Now showing items 2231-2250 of 6258

    • Følgeforskning på samlokaliserte nødmeldesentraler i Bodø 

      Øren, Anita; amklov, petter grytten; Evjemo, Tor Erik; Antonsen, Stian (SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-);, Research report, 2021)
      Denne rapporten beskriver resultatene fra følgeforskning i perioden 2018-2020 av de samlokaliserte nødmeldesentralene i Bodø. Datagrunnlaget er individuelle intervju, feltintervju og observasjoner. Dette er supplert med ...
    • Game Elements for Organizational Use: A quantitative study of player preferences 

      Leganger, Mathias Tangen; Græslie, Lisa Synnøve (Master thesis, 2012)
      The use of games for ?serious? purposes is one of many issues receiving growing attention in research. Games are changing society in new ways, and the birth of the modern video game has spurred its own highly dynamic global ...
    • Gamification i rekruttering 

      Trangen, Elise Tetlie; Sørensen, Inga Hoberg (Master thesis, 2019)
      Temaet for denne avhandlingen er rekruttering og seleksjon av fremtidens ledere. Målet er å bidra til teknologisk utvikling innenfor feltet, ved å undersøke hvordan spillteknologi egner seg til å avdekke kompetanser som ...
    • Gas-fired power plants: Investment timing, operating flexibility and CO2 capture 

      Fleten, Stein-Erik; Näsäkkälä, Erkka (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      We analyze investments in gas-fired power plants based on stochastic electricity and natural gas prices. A simple but realistic two-factor model is used for price processes, enabling analysis of the value of operating ...
    • Gasellebedrifters bruk av styringssystem 

      Finne, Marius; Moum, Sander (Master thesis, 2022)
      Dagens Næringsliv har helt siden 2003 kåret Norges raskest voksende bedrifter og kalt disse for gasellebedrifter. Siden Verdens Helseorganisasjon erklærte Covid-19 viruset som en pandemi i mars 2020, har omgivelsene til ...
    • Gaussian IV estimator of cointegrating relations 

      Bårdsen, Gunnar; Haldrup, Niels (Working Paper Series, 1503-299X; 2006:3, Research report, 2006)
      In static single equation cointegration regression models the OLS estimator will have a non-standard distribution unless regressors are strictly exogenous. In the literature a number of estimators have been suggested to ...
    • Gearing up for growth: the growth process of new ventures at the base of the pyramid 

      Sinha, Vivek; Ausrød, Vegar Lein; Widding, Lars Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      There is need for more empirical-based knowledge on the growth process of new ventures. In this paper, we examine the combination and sequence of the growth modes used by a growing new venture to achieve scale at the base ...
    • Gender differences in altruism: Evidence from a natural field experiment on matched donations 

      Knutsson, Mikael; Martinsson, Peter; Persson, Emil; Wollbrant, Conny (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This paper reports new findings on gender differences in altruism. Conducting a natural field experiment (N 2,164) we study donation behavior in a naturally occurring environment using a matched donation design. Contrary ...
    • The gender wage gap and the early-career effect: the role of actual experience and education level 

      Stokke, Hildegunn Ekroll (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper studies how the gender wage gap develops with work experience throughout the career. The contribution is twofold. First, the analysis applies matched employer-employee register data with information on actual, ...
    • Generasjon Z og banktjenester - hvordan knytte til seg unge bankkunder? 

      Sivertsen, Erlend Ernst Blakstad (Master thesis, 2023)
      En av de viktigste prioriteringene hos banker er å beholde eksisterende kunder. Finansnæringen har fått øyne opp for at unge bankkunder i Generasjon Z er en viktig målgruppe. Det å utvikle og opprettholde relasjoner med ...
    • "Generation Green" om miljøvennlige boligattributter 

      Bøgseth, Mikkel; Horgen, Stine Lilly; Moe, Simen; Svensson, Daniel (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Hensikten med oppgaven var å undersøke hvorvidt unge boligkjøpere prioriterer miljøvennlige boligattributter når de skal kjøpe bolig. Videre undersøkte vi hvordan betalingsvilligheten var for disse, og hvordan utvalget ...
    • Generation of quantifiable knowledge about delouse treatments of salmon – The case of Hydrolicer®/Hydroflow treatments 

      Olsen, Tommy Ole; Becker, Denis Mike (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Controlling the salmon lice problem is at the very core of the salmon farming industry’s growth challenges. One group of methods to control lice is the mechanical treatment methods. By means of these methods, lice can be ...
    • Genesis of Greenfields: Bringing Forth Co-enacted Embodied Organisational Knowing 

      Bygdås, Arne L. (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:158, Doctoral thesis, 2011)
    • GENOR: A Generic Platform for Indicator Assessment in City Planning 

      Leplat, Léo Francois Jean; Torres, Ricardo; Aspen, Dina Margrethe; Amundsen, Andreas (Chapter, 2022)
      More and more data have been generated in city planning in the past few years. Clear visualizations of this data are helpful to support information comprehension and retention for urban practitioners and policy-makers. ...
    • Geographical Sources of Firm Innovation: Maritime Suppliers in Møre & Romsdal 

      Frøystad, Maria Kvalsvik (Master thesis, 2014)
      Recent literature discusses the geographical sources of firm innovation. However, there are disagreements regarding the relevance of international linkages and knowledge flows over local interactions in clusters. New ...
    • Geographically Dispersed Organizations: Organization and Categorization 

      Abdullah, Ahmad (Master thesis, 2013)
      Organization is not an easy task to handle especially when distance is involved. GDOs are the organizational structures derived from traditional organizing approach. Researchers and practitioners face problems in organizing ...
    • Geopolitical threats, equity returns, and optimal hedging 

      Ali, Syed Riaz Mahmood; Anik, Kaysul Islam; Hasan, Mohammad Nurul; Kamal, Md Rajib (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In this paper, we demonstrate that the U.S. equity market and a few specific sectors produce significantly positive returns during high geopolitical threats, even with the presence of standard controls, whereas other major ...
    • Get Give Make Live: An Empirical Comparative Study of Motivations for Technology, Youth and Arts Entrepreneurship 

      Toscher, Benjamin; Dahle, Yngve; Steinert, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Purpose This study aims to explore the motivations and business ideation processes of 776 entrepreneurs from three diverse cohorts of technology, youth and arts entrepreneurs. Design/methodology/approach Using an inductive ...
    • Getting the valuation formulas right when it comes to annuities 

      Becker, Denis Mike (Journal article, 2022)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is to establish the flow-to-equity method, the free cash flow (FCF) method, the adjusted present value method and the relationships between these methods when the FCF appears as an annuity. ...
    • Gevinstrealiseringsprosjektets rolle i implementeringen av Helseplattformen 

      Morken, Julie; Valvik, Amalie (Master thesis, 2023)
      Helse- og omsorgssektoren står overfor store utfordringer i fremtiden med økende behov for helse- og omsorgstjenester i kombinasjon med knapphet på ressurser. Det forutsetter iverksetting av tiltak, og en mulig løsning kan ...