• Authentication in Protected Core Networking 

      Eie, Kristian Malmkvist (Master thesis, 2016)
      Protected Core Networking (PCN) is a concept that aims to increase information sharing between nations in coalition military operations. PCN specifies the interconnection of national transport networks, called Protected ...
    • Authentication of underwater assets 

      Teglasy, Balint Zoltan; Wengle, Johan Emil Hugo; Potter, John Robert; Katsikas, Sokratis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Secure digital wireless communication in the acoustic domain has become a key issue as underwater operations shift towards employing a heterogeneous mix of robotic assets and as the security of digital systems becomes ...
    • Authentication: From Passwords to Biometrics: An implementation of a speaker recognition system on Android 

      Heimark, Erlend (Master thesis, 2012)
      We implement a biometric authentication system on the Android platform, which is based on text-dependent speaker recognition. The Android version used in the application is Android 4.0. The application makes use of the ...
    • Autoenum: Automatic mapping and exposure analysis of network endpoints 

      Høgli, Sander; Lygre, Jarl Tengesdal; Malecki, Wojciech; Marjara, Avleen Singh (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      IT-sikkerhet har aldri vært like viktig som det er nå, med trusselagenter som blir mer sofistikerte for hver sekund som går. Vi må jobbe hardt for å holde følge og sikre tjenestene våre. NTNU SOC ønsket å implementere en ...
    • Automated Analysis of the Impact of Security Incidents on Company Value 

      Selnes, Johan (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven utvikler en ny tilnærming for å analysere og automatisere kostnaden av sikkerhetshendelser på selskapets verdi. Metoden er basert på å oppdage sikkerhetshendelser i nyhetsartikler og deretter bruke en ...
    • Automated Authentication of Audiovisual Contents: A Biometric Approach 

      Khodabakhsh, Ali (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:213, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Following the introduction of image manipulation tools such as Adobe Photoshop in the early 2000s, the public trust in image authenticity dropped and the need for the development and deployment of image authentication ...
    • Automated Calibration of Multi-Projector Arrays 

      Nordbryhn, Ola (Master thesis, 2009)
      Setting up large multi-projector arrays today usually come at a cost; manual calibration of each projector requires time. The orientation of the image from each projector must be correctly aligned in six axes to make the ...
    • Automated dynamic malware analysis of ELF-files 

      Vestad, Espen Taftø; Licina, Amar; Abdi-Salah, Abdulfatah (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I dagens digitale landskap er det mer nødvendig med økt forskning innen informasjonssikkerhet. For å sikre viktig informasjon i digitale systemer er det essensielt med pålitlige verktøy og rammeverk for informasjonssikke ...
    • Automated hint generation for cybersecurity learning 

      Johnsen, John Martin (Master thesis, 2023)
      Injeksjonssårbarheter har lenge utgjort en betydelig utfordring for utviklere og samfunnet generelt, spesielt siden Internett har blitt en integrert del av hverdagen vår. Disse sårbarhetene gir angripere muligheten til ...
    • Automated Malware Analysis Platform 

      Holm, Kristian Sigtbakken; Kvalvåg, Martin; Fauskrud, Nikolai; Hoggen, Olav Henrik (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Alle bedrifter trenger en måte å sikre virksomheten deres, og i dagens digitale tidsalder er dette spesielt fokusert mot å beskytte digitale systemer mot skadelige og ondsinnede entiteter. Denne beskyttelsen blir i dag ...
    • Automated Product Localization through Mobile Data Analysis 

      Oplenskedal, Magnus Karsten; Taherkordi, Amirhosein; Herrmann, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Recent developments in the field of indoor RealTime Locating Systems (RTLS) using mobile devices stimulate decision support for users. For instance, smartphone-based navigation in shops can enable location-aware recommendations ...
    • Automated Red Teams in Maritime Cybersecurity Exercises 

      Solli, Audun Landøy (Master thesis, 2022)
      Brorparten av verdas overflate er dekka vatn og mange folk bur langs kysten. Likevel ligg maritim sektor langt bak andre teknologisektorar når ein ser med eit auge på informasjonsikkerheiten. Metodar for å teste og lære ...
    • Automated Security Analysis of Infrastructure Clouds 

      Bleikertz, Sören (Master thesis, 2010)
      Cloud computing has gained remarkable popularity in the recent years by a wide spectrum of consumers, ranging from small start-ups to governments. However, its benefits in terms of flexibility, scalability, and low upfront ...
    • Automated Security Compliance Tool for the Cloud 

      Ullah, Kazi Wali (Master thesis, 2012)
      Security, especially security compliance, is a major concern that is slowing down the large scale adoption of cloud computing in the enterprise environment. Business requirements, governmental regulations and trust are ...
    • Automated Security Testing with MITRE Caldera and Azure Pipelines 

      Hollås, Jardar; Jørgensen, Petter; Larsen, Charlotte; Zabelberg, Tryggvi Thordarson (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Sopra Steria er et ledende teknologi- og konsulentfirma, kjent for sine digitale tjenester. SOC-teamet til Sopra Steria ønsket å automatisere sikkerhetstesting for å forbedre og effektivisere testprosessene deres. Den ...
    • Automated Smart light System using Pro-Active Learning 

      Fiaz, Mashal (Master thesis, 2021)
      Smart kunstig liv bidrar mye i det daglige ved å forutsi og kontrollere lysstyrken på enheter ved hjelp av trent modell. Det endelige målet med disse lysene er å gi komfort til sluttbrukeren. Imidlertid er det visse scenarier ...
    • Automated triage of samples for malware analysis 

      Thoresen, Halvor Mydske (Master thesis, 2017)
      As people continue to rely increasingly on information systems, the threat landscape will keep evolving. To combat and defeat new threats we need good cyber threat intelligence. Analysis of malicious software is a popular ...
    • Automated Triaging and Remediation of User Incident Reports with Supervised Machine Learning and Threat Intelligence 

      Amundsen, Morten K. (Master thesis, 2020)
      Ondsinnet epost er et stadig økende problem for organisasjoner, og til tross for at det eksisterer flere verktøy for å forhindre angrep, blir epostene stadig mer sofistikerte. Med alle de ondsinnede epostene som klarer å ...
    • Automatic Analysis of Scam Emails 

      Fagerland, Vegard (Master thesis, 2017)
      Email and email security have been the main topics of this master thesis. The thesis considers how an organization works with email security and security culture, the email specifications, threat agents, vulnerabilities ...
    • Automatic Detection and Correction of Flaws in Service Specifications 

      Slåtten, Vidar (Master thesis, 2008)
      While rigorous, mathematical techniques are helpful for improving the quality of software engineering, the threshold of learning and adapting formal methods keep many practitioners from embracing these kinds of approaches. ...