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dc.contributor.advisorSindre, Guttorm
dc.contributor.authorNygård, Sindre Haneset
dc.description.abstractStudents who enroll in university introductory programming courses often have very different backgrounds. Some have never written a single line of code in their entire life, while others have been programming for years. Having students with so different background can be a challenge for course organizers and teaching assistants. A system that can help the students self-evaluate their own assignments and skill can save a lot of time for the teaching assistants, time they can spend to help students in need. The system should also be able to provide assignments with adjusted difficulty to each individual student. This way, both students with a lot of programming experience as well as novice programmers can get challenging assignments. This project seeks out to uncover the requirements for such a system. To identify the requirements, a questionnaire was sent out to students attending the object oriented programming course, and a prototype was made and tested by a small test group. A heuristic function to adjust the assignment difficulty by advancing a skill level based on the number of correct answers in a row was tested, and turned out to work very well. This project also looked at what aspects can increase the students motivation to do more assignments. Another element that was investigated was how to make the system as easy as possible to use, to encourage students with less programming experience to do more assignments. A leveling system, achievements and a system for adaptive assingment difficulty turned out to be a great combination to have students with very different background work on assignments in the same system.
dc.subjectDatateknologi, Software
dc.titleAutomatic self-evaluation system for novice Python developers
dc.typeMaster thesis

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