• Birds, bees and bats: Exploring possibilities for cohabitation in the more-than-human city 

      Edwards, Ferne; Melen, Ida Maria Corsepius; Syse, Anna Caroline; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad (Chapter, 2022)
      Urbanization pressures are creating conditions for greater urban density. However, cities are home for both humans and a diversity of nonhuman natures, where heightened proximity between species can cause friction and ...
    • Hatching the Future of Urban Chicken Keeping 

      Melen, Ida Maria Corsepius; Syse, Anna Caroline (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne masteroppgaven beskriver designet av to konsepter for etablering av delt urbant hønsehold i borettslag i Trondheim, som har som mål å tilrettelegge for økt livskvalitet og tettere relasjon til naturen. I en tid der ...
    • Hatching the Future of Urban Chicken Keeping 

      Melen, Ida Maria Corsepius; Syse, Anna Caroline (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne masteroppgaven beskriver designet av to konsepter for etablering av delt urbant hønsehold i borettslag i Trondheim, som har som mål å tilrettelegge for økt livskvalitet og tettere relasjon til naturen. I en tid der ...
    • Let’s Do It Online?! Challenges and Lessons for Inclusive Virtual Participation 

      Manderscheid, Maximilian; Fiala, Valentin; Edwards, Ferne; Freyer, Bernhard; Säumel, Ina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Within the broader framework of the EU-H2020 EdiCitNet project—a large-scale collaborative project with a multi-stakeholder approach—there is the opportunity to observe participatory planning approaches to mainstream ...
    • Making-with the environment through more-than-human design 

      Tarcan, Berilsu; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Edwards, Ferne (Chapter, 2022)
      Current climate and ecological crises require questioning currently dominant under-standings and relations to nonhumans. While design is a human-centered field and practice, many intruders or competing theories challenge ...