• Comprehensive genome-wide association study of different forms of hernia identifies more than 80 associated loci 

      Fadista, João; Skotte, Line; Karjalainen, Juha; Abner, Erik; Sørensen, Erik; Ullum, Henrik; Werge, Thomas; Werge, Thomas; Hougaard, David M.; Børglum, Anders D.; Nordentoft, Merete; Mortensen, Preben B.; Esko, Tõnu; Milani, Lili; Palotie, Aarno; Daly, Mark; Melbye, Mads; Feenstra, Bjarke; Geller, Frank (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Hernias are characterized by protrusion of an organ or tissue through its surrounding cavity and often require surgical repair. In this study we identify 65,492 cases for five hernia types in the UK Biobank and perform ...
    • Conceptual Framework for Therapeutic Training with Biofeedback in Virtual Reality: First Evaluation of a Relaxation Simulator 

      Fominykh, Mikhail; Prasolova-Førland, Ekaterina; Stiles, Tore C; Krogh, Anne Berit; Linde, Mattias (Chapter, 2017)
      This paper presents a concept for designing low-cost therapeutic training with biofeedback and virtual reality. We completed the first evaluation of a prototype - a mobile learning application for relaxation training, ...
    • Concordance between clinician- and 2016 criteria- based diagnoses of fibromyalgia 

      Mengshoel, Anne Marit; Brandsar, Nina Linnea; Natvig, Bård; Fors, Egil Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Objectives The Fibromyalgia Survey Diagnostic Criteria-2016 (FSD-2016 criteria) were recently recommended for both clinical and research purposes. The present study aims to examine whether there is concordance between ...
    • Constipation and Laxative Use among Nursing Home Patients: Prevalence and Associations Derived from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities (interRAI LTCF) 

      Blekken, Lene Elisabeth; Nakrem, Sigrid; Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen; Norton, Christine; Mørkved, Siv; Salvesen, Øyvind; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Introduction. Constipation is a common, bothersome, and potentially dangerous condition among nursing home (NH) patients. Between 50 and 74% of NH patients use laxatives. Objective. To study prevalence and associations of ...
    • Contact with primary health care physicians before an acute hospitalisation 

      Skarshaug, Lena Janita; Svedahl, Ellen Rabben; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon; Steinsbekk, Aslak; Pape, Kristine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Objectives: To assess contacts with general practitioners (GPs), both regular GPs and out-of-hours GP services (OOH) during the year before an emergency hospital admission. Design: Longitudinal design with register-based ...
    • Containing pandemics through targeted testing of households 

      Voigt, Andre; Martyushenko, Nikolay; Karlsen, Emil; Hall, Martina; Nyhamar, Kristen; Omholt, Stig William; Almaas, Eivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background While invasive social distancing measures have proven efficient to control the spread of pandemics failing wide-scale deployment of vaccines, they carry vast societal costs. The development of a diagnostic ...
    • Contested discourses and culture sensitivity: Norwegian nursing students’ experience of clinical placement in Nicaragua 

      Grudt, Solveig Kirsti; Hadders, Hans (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Aim: The purpose of this study was to gain understanding of Norwegian students’ practical experience of ‘culture sensitivity’. Design: Using focus group interviews and individual written assignments, we draw upon Foucauldian ...
    • Contextual and time dependent pain in fibromyalgia: An explorative study 

      Fors, Egil Andreas; Landmark, Tormod; Bakke, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Background Little is known about contextual effects on chronic pain, and how vulnerability factors influence pain in different contexts. We wanted to examine if fibromyalgia (FM) pain varied between two social contexts, ...
    • Contextual Factors Associated with Abuse of Home-Dwelling Persons with Dementia: A Cross-Sectional Exploratory Study of Informal Caregivers 

      Steinsheim, Gunn; Malmedal, Wenche Karin; Follestad, Turid; Olsen, Bonnie; Saga, Susan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      One in six community-dwelling older adults experience elder abuse yearly, and persons with dementia are especially at risk. Although many risk factors for elder abuse have been identified, there are still knowledge gaps ...
    • Continuous development of colorectal cancer screening programs 

