• Mobbing i barnehagen: forekomst, korrelater og øynene som ser 

      Fladset-Skrove, Mathea Margrethe (Master thesis, 2014)
      Mobbing er et fenomen som i de siste tiår har fått større oppmerksomhet både i internasjonal og skandinavisk forskningslitteratur, og i skolene og samfunnet forøvrig. Fokus har i stor grad vært rettet mot skolebarn. I ...
    • Mobbing på arbeidsplassen : tilskuernes roller i mobbesituasjoner 

      Andreassen, Ellen Cathrine (Master thesis, 2015)
      I dagens samfunn, med stort fokus på det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet, er det viktig å belyse alle aspekter rundt mobbing på arbeidsplassen. Dette er et felt det er forsket relativt mye på. Denne forskningen har primært ...
    • Modeling the Relationships Between Metacognitive Beliefs, Attention Control and Symptoms in Children With and Without Anxiety Disorders: A Test of the S-REF Model 

      Reinholdt-Dunne, Marie Louise; Blicher, Andreas; Nordahl, Henrik; Normann, Nicoline; Esbjørn, Barbara Hoff; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In the metacognitive model, attentional control and metacognitive beliefs are key transdiagnostic mechanisms contributing to psychological disorder. The aim of the current study was to investigate the relative contribution ...
    • Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries 

      Sorokowski, Piotr; Kowal, Marta; Sternberg, Robert J.; Aavik, Toivo; Akello, Grace; Alhabahba, Mohammad Madallh; Alm, Charlotte; Amjad, Naumana; Anjum, Afifa; Asao, Kelly; Atama, Chiemezie S.; Atamtürk Duyar, Derya; Ayebare, Richard; Conroy-Beam, Daniel; Bendixen, Mons; Bensafia, Aicha; Bizumic, Boris; Boussena, Mahmoud; Buss, David M.; Butovskaya, Marina; Can, Seda; Carrier, Antonin; Cetinkaya, Hakan; Croy, Ilona; Cueto, Rosa María; Czub, Marcin; Dronova, Daria; Dural, Seda; Duyar, Izzet; Ertugrul, Berna; Espinosa, Agustín; Estevan, Ignacio; Esteves, Carla Sofia; Frackowiak, Tomasz; Garduño, Jorge Contreras; González, Karina Ugalde; Guemaz, Farida; Halamová, Mária; Herak, Iskra; Horvat, Marina; Hromatko, Ivana; Hui, Chin-Ming; Jaafar, Jas Laile; Jiang, Feng; Kafetsios, Konstantinos; Kavčič, Tina; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Kervyn, Nicolas; Ha, Truong Thi Khanh; Khilji, Imran Ahmed; Köbis, Nils C.; Kostic, Aleksandra; Lan, Hoang Moc; Láng, András; Lennard, Georgina R.; León, Ernesto; Lindholm, Torun; Linh, Trinh Thi; Lopez, Giulia; Van Luot, Nguyen; Mailhos, Alvaro; Manesi, Zoi; Martinez, Rocio; McKerchar, Sarah L.; Meskó, Norbert; Pejičić, Marija; Misra, Girishwar; Monaghan, Conal; Mora, Emanuel C.; Moya-Garófano, Alba; Musil, Bojan; Natividade, Jean Carlos; Nizharadze, George; Oberzaucher, Elisabeth; Oleszkiewicz, Anna; Omar-Fauzee, Mohd Sofian; Onyishi, Ike E.; Özener, Baris; Pagani, Ariela Francesca; Pakalniskiene, Vilmante; Parise, Miriam; Pazhoohi, Farid; Pisanski, Annette; Pisanski, Katarzyna; Ponciano, Edna; Popa, Camelia; Prokop, Pavol; Rizwan, Muhammad; Sainz, Mario; Salkičević, Svjetlana; Sargautyte, Ruta; Sarmány-Schuller, Ivan; Schmehl, Susanne; Shahid, Anam; Sharad, Shivantika; Siddiqui, Razi Sultan; Simonetti, Franco; Tadinac, Meri; Vauclair, Christin-Melanie; Vega, Luis Diego; Walter, Kathryn V.; Widarini, Dwi Ajeng; Yoo, Gyesook; Zaťková, Marta; Zupančič, Maja; Sorokowska, Agnieszka (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Recent cross-cultural and neuro-hormonal investigations have suggested that love is a near universal phenomenon that has a biological background. Therefore, the remaining important question is not whether love exists ...
    • Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial 

      Haugen, Tina; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Friborg, Oddgeir; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Mork, Paul Jarle; Mikkelsen, Gustav; Elklit, Ask; Rothbaum, Barbara O.; Schei, Berit; Hagemann, Cecilie Therese (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Sexual assault and rape are the traumatic life events with the highest probability for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can have devastating consequences for those afflicted by the condition. Studies ...
    • A Moment of Autonomy Support Brightens Adolescents’ Mood: Autonomy Support, Psychological Control and Adolescent Affect in Everyday Life 

      Van der Kaap-Deeder, Jolene; Bülow, Anne; Waterschoot, Joachim; Truyen, Isabel; Keijsers, Loes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This experience sampling study examined whether autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling interactions with parents are intertwined with adolescents' momentary affect. For 7 days (in 2020), 143 adolescents ...
    • Mono- and multimodal green transport use on university trips during winter and summer: hybrid choice models on the norm-activation theory 

