• Moderne NAV 

      Freshta Amir (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
    • Moderne samarbeid i en digital tidsalder 

      Eide, Camilla (Master thesis, 2024)
      Den nye nasjonale digitaliseringsstrategien som ferdigstilles i 2024, legger fokus på sterkere koordinering mellom offentlig og privat sektor, for å styrke både digitaliseringsarbeidet og helhetlig tjenestevirksomhet i ...
    • Moderne Slaveri Grensen mellom frihet og ufrihet 

      Bentsen, Matthew McGonagle (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Oppgaven baserer seg på eksisterende antroplogisk litteratur samt noen nettsider slik somFn.no og avisartikkler. Oppgaven legger frem spørsmålet om hva det vil si å være en moderne slave. Dikotomien frihet og ufrihet.
    • "Modernisering av nasjonale helseregistre - muligheter og utfordringer" : en kvalitativ studie av status, barrierer og muligheter for samordning og modernisering av nasjonale helseregistre 

      Huse, Unn Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2014)
      Målsetningen om en samordnet og effektiv forvaltning er ikke ny, og det finnes mye litteratur om hvordan forvaltningens tradisjonelle siloer gjør det krevende å etablere optimale arbeidsprosesser på tvers av disse. ...
    • Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries 

      Sorokowski, Piotr; Kowal, Marta; Sternberg, Robert J.; Aavik, Toivo; Akello, Grace; Alhabahba, Mohammad Madallh; Alm, Charlotte; Amjad, Naumana; Anjum, Afifa; Asao, Kelly; Atama, Chiemezie S.; Atamtürk Duyar, Derya; Ayebare, Richard; Conroy-Beam, Daniel; Bendixen, Mons; Bensafia, Aicha; Bizumic, Boris; Boussena, Mahmoud; Buss, David M.; Butovskaya, Marina; Can, Seda; Carrier, Antonin; Cetinkaya, Hakan; Croy, Ilona; Cueto, Rosa María; Czub, Marcin; Dronova, Daria; Dural, Seda; Duyar, Izzet; Ertugrul, Berna; Espinosa, Agustín; Estevan, Ignacio; Esteves, Carla Sofia; Frackowiak, Tomasz; Garduño, Jorge Contreras; González, Karina Ugalde; Guemaz, Farida; Halamová, Mária; Herak, Iskra; Horvat, Marina; Hromatko, Ivana; Hui, Chin-Ming; Jaafar, Jas Laile; Jiang, Feng; Kafetsios, Konstantinos; Kavčič, Tina; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Kervyn, Nicolas; Ha, Truong Thi Khanh; Khilji, Imran Ahmed; Köbis, Nils C.; Kostic, Aleksandra; Lan, Hoang Moc; Láng, András; Lennard, Georgina R.; León, Ernesto; Lindholm, Torun; Linh, Trinh Thi; Lopez, Giulia; Van Luot, Nguyen; Mailhos, Alvaro; Manesi, Zoi; Martinez, Rocio; McKerchar, Sarah L.; Meskó, Norbert; Pejičić, Marija; Misra, Girishwar; Monaghan, Conal; Mora, Emanuel C.; Moya-Garófano, Alba; Musil, Bojan; Natividade, Jean Carlos; Nizharadze, George; Oberzaucher, Elisabeth; Oleszkiewicz, Anna; Omar-Fauzee, Mohd Sofian; Onyishi, Ike E.; Özener, Baris; Pagani, Ariela Francesca; Pakalniskiene, Vilmante; Parise, Miriam; Pazhoohi, Farid; Pisanski, Annette; Pisanski, Katarzyna; Ponciano, Edna; Popa, Camelia; Prokop, Pavol; Rizwan, Muhammad; Sainz, Mario; Salkičević, Svjetlana; Sargautyte, Ruta; Sarmány-Schuller, Ivan; Schmehl, Susanne; Shahid, Anam; Sharad, Shivantika; Siddiqui, Razi Sultan; Simonetti, Franco; Tadinac, Meri; Vauclair, Christin-Melanie; Vega, Luis Diego; Walter, Kathryn V.; Widarini, Dwi Ajeng; Yoo, Gyesook; Zaťková, Marta; Zupančič, Maja; Sorokowska, Agnieszka (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Recent cross-cultural and neuro-hormonal investigations have suggested that love is a near universal phenomenon that has a biological background. Therefore, the remaining important question is not whether love exists ...
    • Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial 

      Haugen, Tina; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Friborg, Oddgeir; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Mork, Paul Jarle; Mikkelsen, Gustav; Elklit, Ask; Rothbaum, Barbara O.; Schei, Berit; Hagemann, Cecilie Therese (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Sexual assault and rape are the traumatic life events with the highest probability for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can have devastating consequences for those afflicted by the condition. Studies ...
    • Modige møter i en refleksjonsgruppe 