      Hoff, Geir; Ursin, Giske; Løberg, Magnus; de Lange, Thomas; Skovlund, Eva; Holme, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programs are far from perfect. Many crucial questions remain, yet expensive CRC screening services are implemented throughout the world without a plan on how to evaluate and improve the ...
    • The contribution of employment and working conditions to occupational inequalities in non-communicable diseases in Europe 

      McNamara, Courtney L.; Toch-Marquardt, Marlen; Albani, Viviana; Eikemo, Terje Andreas; Bambra, Clare (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background Social inequalities in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are evident across all European regions. Employment and working conditions are important determinants of NCDs, however, few comparative studies have ...
    • Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: A pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants 

      Ezzati, Majid; Zhou, Bin; Bentham, James; Di Cesare, Mariachiara; Bixby, Honor; Danaei, Goodarz; Hajifathalian, Kaveh; Taddei, Cristina; Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M; Djalalinia, Shirin; Khatibzadeh, Shahab; Lugero, Charles; Peykari, Niloofar; Zhang, Wan Zhu; Bennett, James; Bilano, Ver; Stevens, Gretchen A; Cowan, Melanie J; Riley, Leanne M; Chen, Zhengming; Hambleton, Ian R; Jackson, Rod T; Kengne, Andre Pascal; Khang, Young-Ho; Laxmaiah, Avula; Liu, Jing; Malekzadeh, Reza; Neuhauser, Hannelore K; Sorić, Maroje; Starc, Gregor; Sundström, Johan; Woodward, Mark; Abarca-Gómez, Leandra; Abdeen, Ziad A; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen M; Acosta-Cazares, Benjamin; Adams, Robert J; Aekplakorn, Wichai; Afsana, Kaosar; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A; Agyemang, Charles; Ahmad, Noor Ani; Ahmadvand, Alireza; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Ajlouni, Kamel; Akhtaeva, Nazgul; Al-Raddadi, Rajaa; Ali, Mohamed M; Ali, Osman; Alkerwi, Ala'a; Aly, Eman; Amarapurkar, Deepak N; Amouyel, Philippe; Amuzu, Antoinette; Andersen, Lars Bo; Anderssen, Sigmund Alfred; Ängquist, Lars H; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan; Ansong, Daniel; Aounallah-Skhiri, Hajer; Araujo, Joana; Ariansen, Inger; Aris, Tahir; Arlappa, Nimmathota; Arveiler, Dominique; Aryal, Krishna K; Aspelund, Thor; Assah, Felix K; Assunção, Maria Cecília Formoso; Avdicova, Macria; Azevedo, Ana; Azizi, Fereidoun; Babu, Bontha V; Bahijri, Suhad; Balakrishna, Nagalla; Bamoshmoosh, Mohamed; Banach, Maciej; Bandosz, Piotr; Banegas, Jose R; Barbagallo, Carlo M; Barceló, Alberto; Barkat, Amina; Barros, Aluisio JD; Barros, Mauro V; Bata, Iqbal; Batieha, Anwar M; Batyrbek, Assembekov; Baur, Louise A; Beaglehole, Robert; Romdhane, Habiba Ben; Benet, Mikhail; Benson, Lowell S; Bernabe-Ortiz, Antonio; Bernotiene, Gailute; Bettiol, Heloisa; Bhagyalaxmi, Aroor; Bharadwaj, Sumit; Bhargava, Santosh K; Bi, Yufang; Bikbov, Mukharram; Bista, Bihungum; Bjerregaard, Peter; Bjertness, Espen; Bjertness, Marius Bergsmark; Björkelund, Cecilia; Blokstra, Anneke; Bo, Simona; Bobak, Martin; Boeing, Heiner; Boggia, Jose G; Boissonnet, Carlos P; Bongard, Vanina; Borchini, Rossana; Bovet, Pascal; Braeckman, Lutgart; Brajkovich, Imperia; Branca, Francesco; Breckenkamp, Juergen; Brenner, Hermann; Brewster, Lizzy M; Bruno, Graziella; Bueno-De-Mesquita, Hendrik Bastiaan; Bugge, Anna; Burns, Con; Bursztyn, Michael; de Léon, Antonio Cabrera; Cacciottolo, Joseph; Cai, Hui; Cameron, Christine; Can, Gunay; Candido, Ana