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dc.contributor.advisorGambäck, Björn
dc.contributor.authorRæder, Johan Georg Cyrus Mazaher
dc.description.abstractIn the past decade, social media like Twitter have become popular and a part of everyday life for many people. Opinion mining of the thoughts and opinions they share can be of interest to, e.g., companies and organizations. The sentiment of a text can be drastically altered when figurative language such as sarcasm is used. This thesis presents a system for automatic sarcasm detection in Twitter messages. To get a better understanding of the field, state-of-the-art systems for detecting sarcasm in Twitter messages are explored. Many such systems already exist, and a common theme among them is the use of automatically annotated data for both training and testing. In addition to presenting a system for detecting sarcasm, this thesis also looks into the use of manually annotated data for testing. To this end, a dataset of tweets manually annotated with respect to the presence of sarcasm was built. The result was very similar to that of a previously made set, and both of them showed considerable deviation from automatic annotation. This implies that using automatically annotated data for the task of sarcasm detection in tweets is a mediocre approximation. Experiments with both of the manually annotated datasets also gave very similar results, showing that they are well annotated and reasonably representative for sarcasm detection in tweets.
dc.subjectDatateknologi, Komplekse datasystemer
dc.titleAutomatic Sarcasm Detection in Twitter Messages
dc.typeMaster thesis

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