• Blockchain: Business Potentials 

      Glende, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2019)
      Den første kryptovalutaen, Bitcoin, oppstod i kjølvannet av finanskrisen i 2008. Ideen om å ikke være avhengig av store finansielle institusjoner for å håndtere valutatransaksjoner ble født. Siden den gang har et ...
    • Bloom’s Learning Outcomes’ Automatic Classification Using LSTM and Pretrained Word Embeddings 

      Shaikh, Sarang; Daudpotta, Sher Muhammad; Imran, Ali Shariq (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Bloom’s taxonomy is a popular model to classify educational learning objectives into different learning levels for three domains including cognitive, affective and psycho motor. Each domain is further detailed into different ...
    • Bluetooth enabled Peer2Peer services in ActorFrame 

      Kristiansen, Stephan Søreng (Master thesis, 2006)
      To make services for mobile devices more user friendly wireless communication is a very helpful tool. Wireless communication normally requires no or very little user input, and communication over a wireless interface is ...
    • Bluetooth enabled Peer2Peer services in ActorFrame 

      Kristiansen, Stephan Søreng (Master thesis, 2006)
      To make services for mobile devices more user friendly wireless communication is a very helpful tool. Wireless communication normally requires no or very little user input, and communication over a wireless interface is ...
    • Bluetooth in Context acquisition 

      Davidsen, Henrik (Master thesis, 2006)
      PAN, Personal Area Network, may be described as the connection of personal devices, allowing information exchange over short ranges. This term is used on several of todays short range wireless technologies like Bluetooth, ...
    • Bluetooth Low Energy - privacy enhancement for advertisement 

      Wang, Ping (Master thesis, 2014)
      The aim of this project is to design, simulate, and implement a privacy enhancement protocol over BLE advertising channels. The design of the privacy enhancement is generic and modular. Due to the risk of privacy disclosure ...
    • Bootstrapping decentralized overlay networks 

      Midtun, Erik Turøy (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en fortsettelse av det grunnarbeidet som ble gjort i den tidligere masteroppgaven av Fallang, hvor de fleste av de grunnleggende byggesteinene for et anonymt, desentralisert likemannsnettverk ble ...
    • Bootstrapping the Paysim Financial Simulator for Open Source 

      Lopez-Rojas, Edgar Alonso; Franke, Katrin (Chapter, 2017)
      PaySim Simulator is an approach to the the lack of legitimate datasets on mobile money transactions to perform and experiment with fraud detection techniques. In this paper we used a technique called bootstrapping which ...
    • Border Control and Use of Biometrics: Reasons Why the Right to Privacy Can Not Be Absolute 

      Abomhara, Mohamed; Yildirim Yayilgan, Sule; Shalaginova, Marina; Székely, Zoltán (Chapter, 2020)
      This paper discusses concerns pertaining to the absoluteness of the right to privacy regarding the use of biometric data for border control. The discussion explains why privacy cannot be absolute from different points of ...
    • A Bound on Peak Age of Information Distribution 

      Li, Zhidu; Zhong, Ailing; Jiang, Yuming; Tang, Tong; Wang, Ruyan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper presents a study on peak age of information (AoI), focusing on its distribution that is more important for AoI guarantees than the mean. Specifically, the relation of peak AoI to the underlying information ...
    • Brain and Body “Fingerprints” of Existential Anxiety and Their Relevance for the Identification of Potential Terrorists: A Research Note 

      Wendelberg, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The literature on radicalization documents that the identification of individuals who might take part in terrorist acts is difficult. In the field of terrorism studies, there is a lack of research on how the mind of ...
    • Brain wave based authentication 

      Fladby, Kennet (Master thesis, 2008)
      NORSK: Autentisering har blitt en vesentlig del av vår hverdag gjennom systemer som passord, PIN koder, kort lesere, fingeravtrykk-, og netthinne skannere. Alle er utviklet med ´en hensikt; å bekrefte identiteten til ...
    • BRAKE: Biometric Resilient Authenticated Key Exchange 

      Silde, Tjerand Aga; Bauspieß, Pia; Costache, Anamaria; Poljuha, Matej; Tullot, Alexandre; Rathgeb, Christian; Kolberg, Jascha; Busch, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Biometric data are uniquely suited for connecting individuals to their digital identities. Deriving cryptographic key exchange from successful biometric authentication therefore gives an additional layer of trust compared ...
    • Brettspillbasert opplæring i informasjonssikkerhet 

      Magnus, Daniel Christian Haraldsen; Flobak, Bendik Berntsen; Al-Shammari, Abu Baker Mohammed Abdullah; Moren, Inger (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Opplæring av ansatte innen informasjonssikkerhet er viktig for organisasjoner. Dette blir tradisjonelt gjort gjennom E-læring og kurs. Oppgaven vår gikk ut på å lage et fysisk brettspill som skal brukes til opplæring i ...
    • Bring the user to the network: 5G and beyond 

      Ystgaard, Kaja; De Moor, Katrien (Chapter, 2021)
      Communication networks beyond 5G will bring about a human existence that is ever more virtual. Allowing new communication services with virtual existence and involvement everywhere is likely to redefine and place new demands ...
    • Broadband Development: Who Stands to Gain 

      Brorson, Hans Kristian (Master thesis, 2006)
      The first Internet services which attracted users were e-mail and web. Broadbanddeployment have later enabled multimedia services like voice and video. This development disrupts the future outlook for both telephone ...
    • Broadband Wireless Access for the African Rural District 

      Carlsen, Jan-Erik (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis have investigated technical and economical challenges for deploying WiMAX networks in rural districts of Africa. Africa has a fixed telephone line penetration of only 3%, which is a significant barrier for ...
    • Browser eavesdropping: how can we prevent our browsers from revealing our private information 

      Gjerde, Randi (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: Våre nettlesere kan benyttes som verktøy for å finne informasjon om oss, kartlegge våre surfevaner, eller enda verre: finne brukernavn og passord. Denne masteroppgaven ser på hvilken informasjon det er mulig å ...
    • Bruk av autostereoskopisk 3D i videosamtaler 

      Grønningen, Sindre Ruud; Smeplass, Håkon (Master thesis, 2010)
      I oppgaven vurderes det om autostereoskopisk 3D er egnet å bruke i videosamtaler.Bruk av 3D-teknikker for å forbedre den opplevde kvaliteten av video er i dag mer aktuelt enn noen gang før, og 3D får stadig nye bruksområder. ...
    • Bruk av pseudonymiseringsteknologi i nasjonale registre 

      Refsdal, Eirik (Master thesis, 2007)
      Denne oppgaven handler om å identifisere problemer av teknisk art som er til hinder for etablering av nasjonale, pseudonyme helseregistre. For å få en mest mulig komplett oversikt over disse problemene har jeg valgt å ...