Paula C; Capuano, Vincenzo; Cardoso, Viviane C; Carlsson, Axel C; Carvalho, Maria J; Casanueva, Felipe F; Casas, Juan-Pablo; Caserta, Carmelo A; Chamukuttan, Snehalatha; Chan, Angelique W; Chan, Queenie; Chaturvedi, Himanshu K; Chaturvedi, Nishi; Chen, Chien-Jen; Chen, Fangfang; Chen, Huashuai; Chen, Shuohua; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Dekkaki, Imane Cherkaoui; Chetrit, Angela; Chiolero, Arnaud; Chiou, Shu-Ti; Chirita-Emandi, Adela; Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores; Cho, Belong; Cho, Yumi; Christofaro, Diego G; Chudek, Jerzy; Cifkova, Renata; Cinteza, Eliza; Claessens, Frank; Clays, Els; Concin, Hans; Cooper, Cyrus; Cooper, Rachel; Coppinger, Tara C; Costanzo, Simona; Cottel, Dominique; Cowell, Chris; Craig, Cora L; Crujeiras, Ana B; Cruz, Juan J; D'Arrigo, Graziella; d'Orsi, Eleonora; Dallongeville, Jean; Damasceno, Albertino; Dankner, Rachel; Dantoft, Thomas M; Dauchet, Luc; Davletov, Kairat; De Backer, Guy; De Bacquer, Dirk; de Gaetano, Giovanni; De Henauw, Stefaan; de Oliveira, Paula Duarte; De Smedt, Delphine; Deepa, Mohan; Dehghan, Abbas; Delisle, Helene; Deschamps, Valerie; Dhana, Klodian; Di Castelnuovo, Augusto F; Dias-da-Costa, Juvenal Soares; Diaz, Alejandro; Dickerson, Ty T; Do, Ha TP; Dobson, Annette J; Donfrancesco, Chiara; Donoso, Silvana P; Doring, Angela; Dorobantu, Maria; Doua, Kouamelan; Drygas, Wojciech; Dulskiene, Virginija; Dzakula, Aleksandar; Dzerve, Vilnis; Dziankowska-Zaborszczyk, Elzbieta; Eggertsen, Robert; Ekelund, Ulf; El Ati, Jalila; Elliott, Paul; Elosua, Roberto; Erasmus, Rajiv T; Erem, Cihangir; Eriksen, Louise; Eriksson, Johan G; Escobedo-de la Peña, Jorge; Evans, Alun; Faeh, David; Fall, Caroline H; Farzadfar, Farshad; Felix-Redondo, Francisco J; Ferguson, Trevor S; Fernandes, Romulo A; Fernandez-Berges, Daniel; Ferrante, Daniel; Ferrari, Marika; Ferreccio, Catterina; Ferrieres, Jean; Finn, Joseph D; Fischer, Krista; Foger, Bernhard; Foo, Leng Huat; Forslund, Ann-Sofie; Forsner, Maria; Fouad, Heba M; Francis, Damian K; Franco, Maria do Carmo; Franco, Oscar H; Frontera, Guillermo; Fuchs, Flavio D; Fuchs, Sandra C; Fujita, Yuki; Furusawa, Takuro; Gaciong, Zbigniew; Galvano, Fabio; Garcia-de-la-Hera, Manoli; Gareta, Dickman; Garnett, Sarah P; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Gasull, Magda; Gates, Louise; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Ghasemian, Anoosheh; Ghimire, Anup; Giampaoli, Simona; Gianfagna, Francesco; Gill, Tiffany K; Giovannelli, Jonathan; Goldsmith, Rebecca A; Gonçalves, Helen; Gonzalez-Gross, Marcela; González-Rivas, Juan P; Gorbea, Mariano Bonet; Gottrand, Frederic; Graff-Iversen, Sidsel; Grafnetter, Dusan; Grajda, Aneta; Grammatikopoulou, Maria G; Gregor, Ronald D; Grodzicki, Tomasz; Grøntved, Anders; Grosso, Giuseppe; Gruden, Gabriella; Grujic, Vera; Gu, Dongfeng; Guan, Ong Peng; Gudmundsson, Elias F; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Guerrero, Ramiro; Guessous, Idris; Guimaraes, Andre L; Gulliford, Martin C; Gunnlaugsdóttir, Johanna; Gunter, Marc; Gupta, Prakash C; Gupta, Rajeev; Gureje, Oye; Gurzkowska, Beata; Gutierrez, Laura; Gutzwiller, Felix; Hadaegh, Farzad; Halkjær, Jytte; Hardy, Rebecca; Kumar, Rachakulla Hari; Hata, Jun; Hayes, Alison J; He, Jiang; He, Yuna; Hendriks, Marleen Elisabeth; Henriques, Ana; Cadena, Leticia Hernandez; Herrala, Sauli; Heshmat, Ramin; Hihtaniemi, Ilpo Tapani; Ho, Sai Yin; Ho, Suzanne C; Hobbs, Michael; Hofman, Albert; Dinc, Gonul Horasan; Horimoto, Andrea