• Green Investment under Policy Uncertainty and Bayesian Learning 

      Dalby, Peder Andreas Olsen; Gillerhaugen, Gisle Ryan; Leth-Olsen, Tord (Master thesis, 2016)
      In the last decades, several countries have introduced support schemes to accelerate investments in renewable energy (RE). When support schemes have served their purpose, and production goals are met, retraction or revision ...
    • Green investment under time-dependent subsidy retraction risk 

      Hagspiel, Verena; Nunes, Clàudia; Oliveira, Carlos; Portela, Manuel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Driven by ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions many countries have introduced support schemes to accelerate investments in renewable energy. However, in recent years experience showed that, over time, ...
    • Green public procurement - A case study of an innovative building project in Norway 

      Sparrevik, Magnus; Wangen, Helene Førsund; Fet, Annik Magerholm; De Boer, Luitzen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In green public procurement (GPP), policy driven environmental requirements are introduced in the formal procurement process with the aim to reduce the environmental impact through the life cycle of the procured goods and ...
    • Green public procurement and energy performance contracting: exploring the linkage and improvement opportunities 

      Hamdan, Hasan; De Boer, Luitzen; Hamdy, Mohamed (ZEN Report;29, Research report, 2020)
      Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is a method to finance energy efficiency investments from cost savings in the building sector. Under an EPC arrangement, an external organization, an Energy Service Company (ESCO), ...
    • Green Tramp Shipping Routing and Scheduling: Effects of Market-Based Measures on CO2 Reduction 

      Wang, Xin; Norstad, Inge; Fagerholt, Kjetil; Christiansen, Marielle (Chapter, 2019)
      In this chapter we examine, from a tramp ship operator’s point of view, how potential CO2 emission reduction measures impact the operational decisions and their economic and environmental consequences. Two market-based ...
    • Greener and smarter? Transformations in five Norwegian industrial sectors 

      Mäkitie, Tuukka; Steen, Markus; Thune, Taran Mari; Lund, Henrik Brynthe; Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya; Ullern, Eli Fyhn; Kamsvåg, Pål Furu; Andersen, Allan Dahl; Hydle, Katja Maria (SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-);, Research report, 2020)
      This report is an output from the INTRANSIT Research Centre on Innovation Policy for Industrial Transformation, Sustainability and Digitalisation. The report presents an analysis of green and digital transformations in ...
    • Greening the fleet: A technological innovation system (TIS) analysis of hydrogen, battery electric, liquefied biogas, and biodiesel in the maritime sector 

      Steen, Markus; Bach, Hanna; Bjørgum, Øyvind; Hansen, Teis; Kenzhegaliyeva, Assiya (Research report, 2019)
      The maritime shipping sector (MSS) is coming under increasing pressure to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For Norway, emission reductions in the MSS are furthermore crucial for meeting the national 40% emission ...
    • Grocery retail supply chain planning and control: Impact of consumer trends and enabling technologies 

      Vallandingham, Logan Reed; Yu, Quan; Sharma, Nakul; Strandhagen, Jo Wessel; Strandhagen, Jan Ola (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Grocery retail supply chains have in the past decades increased their efficiency which has led to cost-focused supply chains that are able to deliver high volumes of products at low prices. There is still continual pressure ...
    • Growing new ventures at the base of the pyramid: Unleashing the potential of renewable energy for off-grid electrification 

      Sinha, Vivek (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:390, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      This dissertation examines the growth of new ventures established to serve base of the pyramid markets (BoP). Entrepreneurial ventures are seen as having an increasingly important role in bringing essential services to ...
    • Growing Pains: A Study of SME Growth 

      Børke, Martin Andreas (Master thesis, 2016)
      Growth in small- and medium sized business (SMEs) is often seen as a sign of entrepreneurial success, and is important for employment and national economies. However, it is acknowledged that growth also leads to challenges ...
    • Growth aspirations in SMEs: managerial determinants and organizational outcomes 

      Eide, Ann Elida; Moen, Øystein; Madsen, Tage Koed; Azari, Mohammad Javadinia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Purpose The main purpose of this study is to increase the scholarly understanding of managerial growth aspirations in small firms. Research has shown that managers' aspirations are important to ensure firms' growth, but ...
    • Growth Strategies for Two-Sided Platforms - A Case Study of Graphiq 

      Sandsmark, Erik; Palmers, Jakob Spieler (Master thesis, 2016)
      Two-sided platforms are becoming an increasingly important part of the economy and our daily life with some of the most influential and innovative companies in the world being two-sided platforms, for example Uber, Airbnb, ...
    • Gruppedynamikk i Oppstartsbedrifter 

      Barre, Niklas L.; Jønland, Mats H. G.; Langaard, Mons A. (Master thesis, 2019)
      Oppstart av nye bedrifter er antatt å være essensielt for å sikre økonomisk vekst og bærekraft for norske industrier i fremtiden. Suksessen til oppstartsbedrifter har blitt vist å være svært avhengig av hvordan teamet ...
    • Gruppedynamikk i oppstartsbedrifter 

      Barre, Niklas; Jønland, Mats; Langaard, Mons (Master thesis, 2019)
      Oppstart av nye bedrifter er antatt å være essensielt for å sikre økonomisk vekst og bærekraft for norske industrier i fremtiden. Suksessen til oppstartsbedrifter har blitt vist å være svært avhengig av hvordan teamet ...
    • Gruppedynamikk i oppstartsbedrifter 

      Barre, Niklas; Jønland, Mats; Langaard, Mons (Master thesis, 2019)
      Oppstart av nye bedrifter er antatt å være essensielt for å sikre økonomisk vekst og bærekraft for norske industrier i fremtiden. Suksessen til oppstartsbedrifter har blitt vist å være svært avhengig av hvordan teamet ...
    • Grønn varedistribusjon - en casestudie av flåtefornyelse hos Johs Olsen i lys av nasjonale krav om utslippsreduksjon i transportnæringen 

      Bismo, Anna Berntzen; Kroken, Simen; Tangedal, Aud Line (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      De siste årene har transportindustrien opplevd et økt press fra myndighetene om å kutte utslippene sine. Vi har i denne bacheloroppgaven sett nærmere på NorEngros Johs Olsen AS sin distribusjon, og hvordan de er nødt til ...
    • Guerrilla Marketing: A low-cost strategy for startups 

      Hæreid, Mari Bergan; Indregård, Solveig (Master thesis, 2015)
      A reason as to why many startups fail is poor marketing. Due to scarce financial resources, startups are restricted from using traditional marketing methods that are associated with high costs. An alternative strategy that ...
    • A guide to becoming green: Insights from angel investors developing sustainability-specific knowledge 

      Siefkes, Meike Isabelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      This paper explores how business angels develop the knowledge necessary to offer sustainability-value-adding activities, thereby becoming green angels. A multiple case study was conducted based on five investors from Germany ...
    • Guide to the implementation and use of the barrier indicator 

      Kjellén, Urban Anders Gunnar (Research report, 2021)
      The guide describes how to use the «barrier indicator» in construction projects. The indicator measures the availability of barriers in safety-critical construction activities and the results are presented as a percentage ...
    • Hackathons as a platform for creating start-ups: Evidence from THE Port 

      Dehli, Marthe Cecilie N (Master thesis, 2016)
      Abstract. This thesis researches why hackathons can be characterised as a ground for creating start-up companies, as well as what start-up teams emerging from hackathons have in common. A hackathon is a time-limited event ...