Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse
Recent Submissions
Investments in green hydrogen as a flexibility source for the European power system by 2050: Does it pay off?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The European Union aims to deploy a high share of renewable energy sources in Europe’s power system by 2050. Large-scale intermittent wind and solar power production requires flexibility to ensure an adequate supply–demand ... -
When Successful Action Research is not Legitimizedas Scientific Contribution by the Central Sponsors: How canMorten Levin’s Three Pillars of Action Research Supportthe Arch of Research Collaboration between Large Public Organizations and Universities?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Morten Levin’s work on Action Research (AR) clearly stated that the three pillars participation, action and research was equally important. During his long practice as an AR pioneer, he campaigned for the legitimacy of AR ... -
Cyber-incident Response in Industrial Control Systems: Practices and Challenges in the Petroleum Industry
(Chapter, 2024)The number of significant cyberattacks targeted by national state actors is growing in critical infrastructure. Companies rely on detecting and responding appropriately to such attacks by practicing and developing procedures ... -
Utslippsfrie byggeplasser i smarte byer
(ZEN Memo;58, Research report, 2024) -
Comparing the end-of-life circularity potential of commercial fishing gear deployed in Norway by applying multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear is one of the most harmful types of marine litter globally, causing irreversible damage to ocean life and ecosystems. Therefore, global and regional policies are currently ... -
Implementing Low-Emission Hydrogen in Norway: A Techno-Economic Analysis of Production, Investments, and Interplay with the Power System
(Master thesis, 2024)Å redusere avhengigheten av fossile brensler, kjent for sine skadelige CO2-utslipp, er avgjørende for å bekjempe klimaendringene. Dette er imidlertid utfordrende, ettersom det utgjør en betydelig andel av energietterspørselen. ... -
Value for Value: Social Entrepreneurship Education Through Value Creation Extracurricular Activity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Social entrepreneurship education is instrumental in developing future change agents to help tackle major social challenges. However, there is limited research on the effective teaching methods and theoretical bases that ... -
Exploring Information control policy change at Nammo Raufoss: A case study
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen er en casestudie som utforsker beredskaps- og motstandsfaktorer ved implementering av en ny policy for informasjonshåndtering. Prosjektet er initiert av Legal and compliance-avdelingen i Nammo Konsernet ... -
Methods and concepts for OR for autonomy in small ports
(Research report, 2024)This report provides an overview of methods and concepts in operational research applied to autonomy in small ports. A literature review has been conducted and is presented, along with suggestions for methods and concepts ... -
Preliminary Material Flow Analysis (MFA) to Map Macro-Plastics from Sea-based Aquaculture Equipment in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Plast som lekker ut i miljøet, skader naturen og påvirker økosystemet, får stadig større oppmerksomhet. Det er kjent at plast som stammer fra fiskeri- og oppdrettsnæringen, bidrar til plastforurensning av verdenshavene og ... -
Unplanned Connectors: Exploring Network Dynamics in Entrepreneurial Alumni Networks
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne kvalitative studien utforsker nettverksdynamikker, i et norsk universitets entreprenørielle alumninettverk, for verdifulle interaksjoner blant medlemmene. Studien er en integrert kasusstudie med data fra 16 ... -
From SMEs to Angels
(Master thesis, 2024)Corporate Angels (CA-er) er en ny aktør i det finansielle landskapet, som representerer små- og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB-er) som investerer kapital i unoterte startups. Motivasjonsfaktorene som driver SMB-er til å investere ... -
Improving Safety through Leveraging Machine Learning and Safety-Related Data in the Construction Industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study presents a conceptual framework for integrating safety-related data with machine learning to improve its understanding of safety performance and construction safety management. Machine Learning techniques could ... -
Pathwise Stochastic Control and a Class of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this article, we study a stochastic optimal control problem in the pathwise sense, as initially proposed by Lions and Souganidis in [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math., 327 (1998), pp. 735-741]. The corresponding ... -
Optimizing the economic dispatch of weakly-connected mini-grids under uncertainty using joint chance constraints
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this paper, we deal with a renewable-powered mini-grid, connected to an unreliable main grid, in a Joint Chance Constrained (JCC) programming setting. In several rural areas in Africa with low energy access rates, ... -
"I already have enough to do in my day-to-day work" Employee responses to prescribed participation in organisational development
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:390, Doctoral thesis, 2024)When employee participation in organisational development (OD) is initiated by management or change agents, the rationale behind this participation is often directed toward the organisation’s instrumental and strategic ... -
Disparate Mental Models in Teams and Multiteam Systems, and How Teambuilding can Nurture a Positive Change
(Master thesis, 2024)Dagens økonomi har blitt mer og mer kunnskapsintensiv, og endringer i teknologi og vitenskap skjer hyppig. Enkeltindivider alene kan ikke løse de komplekse problemene assosiert med dagens situasjon, og teamorganisering med ... -
Drivers and Barriers for implementing a Battery as a Service Business Model
(Master thesis, 2024)Flere og flere selskaper implementerer Battery as a Service (BaaS) for å gjøre verdikjedene for batterier mer sirkulære. Imidlertid er det lite forskning på hva som driver selskaper til å velge denne forretningsmodellen. ... -
Exploring the role of heuristics in buyer-supplier relationship dynamics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose This paper aims to explore the role of heuristics in the reassessment of relationship events and how it influences perceptions of commitment, fairness and relationship value. It answers the question of how ... -
Optimizing the Use of Battery Energy Storage Systems to Postpone Traditional Network Reinforcements in the Power Grid: A Real Options Analysis
(Master thesis, 2024)Som et tiltak for å begrense global oppvarming, står overgangen fra fossile til fornybare energikilder sentralt. Dette vil medføre store endringer i kraftsektoren, hvor overgangen vil påvirke både produksjonen av strøm og ...