential development processes. Agile frameworks are now spreading to improve the development ...
    • Agile Methods and Military Software Development 

      Skogvold, Thomas (Master thesis, 2014)
      Large governmental software projects have a dubious track record and numerous of terrifying projects have taken place within the military domain. The software industry is compared to other industries still in its infancy ...
    • Airway Symptoms among Farmers in Central Norway. A Comparative Study of Risks. The HUNT Study 

      Slåstad, Siri; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Langhammer, Arnulf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Objectives The objective of this study was to compare the risk of developing respiratory symptoms in farmers and other occupational groups over a period of 11 to 23 years. Methods The study includes data from ...
    • Algorithmic Trading of Bitcoin Utilizing Momentum Effects 

      Tufte-Johnsen, Stig Markus; Helgheim, Martin Hestenes; Wendel, Ole (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this thesis we seek to utilize time series momentum to design a profitable trading strategy in the highly trending and volatile Bitcoin market. this study is interesting to both financial academics and traders alike as ...
    • Aligning Value Propositions for Stakeholders in Profitable Sustainable Business Models: Practical Insights from Norwegian Technology Scale-ups 

      Haugen, Kajsa Margareta; Valheim, Anna Stina (Master thesis, 2023)
      Implementering av bærekraftige forretningsmodeller (SBM) kan spille en avgjørende rolle i arbeidet med å fremme en mer bærekraftig verden. For å utvikle lønnsomme SBM-er er det viktig å aktivt skape verdiforslag som ivaretar ...
    • Alignment of cyber risk management in the maritime domain 

      Jenssen, Embla; Johansen, Sindre (Master thesis, 2023)
      Den maritime industrien utvikler seg raskt mot digitalisering og autonomi. Utviklingen drives av nye teknologier, nye miljøkrav, økende transportmengder og mangel på arbeidskraft. Med digital utvikling øker behovet for ...
    • Allianser 

      Hansen, Siri Palerud; Kristoffersen, Elin; Larsen, Lene Aaserud (Bachelor thesis, 2012)
      NORSK: Denne oppgaven ble til i forbindelse med valg av tema til bacheloroppgaver på HiG. Etter samtaler med daglig leder i 06565 Drosjene, Anstein Kvam, bestemte vi oss for å gjennomføre denne oppgaven med 06565 Drosjene ...
    • Allocating Sales in the Farming of Atlantic Salmon: Maximizing Profits Under Uncertainty 

      Hæreid, Martin Bergan (Master thesis, 2011)
      Salmon farmers face an uncertain production environment and considerable price volatility, making planning a vital success criteria. This thesis describes the sources of uncertainty that are most important when planning ...
    • Alternativ for Rockwools utearealer 

      Rogstadkjærnet, Jens-Valle, Sindre (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg lagerstrukturen og uteområdet til Rockwool Trondheim. Hensikten med oppgaven er å gi flere alternativer og løsningsforslag som skal vise bedre løsninger for hvordan å lagre produkter og råvarer ...
    • Ambulansetjenesten som en lærende organisasjon 

      Skår, Margrethe Stølen; Langkaas, Elise (Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne masteroppgaven har som formål å undersøke ambulansetjenesten som en lærende organisasjon. Dette gjøres gjennom en kvalitativ casestudie av tre utvalgte ambulansestasjoner i Helse Nord-Trøndelag. Ambulansetjenesten ...
    • An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for the Hybrid Flexible Flowshop Scheduling Problem With Sequence-Dependent Set-up Times 

      Gravdal, Henrik Irgens; Weidemann, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Over de siste tiårene har produksjonsbedrifter flyttet store deler av sin produksjon til lavkostnadsland. I tillegg har store produsenter benyttet seg av strømlinjeformede produksjonsinstallasjoner og høye produksjonsvolum ...
    • An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Heuristic for the Aquaculture Service Vessel Routing Problem 

      Lianes, Ingeborg Margrete; Noreng, Maren Theisen (Master thesis, 2020)
      Fiskeoppdrett representerer i dag en av Norges viktigste næringer, og frem mot 2050 er målet å nå en samlet produksjon på 5 millioner tonn på en bærekraftig måte. For å klare dette, kreves det store teknologiske fremskritt, ...
    • An Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search Heuristic for a Dial-a-Ride Problem with Real-Time Disruptions 

      Brenna, Maria Lundin; Ellestad, Amalie Omholt; Lunde, Anna Sofie (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven utforsker dial-a-ride problemet (DARP) til Ruter Aldersvennlig Transport (RAT), en dør til dør transporttjeneste for eldre i Oslo. DARP dreier seg om å designe ruteplaner for transport av passasjerer mellom ...