• Stakeholders and Start-up Enterprise: Stakeholder theory of an entrepreneurial context 

      Cameron, Donald (Master thesis, 2014)
      This paper sources focused interviews from multiple case study companies in conjunction with synthesised theoretical considerations to explore the integration of entrepreneurial stakeholders in start-up enterprise. A ...
    • Stakeholders of Educational Technology Startups 

      Standnes, Tord. (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne artikkelen forskes det på stakeholders av utdanningsteknologi oppstarter. Mer spesifikt er forskningsspørsmålet som følger: Hvem er stakeholdersene av utdaningsteknologi startups, og hvordan er disse stakeholderene ...
    • Standardisering på sykehus – en regel med mange unntak? 

      Bolstad, Marte Kristinesdatter; Maurud, Kristine; Smehagen, Ingrid Volden (Master thesis, 2021)
      Norges befolkning øker, lever lenger og flere får kroniske sykdommer. Samtidig reduseres tilgangen på arbeidskraft i helsevesenet, noe som fører til et behov for å effektivisere driften. En måte å møte de økende utfordringene ...
    • «Stao nao pao» - Kulturbevisst ledelse i Sogndal Fotball 

      Nils Jøssang (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I denne oppgaven har jeg gjort et kvalitativt eksplorativt studie av en case-organisasjon, Sogndal Fotball. Formålet mitt med oppgaven er derfor å få en bedre forståelse for hvordan man kan lede slik at kulturen opprettholdes ...
    • Starategic Stakeholder Analysis in Project Networks 

      Nassaj Ghayeshghoorshagh, Alireza (Master thesis, 2013)
      Current technics of project stakeholder management are analyzing a dyadic relation and engagement with stakeholders based on their individual attributes. However in real world you can hardly find isolated relations. Based ...
    • Start-ups initiating business relationships: process and asymmetry 

      Aaboen, Lise; Aarikka-Stenroos, Leena (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding of how start-ups initiate business relationships and to identify the subprocesses that characterise business-relationship initiations in a start-up context. ...
    • Start-ups repositioning in business networks 

      Aaboen, Lise; Lind, Frida (Chapter, 2016)
    • Startups Seeking Business Angel Financing - From the Entrepreneur's Perspective 

      Hagen, Celina; Bergh, Nicoline Saarisilta; Christensen, Solveig (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this master thesis we have performed an explorative study on the business angel-entrepreneur relationship to investigate how entrepreneurs secure investment from business angels (BAs). Through a literature review of the ...
    • Status and Future of Manufacturing Execution Systems 

      Arica, Emrah; Powell, Daryl (Chapter, 2017)
      This paper proposes a taxonomy for characterizing manufacturing execution systems and discusses how they can benefit from the recent Developments of Industry 4.0. The study is based on a literature review. The taxonomy ...
    • Status i norsk samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap etter terrorangrepene 22. juli 2011 

      Damlie, Marie Aune; Nilsen, Lisa Falch (Master thesis, 2015)
      Denne masteroppgaven beskriver status i norsk samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap etter terrorangrepene 22. juli 2011. Vi har benyttet kvalitativ metode med intervju av 15 fylkesberedskapssjefer (FBS-er) og 5 informanter fra ...
    • Staying True to the Mission: Exploring Mission Drift in Green Start-ups 

      Blanke, Hannah; Dernedde, Philip; Maisack, Franziska (Master thesis, 2023)
      Formål - Formålet med denne avhandlingen var å undersøke fenomenet mission drift i grønne oppstartsbedrifter ved å avdekke sammenhengen mellom årsaker og handlingsstrategier. I tillegg hadde studien som mål å utforske ...
    • Steel price risk management: An analysis of Aker solutions 

      Halvorsen, Inger Holterman; Steinsvik, Ingar (Master thesis, 2009)
    • Step-wise stowage planning of roll-on roll-off ships transporting dangerous goods 

      Jia, Beizhen; Fagerholt, Kjetil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Planning stowage with the presence of dangerous goods is critical to ensure safety at sea. In this paper, we propose a step-wise stowage planning approach to generate optimal stowage plans for roll-on roll-off ships ...
    • Stepwise Green Investment under Policy Uncertainty 

      Chronopoulos, Michail; Hagspiel, Verena; Fleten, Stein-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      We analyse how market price and policy uncertainty, in the form of random provision or retraction of a subsidy, interact to affect the optimal time of Investment and the size of a renewable energy (RE) project that can be ...
    • Stepwise investment and capacity sizing under uncertainty 

      Chronopoulos, Michail; Hagspiel, Verena; Fleten, Stein-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The relationship between uncertainty and managerial flexibility is particularly crucial in addressing capital projects. We consider a firm that can invest in a project in either a single (lumpy investment) or multiple ...
    • Stepwise Investment in Circular Plastics Under the Presence of Policy Uncertainty 

      De Weerdt, Loïc; Compernolle, Tine; Hagspiel, Verena; Kort, Peter; Oliveira, Carlos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The use of recycled plastics is critical in the transition to a circular economy. However, for certain types of plastics, the recycling process is economically unviable. Government-driven incentives, such as a policy ...
    • Stijgen, dalen of toch status quo? De prevalentie van zelfsturende teams in België en Vlaanderen 

      Vereycken, Yennef; Benders, Josephus Gerardus; Delagrange, Hendrik; Van Hootegem, Geert; Vermeerbergen, Lander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In 2010 wezen de beperkte cijfers in de richting van een stagnatie van het aantal zelfsturende teams (Benders et al., 2010). Dit artikel geeft een overzicht van recente empirische gegevens over de prevalentie van zelfsturende ...
    • Stochastic electricity dispatch: A challenge for market design 

      Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Midthun, Kjetil Trovik; Tomasgard, Asgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We consider an energy-only electricity market where some generation and/or load is uncertain, and where there are flexibility costs, i.e. some conventional power plants have to be scheduled well before real time in order ...
    • Stochastic equilibria with capacity expansion: Increasing expected profit with risk aversion 

      Egging-Bratseth, Ruud; Siddiqui, Afzal S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    • Stochastic gradient methods for the optimization of water supply systems 

      Gaivoronski, Alexei A.; Napolitano, J; Sechi, Giovanni M (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Reduction of water deficit for users and energy savings are frequently conflicting issues when optimizing large-scale multi-reservoirs and multi-users water supply system. Undoubtedly, a high uncertainty level due to ...