RVR; Hormiga, Claudia M; Horta, Bernardo L; Houti, Leila; Howitt, Christina; Htay, Thein Thein; Htet, Aung Soe; Htike, Maung Maung Than; Hu, Yonghua; Huerta, José María; Huisman, Martijn; Husseini, Abdullatif S; Huybrechts, Inge; Hwalla, Nahla; Iacoviello, Licia; Iannone, Anna G; Ibrahim, Mohsen M; Wong, Norazizah Ibrahim; Ikeda, Nayu; Ikram, M Arfan; Irazola, Vilma E; Islam, Muhammad; al-Safi Ismail, Aziz; Ivkovic, Vanja; Iwasaki, Masanori; Jacobs, Jeremy M; Jaddou, Hashem; Jafar, Tazeen; Jamrozik, Konrad; Janszky, Imre; Jasienska, Grazyna; Jóźwiak, Ana; Jelakovic, Bojan; Jennings, Garry; Jeong, Seung-Lyeal; Jiang, Chao Qiang; Joffres, Michel; Johansson, Mattias; Jokelainen, Jari J; Jonas, Jost B; Jørgensen, Torben; Joshi, Pradeep; Jóźwiak, Jacek Jerzy; Juolevi, Anne; Jurak, Gregor; Juresa, Vesna; Kaaks, Rudolf; Kafatos, Anthony; Kajantie, Eero O; Kalter-Leibovici, Ofra; Kamaruddin, Nor Azmi; Karki, Khem B; Kasaeian, Amir; Katz, Joanne; Kauhanen, Jussi; Kaur, Prabhdeep; Kavousi, Maryam; Kazakbaeva, Gyulli; Keil, Ulrich; Boker, Lital Keinan; Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka; Kelishadi, Roya; Kemper, Han CG; Kengne, Andre P; Kerimkulova, Alina; Kersting, Mathilde; Key, Timothy; Khader, Yousef Saleh; Khalili, Davood; Khateeb, Mohammad; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Kiechl-Kohlendorfer, Ursula; Kiechl, Stefan; Killewo, Japhet; Kim, Jeongseon; Kim, Yeon-Yong; Klumbiene, Jurate; Knoflach, Michael; Kolle, Elin; Kolsteren, Patrick; Korrovits, Paul; Koskinen, Seppo; Kouda, Katsuyasu; Kowlessur, Sudhir; Koziel, Slawomir; Kriemler, Susi; Kristensen, Peter Lund; Krokstad, Steinar; Kromhout, Daan; Kruger, Herculina S; Kubinova, Ruzena; Kuciene, Renata; Kuh, Diana; Kujala, Urho M; Kulaga, Zbigniew; Kumar, R Krishna; Kurjata, Pawel; Kusuma, Yadlapalli S; Kuulasmaa, Kari; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Laatikainen, Tiina; Lachat, Carl; Lam, Tai Hing; Landrove, Orlando; Lanska, Vera; Lappas, Georg; Larijani, Bagher; Laugsand, Lars Erik; Bao, Khanh Le Nguyen; Le, Tuyen D; Leclercq, Catherine; Lee, Jeannette; Lee, Jeonghee; Lehtimäki, Terho; Leon-Munoz, Luz M; Levitt, Naomi S; Li, Yanping; Lilly, Christa L; Lim, Wei-Yen; Lima-Costa, M Fernanda; Lin, Hsien-Ho; Lin, Xu; Lind, Lars; Linneberg, Allan; Lissner, Lauren; Litwin, Mieczyslaw; Lorbeer, Roberto; Lotufo, Paulo A; Lozano, Jose Eugenio; Luksiene, Dalia; Lundqvist, Annamari; Lunet, Nuno; Lytsy, Per; Ma, Guansheng; Ma, Jun; Machado-Coelho, George LL; Machi, Suka; Maggi, Stefania; Magliano, Dianna J; Magriplis, Emmanuella; Majer, Marjeta; Makdisse, Marcia; Malhotra, Rahul; Rao, Kodavanti Mallikharjuna; Malyutina, Sofia; Manios, Yannis; Mann, Jim I; Manzato, Enzo; Margozzini, Paula; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Marques, Larissa Pruner; Marrugat, Jaume; Martorell, Reynaldo; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B.; Matijasevich, Alicia; Matsha, Tandi E; Mbanya, Jean Claude N; Posso, Anselmo J Mc Donald; McFarlane, Shelly R; McGarvey, Stephen T; McLachlan, Stela; McLean, Rachael M; McLean, Scott B; McNulty, Breige A; Mediene-Benchekor, Sounnia; Medzioniene, Jurate; Meirhaeghe, Aline; Meisinger, Christa; Menezes, Ana Maria B; Menon, Geetha R; Meshram, Indrapal I; Metspalu, Andres; Meyer, Haakon E; Mi, Jie; Mikkel, Kairit; Miller, Jody C; Minderico, Claudia S; Miquel, Juan Francisco; Miranda, J Jaime; Mirrakhimov, Erkin; Misigoj-Durakovic, Marjeta; Modesti, Pietro A; Mohamed, Mostafa K; Mohammad, Kazem; Mohammadifard, Noushin; Mohan, Viswanathan; Mohanna, Salim; Yusoff, Muhammad