• A novel simulation model, BK_BiogaSim for design of onsite anaerobic digesters using two-stage biochemical kinetics: Codigestion of blackwater and organic waste 

      Neba, Fabrice Abunde; Asiedu, Nana Yaw; Morken, John; Ahmad, Addo; Seidu, Razak (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The design of biogas reactors for blackwater treatment provides special challenges due to significant variability in blackwater characteristics, the complexity of biological systems, and the need, in many cases, to operate ...
    • A Perspective on the Past, Present and Future of Computer-Aided Ship Design 

      Gaspar, Henrique Murilo (Chapter, 2019)
      The work here presented is an attempted answer to an invitation by the same title by V. Bertram to the author, with the objective of propose future paths for computer-aided Ship Design tools, based on observation of past ...
    • A Prime on Web-Based Simulation 

      Fonseca, Icaro Aragao; Gaspar, Henrique Murilo (Chapter, 2019)
      A web-based approach gives advantages regarding sharing, compatibility, open source development and interactivity of engineering simulations. This work introduces the approach with a simple damped harmonic oscillator, ...
    • A Screw-less Solution for Snake-like Robot Assembly and Sensor Integration 

      Li, Guoyuan; Verdru, Peter; Li, Wei; Zhang, Houxiang; Gomez, Juan Gonzalez (Chapter, 2017)
      Assembly or repair of snake-like robots are often time consuming and low efficiency. This paper presents a novel approach for module improvement that can efficiently integrate sensors, micro-controllers and batteries into ...
    • A Software Architecture for Simulation and Visualisation based on the Functional Mock-up Interface and Web Technologies 

      Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Schaathun, Hans Georg; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2015)
      This paper presents a software architecture for a collaborative virtual environment (CVE) for simulation and visualisation based on the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) for co-simulation and web technologies. FMI has ...
    • A Software Framework For Intelligent Computer-Automated Product Design 

      Bye, Robin Trulssen; Osen, Ottar; Pedersen, Birger Skogeng; Hameed, Ibrahim; Schaathun, Hans Georg (Chapter, 2016)
      For many years, NTNU in Ålesund (formerly Aalesund University College) has maintained a close relationship with the maritime industrial cluster, centred in the surrounding geographical region, thus acting as a hub for both ...
    • A Step-wise Feature Selection Scheme for a Prognostics and Health Management System in Autonomous Ferry Crossing Operation 

      Cheng, Xu; Ellefsen, Andre; Li, Guoyuan; Holmeset, Finn Tore; Chen, Shengyong; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2019)
      Developing a reliable algorithm to detect faults automatically within critical components in autonomous ferries is essential for safe and cost-beneficial maritime operations. Autonomous ferries are equipped with hundreds ...
    • A Study of the Implications of the EU ETS for Chemical Tanker Shipping Companies 

      Honne, Tuathla; Natadal, Tobias (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      EUs kvotehandelssystem (EU ETS), som ble etablert i 2005, er en del av EU sin overordnede strategi for å redusere utslipp av klimagasser. Det er økende krav til dekarbonisering. Ettersom sjøtransport er ansvarlig for 3% ...
    • A SVM-based Sensitivity Analysis Approach for Data-Driven Modeling of Ship Motion 

      Wang, Chunlin; Cheng, Xu; Chen, Shengyong; Li, Guoyuan; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2018)
      This paper presents a novel method that combines support vector machine (SVM) with sensitivity analysis (SA) to analyze sensor data for ship motion modeling. In order to investigate how each model input contributes to the ...
    • A System Engineering approach to automation of sorting crates 

      Misund, Armand (Master thesis, 2021)
      Automatisere en manuell prosess er en åpen oppgave med mange innfallsvinkler og løsninger å velge mellom. Ved å bruke et verktøy som Systems Engineering for å kartlegge prosessen og et utvalg av løsninger, er det mulig å ...
    • A System Engineering Approach to evaluate PLM during Upstream Ship Design Processes 

      Hovden, Elisabeth Masdal (Master thesis, 2017)
      Ship design is a complex and iterative process to design the best possible vessel for a customer. Inside the conceptualization phase a lot of requirement information, calculations and documents is created and collected. ...
    • A Tensor Model for Quality Analysis in Industrial Drinking Water Supply System 

      Wu, Di; Wang, Hao; Seidu, Razak (Chapter, 2019)
      Drinking Water Supply (DWS) is one of the most critical and sensitive systems to maintain city operations globally. In Europe, the contradiction between the fast growth of population and obsolete urban water supply ...
    • A Voxel-Based Numerical Method for Computing and Visualising the Workspace of Offshore Cranes 

      Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Sanfilippo, Filippo; Chu, Yingguang; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Workspace computation and visualisation is one of the most important criteria in offshore crane design in terms of geometry dimensioning, installation feasibility and operational performance evaluation. This paper presents ...
    • Active heave compensation of floating wind turbine installation using a catamaran construction vessel 

      Ren, Zhengru; Skjetne, Roger; Verma, Amrit Shankar; Jiang, Zhiyu; Gao, Zhen; Halse, Karl Henning (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The application of floating wind turbines is limited by the high cost that increases with the water depth. Offshore installation and maintenance continue to consume a high percentage of the project budget. To improve the ...
    • Adaptiv autopilot 

      Haavde, Kristian.; Myklebust, Sondre.; Eikebø, Sindre. (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne oppgaven handler om autopiloter, autopilotens historie, systemoppbyggingen og autopilotens videreutvikling; adaptiv autopilot. Oppgaven inneholder informasjon om hva som skiller en adaptiv autopilot fra en konvensjonell ...
    • Adaptive Data-driven Predictor of Ship Maneuvering Motion Under Varying Ocean Environments 

      Wang, Tongtong; Skulstad, Robert; Kanazawa, Motoyasu; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Li, Guoyuan; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2022)
      Modern marine vessels operate increasingly autonomously, enabled by the strong interaction between data acquisition and analysis. The data-driven technology has been widely applied and significantly benefits maritime ...
    • Additive Manufacturing of Thruster Gear Housing 

      Fylling, Emil Karlsen; Bukholm, Frode; Vinding, William Thomas (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bakgrunnen med rapporten er å optimalisere og modifisere girhuset Azipull Karbon 65 truster til å kunne lages med metoden additive produksjon. For Kongsberg Maritime Commercial Marine er det to typer AM («Additive ...
    • Advantages and Disadvantages for a Shipowner of Taking a Vessel into a Product Tanker Pool 

      Helland, Magnus; Myklebusthaug, Sol (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven undersøker fordelene og ulempene for en skipsreder ved å ta skip inn i en produkttanker pool. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er å utforske de mest relevante faktorene som påvirker den mye brukte ...
    • Alarmering via Digital Selective Calling 

      Dyb, Georg Farstad; Svorte, Markus Haram; Larsen, Marie Haugli; Åfløy, Anne Grete (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Bakgrunn: Statistikk viser at kun 2% av alle nødstedte yrkes- og fiskefartøy som befant seg i det norske søk- og redningsområdet, alarmerte via Digital Selective Calling (DSC) i 2015. Dette på tross av at DSC er primær ...
    • Alternative drivstoff 

      Reme, (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I denne oppgaven har det blitt sett nærmere på alternative drivstoff som kan benyttes i skip. Temaet anses å være svært relevant i arbeidet mot å redusere utslipp, for å kunne skape en mer bærekraftig maritim industri. ...