      By, Hanne Cecilie (Master thesis, 2012)
      Groups and group work are designed to address the problems of living in our contemporary society (Trotzer, 1999). In groups people work together, communicate, clarify different problems, make decisions and relates to ...
    • A Moment of Autonomy Support Brightens Adolescents’ Mood: Autonomy Support, Psychological Control and Adolescent Affect in Everyday Life 

      Van der Kaap-Deeder, Jolene; Bülow, Anne; Waterschoot, Joachim; Truyen, Isabel; Keijsers, Loes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This experience sampling study examined whether autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling interactions with parents are intertwined with adolescents' momentary affect. For 7 days (in 2020), 143 adolescents ...
    • Moments of shared companionship between children with visual impairment and their sighted caregivers in music: An exploratory study in Rio de Janeiro 

      Metell, Maren (Master thesis, 2014)
      This Master thesis aims at developing knowledge on what music therapy can afford for children with visual impairment and their sighted caregivers in terms of bonding and early interaction. Children with visual impairment ...
    • Money Matters and Money Talks: German Children’s Experiences with and Perspectives on Their Own Money 

      Gebauer, Anja (Master thesis, 2013)
      The following thesis rectifies the often assumed notion that children are economic innocents and portrays the full complexity of children’s economic lives. It traces the experiences of 17 German 6 to 8 year old children ...
    • Monitoring the social gradient: Inequalities in use of blood pressure monitors in the HUNT study 

      Rydland, Håvard Thorsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Aim: To investigate the cross-sectional and longitudinal social gradient in use of blood pressure monitors, an innovative health technology. Background: This is one of the first studies of social inequalities in the ...
    • Mono- and multimodal green transport use on university trips during winter and summer: hybrid choice models on the norm-activation theory 

      Mehdizadeh, Milad; Zavareh, Mohsen; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The current study investigated the effects of environmental norms and beliefs as well as socioeconomic and situational characteristics on multimodal and monomodal green transport and car use on university trips during ...
    • MOOC Platforms: A Nordic Approach to Research Informed Education in Higher Education 

      Langseth, Inger Dagrun; Lysne, Dag Atle; Nykvist, Shaun; Haugsbakken, Halvdan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Due to a growing demand for flexible lifelong learning, many universities will need to transform their educational strategies to meet societal demands to stay in business in a market where global competition with new ...
    • Moorings and Disembeddedness: The Search for Modern Subjectivity and the Need for Belonging among Chinese International Students in Norway 

      Page, Alexander Gamst (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:228, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      This is an ethnographic study of Chinese international students in Norway. It focuses on their motives, experiences, difficulties and how these are managed. The main way this is done is through social groups, the Lutheran ...
    • Moped og trafikkrisiko 

      Nordskag, Tor Erik (Master thesis, 2014)
      Driving attitudes and how people judge risk factors in traffic are important to understand why people get injured, or killed in road traffic accidents. The drivers aged 16-20 years are most frequently involved in traffic ...
    • Moral Commitment and existential issues in religious and worldview education 

      Skeie, Geir (Chapter, 2019)
      Education aims to give young people the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are necessary for life in a future society, but also to make them competent to criticize and change this society. Educational policies reflect ...
    • Moral Intuitions and Political Orientations among Norwegian Voters 

      Enstad, Johannes Due; Finseraas, Henning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Can individual’s moral intuitions shed light on political and ideological orientations in the population? We present Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) and conduct the first study of MFT’s explanatory power in a Norwegian ...
    • Morality play - en fruktbar metode for å forske på spedbarns moral? Et kritisk blikk på Hamlin og Wynn sine studier og forskningsmetode 

      Øwre, Maria (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Hamlin og Wynn hevder at spedbarn har en preferanse for prososiale framfor antisosiale individer, og benytter seg av en ”morality play”-prosedyre for å undersøke denne tendensen. Deres funn og prosedyre har bidratt stort ...
    • Morality, mobility and citizenship: Legitimising mobile subjectivities in a contested outdoors 

      Flemsæter, Frode; Setten, Gunhild; Brown, Katrina Gry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      In this article, we examine articulations of mobile citizenship produced through the discursive practices of state agencies, drawing in particular on a study of the contested reconfiguration of outdoor citizenship in Norway. ...
    • Morals and Ethics within a Community: Motivation, theory and practice of the Gülen principles at school 

      Tangen, Maya Ayşe Soyer (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis is based on a six months fieldwork in Istanbul, Turkey. The thesis explores the Gülen movement in theory and practice. My interest was in how the followers of the movement interpret and translate the movement‟s ...