Fadhli Mohd; Møllehave, Line Tang; Møller, Niels C; Molnar, Denes; Momenan, Amirabbas; Mondo, Charles K; Monyeki, Kotsedi Daniel K; Moon, Jin Soo; Moreira, Leila B; Morejon, Alain; Moreno, Luis A; Morgan, Karen; Moschonis, George; Mossakowska, Malgorzata; Mostafa, Aya; Mota, Jorge; Motlagh, Mohammad Esmaeel; Motta, Jorge; Msyamboza, Kelias P; ThetMu, Thet; Muiesan, Maria L; Muller-Nurasyid, Martina; Murphy, Neil; Mursu, Jaakko; Musil, Vera; Nabipour, Iraj; Nagel, Gabriele; Naidu, Balkish M; Nakamura, Harunobu; Námešná, Jana; Nang, Ei Ei K; Nangia, Vinay B; Narake, Sameer; Nauck, Matthias; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María; Ndiaye, Ndeye Coumba; Neal, William A; Nenko, Ilona; Neovius, Martin; Nervi, Flavio; Nguyen, Chung T; Nguyen, Nguyen D; Nguyen, Quang Ngoc; Nguyen, Quang V; Nieto-Martinez, Ramfis E; Niiranen, Teemu J; Ning, Guang; Ninomiya, Toshiharu; Nishtar, Sania; Noale, Marianna; Noboa, Oscar A; Noorbala, Ahmad Ali; Norat, Teresa; Noto, Davide; Al Nsour, Mohannad; O'Reilly, Dermot; Oda, Eiji; Oehlers, Glenn; Oh, Kyungwon; Ohara, Kumiko; Olinto, Maria Teresa A; Oliveira, Isabel O; Omar, Mohd Azahadi; Onat, Altan; Ong, Sok King; Ono, Lariane M; Ordunez, Pedro; Ornelas, Rui; Osmond, Clive; Ostojic, Sergej M; Ostovar, Afshin; Otero, Johanna A; Overvad, Kim; Owusu-Dabo, Ellis; Paccaud, Fred Michel; Padez, Cristina; Pahomova, Elena; Pajak, Andrzej; Palli, Domenico; Palmieri, Luigi; Pan, Wen-Harn; Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra; Panza, Francesco; Papandreou, Dimitrios; Park, Soon-Woo; Parnell, Winsome R; Parsaeian, Mahboubeh; Patel, Nikhil D; Pecin, Ivan; Pednekar, Mangesh S; Peer, Nasheeta; Peeters, Petra H; Peixoto, Sergio Viana; Peltonen, Markku; Pereira, Alexandre C; Peters, Annette; Petersmann, Astrid; Petkeviciene, Janina; Pham, Son Thai; Pigeot, Iris; Pikhart, Hynek; Pilav, Aida; Pilotto, Lorenza; Pitakaka, Freda; Piwonska, Aleksandra; Plans-Rubió, Pedro; Polašek, Ozren; Porta, Miquel; Portegies, Marileen LP; Pourshams, Akram; Poustchi, Hossein; Pradeepa, Rajendra; Prashant, Mathur; Price, Jacqueline F; Puder, Jardena J; Puiu, Maria; Punab, Margus; Qasrawi, Radwan F; Qorbani, Mostafa; Bao, Tran Quoc; Radic, Ivana; Radisauskas, Ricardas; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Raitakari, Olli; Raj, Manu; Rao, Sudha Ramachandra; Ramachandran, Ambady; Ramos, Elisabete; Rampal, Lekhraj; Rampal, Sanjay; Rangel Reina, Daniel A; Redon, Josep; Reganit, Paul Ferdinand M; Ribeiro, Robespierre; Riboli, Elio; Rigo, Fernando; Rinke de Wit, Tobias F; Ritti-Dias, Raphael M; Robinson, Sian M; Robitaille, Cynthia; Rodriguez-Artalejo, Fernando; Rodriguez-Perez, Maria del Cristo; Rodriguez-Villamizar, Laura A; Rojas-Martinez, Rosalba; Romaguera, Dora; Ronkainen, Kimmo; Rosengren, Annika; Roy, Joel GR; Rubinstein, Adolfo; Ruiz-Betancourt, Blanca Sandra; Rutkowski, Marcin; Sabanayagam, Charumathi; Sachdev, Harshpal S; Saidi, Olfa; Sakarya, Sibel; Salanave, Benoit; Martinez, Eduardo Salazar; Salmerón, Diego; Salomaa, Veikko; Salonen, Jukka T; Salvetti, Massimo; Sánchez-Abanto, José; Sans, Susana; Santos, Diana A; Santos, Ina S; Santos, Renata Nunes dos; Santos, Rute; Saramies, Jouko L; Sardinha, Luis B; Sarganas, Giselle; Sarrafzadegan, Nizal; Saum, Kai-Uwe; Savva, Savvas; Scazufca, Marcia; Schargrodsky, Herman; Schipf, Sabine; Schmidt, Carsten O; Schöttker, Ben; Schultsz, Constance; Schutte, Aletta E; Sein, Aye Aye; Sen, Abhijit; Senbanjo, Idowu O; Sepanlou, Sadaf G; Sharma, Sanjib K; Shaw, Jonathan