• Process validation: coping with three dilemmas in process-based single-case research 

      Andersen, Poul Houman; Dubois, Anna; Lind, Frida (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose Recent research suggests that the interest in process-based single-case studies is increasing in business-to-business (B2B) marketing. This paper aims to discuss research validity issues and dilemmas encountered ...
    • Procurement Challenges in Volunteer Organizations and Possible Solutions 

      Dhage, Amitkumar Vinod (Master thesis, 2022)
      Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke hvilke utfordringer frivillige organisasjoner opplever under anskaffelsesprosessen, som har en direkte og indirekte innflytelse på deres kapasitet til å lykkes med å gjennomføre ...
    • Procurement for Zero Emission Neighborhoods 

      Kumar, Vivek (Master thesis, 2022)
      For å nå de ambisiøse målene satt av EU-kommisjonen, er det et sterkt behov for å øke antall energisparende prosjekter. Flere energisparende prosjekter kan hjelpe offentlige virksomheter med å redusere sitt karbonavtrykk ...
    • Procurement for zero-emission construction sites: a comparative study of four European cities 

      Stokke, Raymond Andreas; Qiu, Xinlu; Sparrevik, Magnus; Truloff, Shannon; Borge, Iselin; De Boer, Luitzen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The public sector has a vital role in reducing emissions from construction activities and achieving environmental goals. Therefore, it is vital to investigate the opportunities for reducing the construction industry’s ...
    • Product Development - Effects on a Company's Network of Relationships 

      Gressetvold, Espen (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:33, Doctoral thesis, 2004)
      Product development is of great concern to many companies: this can be summed up in the catchphrase “Innovate or die!” Long-term profits,growth, changing needs of customers, competitors, and technological progress are some ...
    • Product Upgrading Decisions under Uncertainty in a Durable Goods Market 

      Ingebrigtsen, Simen; Bækkedal, Steinar (Master thesis, 2017)
      This paper studies investment behavior of firms deciding when to introduce an upgrade in a durable goods market. The firm chooses both the investment timing and the price of the upgrade while facing the risk of the upgrade ...
    • Production optimization in the salmon farming industry: Ordering smolt under uncertainty 

      Rynning-Tønnesen, Christine; Overaas, Sivert Thorvik (Master thesis, 2012)
      In the last decade the salmon farming industry has expanded rapidly and gone towards consolidation, thus the complexity of planning has increased. Therefore, the need for better planning tools has arisen. In this master ...
    • Production planning and sales allocation in the salmon farming industry 

      Denstad, Are Gederaas; Ulsund, Einar Askevold; Lillevand, Miriam (Master thesis, 2015)
      In this thesis a multistage stochastic optimization model has been developed for production planning and sales allocation within the salmon farming industry. To the authors knowledge, an optimization model for this problem ...
    • Production Planning for Atlantic Salmon under Uncertainty with Impact of Extensive Site Management 

      Næss, Martin; Patricksson, Fredrik Selnes (Master thesis, 2019)
      Norwegian salmon production has expanded and then flattened over the past few years, due to strict regulatory requirements which limit the opportunity of increased production. However, new technological advances have ...
    • Production scheduling and investment in pumped-storage hydropower under uncertainty 

      Arnstad, Fredrik Malt; Karud, Thomas Bruun; Lyså, Nicolai Andreas Bugge (Master thesis, 2023)
      I en fremtid med høy andel fornybar elektrisitet vil et magasinbasert vannkraftverk med pumpefunksjon være etterspurt for å kunne levere mot-syklisk kraft. I denne oppgaven presenterer vi et beslutningsrammeverk for å ...
    • Production scheduling and investment in pumped-storage hydropower under uncertainty 

      Arnstad, Fredrik Malt; Karud, Thomas Bruun; Lyså, Nicolai Andreas Bugge (Master thesis, 2023)
      I en fremtid med høy andel fornybar elektrisitet vil et magasinbasert vannkraftverk med pumpefunksjon være etterspurt for å kunne levere mot-syklisk kraft. I denne oppgaven presenterer vi et beslutningsrammeverk for å ...
    • Produksjonsoptimering innenfor lakseoppdretten - planlegging under usikkerhet 

      Langan, Tarald Bjørdal; Toftøy, Tor (Master thesis, 2011)
      Havbruksnæringen er en stor næring i Norge, og har opplevd store endringer i struktur og lovverk de siste årene. Sjøvanndelen av verdikjeden for oppdrettslaks har siden 2005 blitt regulert av et krav om maksimal tillatt ...
    • Produksjonsplanlegging: Konsepter og verktøy for å eliminere sløsing 

      Andersen, Vegard Jensås; Nilssen, Joakim Benoni (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne oppgaven omhandler temaet produksjonsplanlegging. Gjennom en case utarbeidet for en større norsk industribedrift tar vi en titt på det praktiske rundt produksjonsplanleggingen, konsekvensene av denne og vi foreslår ...
    • Produktforbedring i nettverk 

      Østdahl, Morten; Båtstad, Johnny Dahlen; Brustuen, Njål (Bachelor thesis, 2012)
      NORSK: Målet med denne oppgaven er å kartlegge i hvilken grad produktforbedring foregår i en bedrift som har sterke tilknytninger i et nettverk. For å besvare dette valgte vi å gå ut i fra et spesifikt produkt i en bedrift, ...
    • Prognostisering av materialforsyning til vedlikehold 

      Matic, Adrian; Aasgård, Jonas Hasselø (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Bacheloroppgaven er skrevet våren 2019 i samarbeid med Cervino Consulting AS. Cervino er et svensk logistikkonsulentfirma som utvikler og leverer prognosesystemer til flybransjen. Bedriften beskrev hvordan det er problematisk ...
    • Progression through CEO succession: - Literature review and quantitative study of succession's effect on USOs' human capital and development 

      Wille, Henrik Løken; Pedersen, Sondre Malde; Nevland, Karl Fjelde (Master thesis, 2016)
      University spin offs (USO) represent an important source for wealth and job creation in our society and have seen a significant growth in the last 10 years. These are companies based on technology with potential to disrupt ...
    • Progressive hedging for stochastic programs with cross scenario inequality constraints 

      Aasgård, Ellen Krohn; Skjelbred, Hans Ivar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In this paper, we show how progressive hedging may be used to solve stochastic programming problems that involve cross-scenario inequality constraints. In contrast, standard stochastic programs involve cross-scenario ...
    • Project Failure and How to Learn From It 

      Solem, Helga; Nordahl, Ida (Master thesis, 2015)
      Organizations are increasingly relying on project teams to meet organizational needs and challenges of great strategic importance. Achieving projects with high performance is therefore vital. However, a large portion fail. ...
    • Project Investment and Project Financing: A study on Business Case and Financing Models 

      Wang, Simiao (Master thesis, 2012)
      Uncertainty is a very significant factor that must be taken into consideration in project front-end phase management. By taking into uncertainty, the planners can to a great extent make sure that the business case could ...
    • Project management efficiency and effectiveness to improve project control in public sector 

      Selnes, Mia; Mandson, Lutful (Master thesis, 2015)
      To achieve organizational goals, the use of effective project management is increasingly growing in the modern world. Efficiency of project management is an identical topic among top executive managers in the technology ...