Browsing Institutt for internasjonal forretningsdrift by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 467
Innovasjonsprosjekt - MMB-System SB
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)Har du noen ganger blitt frastjålet sykkelen din, eller vært redd for at den skal ikke skal stå der etter du har parkert den fra deg? Dette er et kjent problem for syklister i hele verden. Dette er en faktor som kan påvirke ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)Vi i Østersgutta vil spise oss ut av problemene! Vår bedrift vil gjøre et miljøproblem om til en ressurs. Prosjekt vårt går ut på å høste opp den invaderende arten Stillehavsøsters og selge til grossister, restauranter og ... -
Short-term study abroad : motivations, expectations and experiences of students of Aalesund campus
(Chapter, 2016)The purpose of this study is to explore students' motivations, expectations and experiences in embarking on short-term study abroad and to investigate factors that influence students' attitude and intention to study abroad. ... -
Brunstad AS Entering the French Market.
(Master thesis, 2016)International marketing has become an important part of businesses around the world. There are several different entry strategies available, and a number of factors must be considered to be able to choose the right strategy ... -
Fish processing in Portugal: An industry in expansion
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The purpose of this paper is to analyse developments in the Portuguese fish processing industry from the 1960s to the present as well as prospects for future expansion. In this period, Portugal has undergone tremendous ... -
Safeguarding export and import transactions through relationships and networking
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper provides insight into some notable factors in safeguarding business transactions. Firms in the Sunnmøre region of Norway use a variety of governance forms to secure and safeguard international business transactions. ... -
Brand architecture strategy, does it matter in business-to-business contexts? A study of the Norwegian office coffee industry.
(Master thesis, 2016)The amount of researches conducted on branding in the business-to-business field across all industries is significantly less numerous than the amount of researchers aiming at understanding the concept of branding in the ... -
Structure of the Norwegian imports trade concentration : the seemingly unrelated autoregressive regression modelling approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Purpose: This article is proposed to analyse the structure of the trade concentration index (HHI) of Norwegian imports across continents. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: The paper analyse the concentration index (HHI) by ... -
Textile and clothing exporting firms’ evaluation of LSPs’ capabilities and logistics outsourcing performance
(Chapter, 2017)Using resource-based view (RBV) as the main theoretical framework, this chapter examines the impact of logistics service providers’ capabilities on logistics outsourcing performance from the perspective of textile and ... -
Causes of Team Members' Learning: An Individual-Level Analysis
(Chapter, 2017)This paper examines the influence of team orientation and perceived value congruence on individual learning and further explores the mediating role of satisfaction with the team in these relationships. The results reveal ... -
Elektronisk word-of-mouth markedsføring og dens påvirkning på restaurantavgjørelser
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Tiden vi lever i nå blir ofte omtalt som informasjonsalderen. Det eksisterer overveldende mengder med informasjon, noe som gjør elektronisk word-of-mouth til en nødvendig tidsbesparer (Silverman 2001). Når det gjelder ... -
Teamwork orientation and personal learning: The role of individual cultural values and value congruence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Orientation: There is a growing body of research that indicates that personal factors such as collectivist value orientation play an important role in individuals’ preference for teamwork, and an individual’s propensity ... -
Consumer perceptions of Country of Origin Brand image and product quality on the purchase intention of high-tech products: A multi-country study of Ghanian, Norwegian and South Korean consumers
(Master thesis, 2017)Purpose: In recent times, smartphones can be considered as one of the basic needs of every person. The flexibility, efficiency and ease of use it comes with make it a necessity in today's age and world of technological ... -
Bruken av styringsverktøy blant kommuner i Møre og Romsdal
(Master thesis, 2017)Økonomistyringen i offentlig sektor har i lang tid blitt kritisert fra flere hold. I løpet av de siste tretti årene har man derfor sett en rekke endringsprosesser i tråd med New Public Management litteratur, hvor fellesnevneren ... -
Safety culture in a shipping company - Evidence from two surveys 13 years apart
(Chapter, 2017)Two surveys 13 years apart (2002 and 2015) using identical questionnaires collected data on crew from a Norwegian ship owner. The 2002 survey used reliability tested scales from previous research, and the 2015 research ... -
An Analysis of demand for Norwegian salted & dried cod in the Dominican Republic
(Master thesis, 2017)The objective of this study is to examine the Dominican market for salted & dried cod, by presenting an analysis of demand for this product from 1988 to 2015. Additionally, the study investigates how demand for slated & ... -
Role of masculinity and uncertainty avoidance orientation in the relationship between team Learning behavior and self-efficacy
(Chapter, 2017)This chapter examines the relationship between team learning behavior and employee work related selfefficacy beliefs and further explores the moderating role of individual difference variables, such as masculinity–femininity ... -
Intercontinental variations of the import trade pattern of Norway: applications to best linear unbiased estimable functions of hierarchical econometric model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper’s main purpose is an analysis of the intercontinental variations of Norwegian import expenditures based on yearly import data from 1988 to 2014. We estimate functions for the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) ... -
Land based farming of salmon: economic analysis
(Research report, 2017)The aim of this report is to investigate the economics of land based aquaculture of salmon and to compare the competitiveness of land based production to the conventional, sea based production model. Two land based scenarios ... -
InNorvation SB - Innovasjonsprosjekt
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)If you’ve ever seen a new, innovative product on a crowdfunding website, and wondered how long it will take for it to be completed or if it will meet your expectations, then you’re not alone. On most internet sites/outlets ...