E; Shibuya, Kenji; Shin, Dong Wook; Shin, Youchan; Si-Ramlee, Khairil; Siantar, Rosalynn; Sibai, Abla M; Silva, Diego Augusto Santos; Simon, Mary; Simons, Judith; Simons, Leon A; Sjöström, Michael; Skovbjerg, Sine; Slowikowska-Hilczer, Jolanta; Slusarczyk, Przemyslaw; Smeeth, Liam; Smith, Margaret C; Snijder, Marieke B; So, Hung-Kwan; Sobngwi, Eugene; Soderberg, Stefan; Solfrizzi, Vincenzo; Sonestedt, Emily; Song, Yi; Sørensen, Thorkild IA; Soric, Maroje; Jérome, Charles Sossa; Soumare, Aicha; Staessen, Jan A; Stathopoulou, Maria G; Stavreski, Bill; Steene-Johannessen, Jostein; Stehle, Peter; Stein, Aryeh D; Stergiou, George S; Stessman, Jochanan; Stieber, Jutta; Stöckl, Doris; Stocks, Tanja; Stokwiszewski, Jakub; Stronks, Karien; Strufaldi, Maria Wany; Sun, Chien-An; Sung, Yn-Tz; Suriyawongpaisal, Paibul; Sy, Rody G; Tai, E Shyong; Tammesoo, Mari-Liis; Tamosiunas, Abdonas; Tan, Eng Joo; Tang, Xun; Tanser, Frank; Tao, Yong; Tarawneh, Mohammed Rasoul; Tarqui-Mamani, Carolina B; Tautu, Oana-Florentina; Taylor, Anne; Theobald, Holger; Theodoridis, Xenophon; Thijs, Lutgarde; Thuesen, Betina H; Tjønneland, Anne; Tolonen, Hanna K; Tolstrup, Janne S; Topbas, Murat; Tópor-Madry, Roman; Tormo, Maria Jose; Torrent, Maties; Traissac, Pierre; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Trinh, Oanh TH; Trivedi, Atul; Tshepo, Lechaba; Tulloch-Reid, Marshall K; Tullu, Fikru; Tuomainen, Tomi-Pekka; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Turley, Maria L; Tynelius, Per; Tzourio, Christophe; Ueda, Peter; Ugel, Eunice E; Ulmer, Hanno; Uusitalo, Hannu MT; Valdivia, Gonzalo; Valvi, Damaskini; van der Schouw, Yvonne T; Van Herck, Koen; Van Minh, Hoang; van Rossem, Lenie; Van Schoor, Natasja M; van Valkengoed, Irene GM; Vanderschueren, Dirk; Vanuzzo, Diego; Vatten, Lars Johan; Vega, Tomas; Velasquez-Melendez, Gustavo; Veronesi, Giovanni; Verschuren, WM Monique; Verstraeten, Roosmarijn; Victora, Cesar G; Viet, Lucie; Viikari-Juntura, Eira; Vineis, Paolo; Vioque, Jesus; Virtanen, Jyrki K; Visvikis-Siest, Sophie; Viswanathan, Bharathi; Vlasoff, Tiina; Vollenweider, Peter; Voutilainen, Sari; Wade, Alisha N; Wagner, Aline; Walton, Janette; Wan Bebakar, Wan Mohamad; Wan Mohamud, Wan Nazaimoon; Wanderley, Rildo S; Wang, Ming-Dong; Wang, Qian; Wang, Ya Xing; Wang, Ying-Wei; Wannamethee, S Goya; Wareham, Nicholas; Wedderkopp, Niels; Weerasekera, Deepa; Whincup, Peter H; Widhalm, Kurt; Widyahening, Indah S; Wiecek, Andrzej; Wijga, Alet H; Wilks, Rainford J; Willeit, Johann; Willeit, Peter; Williams, Emmanuel A; Wilsgaard, Tom; Wojtyniak, Bogdan; Wong-McClure, Roy A; Wong, Justin YY; Wong, Tien Yin; Woo, Jean; Wu, Aleksander Giwercman; Wu, Frederick C; Wu, Shouling; Xu, Haiquan; Yan, Weili; Yang, Xiaoguang; Ye, Xingwang; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K; Yoshihara, Akihiro; Younger-Coleman, Novie O; Yusoff, Ahmad Faudzi; Zainuddin, Ahmad Ali; Zambon, Sabina; Zampelas, Antonis; Zdrojewski, Tomasz; Zeng, Yi; Zhao, Dong; Zhao, Wenhua; Zheng, Wei; Zheng, Yingfeng; Zhu, Dan; Zhussupov, Baurzhan; Zimmermann, Esther; Cisneros, Julio Zuñiga (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background Change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure could be due to both shifts in the entire distribution of blood pressure (representing the combined effects of public health interventions and secular trends) ...
    • Cooks, work environment and health: Experimental studies of exposure to cooking fumes, and epidemiological investigations in a cohort 