      Mehdizadeh, Milad; Zavareh, Mohsen; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The current study investigated the effects of environmental norms and beliefs as well as socioeconomic and situational characteristics on multimodal and monomodal green transport and car use on university trips during ...
    • Morality play - en fruktbar metode for å forske på spedbarns moral? Et kritisk blikk på Hamlin og Wynn sine studier og forskningsmetode 

      Øwre, Maria (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Hamlin og Wynn hevder at spedbarn har en preferanse for prososiale framfor antisosiale individer, og benytter seg av en ”morality play”-prosedyre for å undersøke denne tendensen. Deres funn og prosedyre har bidratt stort ...
    • Mortality among patients discharged from an acute psychiatric department: A 5-year prospective study 

      Prestmo, Astrid; Høyen, Karina Sagmo; Vaaler, Arne; Torgersen, Terje; Drange, Ole Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The primary aim of the study was to explore the post discharge standardized mortality ratio of patients from an acute psychiatric department in Norway. The secondary aims were to explore if the standardized mortality ratio ...
    • "Most steps wins" : en teoretisk oppgave om kreative samarbeid 

      Edvardsen, Aksel Normann Wedholm (Master thesis, 2016)
      I denne masteroppgaven om kreativitetens natur og kreative samarbeid, undersøker forfatteren disse tematikkene i lys av Pixar Animation Studios og den filosofien de sentrerer sine kreative prosesser rundt. Det argumenteres ...
    • Motion, relation, and passion in brain physiological and cognitive aging 

      Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Dybendal, Benjamin Holen; Grassini, Simone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The aim of the current paper was to present important factors for keeping the basic structures of a person’s brain function, i.e., the grey and white matter, intact. Several lines of evidence have shown that motion, relation, ...
    • Motivasjon hos bærekraftige endringsagenter 

      Maria Lona Gundersen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Det har blitt utført en studie som har tatt i bruk intervju med to informanter. Dette studiet er en del av et større forskningsprosjekt i regi av NTNU. Flere klimarapporter viser at klimaendringene bare blir verre og verre ...
    • Motivasjon i bærekraftarbeid 

      Kamilla Skolt (Master thesis, 2023)
      Organisasjoner er ansett å være blant de største bidragsyterne til klimaendringer. For å nå ambisiøse mål om å kutte klimautslipp, vil deres bidrag også være avgjørende. Bærekraftledere spiller en sentral rolle i håndteringen ...
    • Motivasjon i Mixed Martial Arts: En kvalitativ studie av motivasjon i kampsporten MMA 

      Svendsen, Henning (Master thesis, 2011)
      Formålet med oppgaven var å bidra til å gi en nyansert fremstilling av utøvere av kampsporten Mixed martial Arts (MMA). Dette skjedde gjennom kvalitative intervjuer som eksplorerte respondentenes livsverdener i forhold til ...
    • Motivasjon og unnvikende personlighetsforstyrrelse som prediktorer for sosial fobi pasienters behandlingsutfall 

      Velgaard, Mari Skjøren (Master thesis, 2012)
      Denne oppgaven gir først en teoretisk beskrivelse av lidelsene sosial fobi og unnvikende personlighetsforstyrrelse (UPF). Behandlingsmetoder og behandlingsutfall for disse lidelsene beskrives så; samt at faktoren motivasjon ...
    • Motivation and well-being among elite junior athletes : the role of challenge during training 

      Tyssen, Oddvar Jordheim (Master thesis, 2015)
      The purpose of this study was to examine motivation, positive emotions and challenge in groups of elite junior athletes. Results are discussed in terms of self-determination theory and the functional well-being approach. ...
    • Motivational factors are varying across age groups and gender 

      Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Haga, Monika; Elnes, Magdalena; Dybendal, Benjamin Holen; Hermundsdottir, Fanny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The aim of the current study was to explore differences in passion for achievement, grit, and mindset across age and gender, by using a cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 1548 participants including 931 females ...
    • Motivational interviewing in long-term sickness absence: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial followed by qualitative and economic studies 

      Aasdahl, Lene; Foldal, Vegard Stolsmo; Standal, Martin Inge; Hagen, Roger; Johnsen, Roar; Solbjør, Marit; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Fossen, Heidi; Jensen, Chris; Bagøien, Gunnhild; Halsteinli, Vidar; Fors, Egil Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background Motivational interviewing (MI), mainly used and shown effective in health care (substance abuse, smoking cessation, increasing exercise and other life style changes), is a collaborative conversation (style) ...
    • Motor Competence in Adolescents: Exploring Association with Physical Fitness 

      Gísladóttir, Thórdís Lilja; Haga, Monika; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The purpose of this study was twofold: First, to examine the correlation between adolescents’ performance on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children -2 (MABC-2) and the Test of Motor Competence (TMC), and second, to ...
    • Motor Competence, Physical Fitness and the Impact of Sport Participation on Adolescents 

      Gísladóttir, Thórdís Lilja (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:4, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      The objective of the study was to contribute to a better understanding of how motor competence relates to physical fitness in 15–16 year old adolescents. Furthermore, it aims to study what influences participation in ...