      Svedahl, Sindre Rabben (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:335, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      Kokker, arbeidsmiljø og helse -Eksperimentelle studier av eksponering for stekeos, og epidemiologiske undersøkelser i en kohort Allerede i de Hippokratiske tekstene fra omtrent 400 år f. kr., fremholdes det at frisk luft ...
    • Cooperation between geriatricians and general practitioners for improved pharmacotherapy in home-dwelling elderly people receiving polypharmacy - the COOP Study: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial 

      Romskaug, Rita; Molden, Espen; Straand, Jørund; Kersten, Hege; Skovlund, Eva; Pitkala, Kaisu H; Wyller, Torgeir Bruun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background Polypharmacy and inappropriate drug use is associated with negative health outcomes among older people. Various interventions for improving drug treatment have been evaluated, but the majority of studies are ...
    • Coping and Social Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Follow-Up Study among Healthcare Workers in Norwegian Public In-Home Services. Shared first authorship 

      Johannessen, Aud; Helvik, Anne-Sofie; Tevik, Kjerstin Elisabeth; Thorsen, Kirsten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Healthcare workers (HCWs) are central and serve in the frontlines when epidemics threaten public health. Thus, certain communities may be hardest hit by these challenges. Interventions supporting HCWs are ...
    • Coping with everyday life for home-dwelling persons with dementia: A qualitative study 

      Moe, Aud; Alnes, Rigmor Einang; Nordtug, Bente; Blindheim, Kari; Steinsheim, Gunn; Malmedal, Wenche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Aim: This study aimed to gain insight into factors that influence everyday coping strategies as described by persons with early to intermediate dementia. Background: Living with dementia presents difficulties coping with ...
    • A core outcome set for research and clinical practice in women with pelvic girdle pain: PGP-COS 

      Remus, Alexandria; Smith, Valerie; Gutke, Annelie; Mena, Juan Jose Saldaña; Mørkved, Siv; Wikmar, Lena Nilsson; Öberg, Birgitta; Olsson, Christina; Robinson, Hilde Stendal; Stuge, Britt; Wuytack, Francesca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background Inconsistent reporting of outcomes in clinical trials of women with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) hinders comparison of findings and the reliability of evidence synthesis. A core outcome set (COS) can address this ...
    • Core Values and Principles of Nordic General Practice/Family Medicine 

      Nordic Federation of, General Practice; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust; Beich, Anders; Auvinen, Juha; Isacson, Magnus; Kvittum Tangen, Marte; Arnardottir, Salóme Ásta; Hørslev, Louise; Bernad, Sanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
    • Cornell's Depression for Dementia Scale: A psychometric study among Norwegian nursing home residents 

      Stensvik, Geir-Tore; Helvik, Anne-Sofie; Nakrem, Sigrid; Haugan, Gørill (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background: Depression is common among residents in long term-care facilities. Therefore, access to a valid and reliable measure of depressive symptoms among nursing home (NH) residents is highly warranted. Aim: The aim ...
    • The Coronavirus Immunisation Programme Advice on priority groups for coronavirus vaccination in Norway Expert group in ethics and priority setting 15 November 2020 

      Feiring, Eli; Førde, Reidun; Holm, Søren; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Solberg, Berge; Solberg, Carl Tollef; Wester, Gry (Research report, 2020)
      The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services has commissioned the Norwegian Institute of Public Health to organise the national coronavirus immunisationation programme. As a partial delivery of the assignment, the ...