Now showing items 309-328 of 2528

    • Backward-Leak Uni-Directional Updatable Encryption from (Homomorphic) Public Key Encryption 

      Galteland, Yao Jiang; Pan, Jiaxin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The understanding of directionality for updatable encryption (UE) schemes is important, but not yet completed in the literature. We show that security in the backward-leak uni-directional key updates setting is equivalent ...
    • Bandwidth Prediction Schemes for Defining Bitrate Levels in SDN-enabled Adaptive Streaming 

      Alissa, Ali; Bentaleb, Abdelhak; Barakabitze, Alcardo; Ghita, Bogdan V.; Zinner, Thomas (Chapter, 2019)
      The majority of Internet video traffic today is delivered via HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS). Recent studies concluded that pure client-driven HAS adaptation is likely to be sub-optimal, given clients adjust quality based ...
    • Banken i skyen - fremtidige trender og scenarioer for skytjenester i banksektoren 

      Jeyaseelan, Sutharsan (Master thesis, 2014)
      Bruk av finansielle tjenester er sterkt utbredt i dagens moderne samfunn. Den finansielle infrastrukturen i Norge prosesserte i 2013 daglig et gjennomsnitt på 203 milliarder kroner. Mens andre sektorer og industrier ...
    • Base Station Security Experiments Using USRP 

      Retterstøl, Torjus Bryne (Master thesis, 2015)
      With a coverage of over 90% of the world's population, the cellular technology standard, GSM, is used by millions all over the world every day. The standard is known to have several security weaknesses. One of the weaknesses ...
    • BatCave: Adding Security to the BATMAN Protocol 

      Bowitz, Anne Gabrielle; Graarud, Espen Grannes; Brown, Lawrie; JAATUN, Martin Gilje (Chapter, 2011)
      The Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (BATMAN) protocol is intended as a replacement for protocols such as OLSR, but just like most such efforts, BATMAN has no built-in security features. In this paper we describe ...
    • BBGDASH: A Max-Min Bounded Bitrate Guidance for SDN Enabled Adaptive Video Streaming 

      Al-Issa, Ali; Bentaleb, Abdelhak; Zinner, Thomas Erich; Mkwawa, Is-Haka; Ghita, Bogdan V. (Chapter, 2019)
      The increase in video traffic and the end-user demands for high-quality videos have triggered academia and industry to find novel mechanisms for media distribution. Among the available streaming services, HTTP adaptive ...
    • BCFL logging: An approach to acquire and preserve admissible digital forensics evidence in cloud ecosystem 

      Awuson-David, Kenny; Al-Hadhrami, Tawfik; Alazab, Mamoun; Shah, Nazaraf; Shalaginov, Andrii (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Log files are the primary source of recording users, applications and protocols, activities in the cloud ecosystem. Cloud forensic investigators can use log evidence to ascertain when, why and how a cyber adversary or an ...
    • Behavior as a Function of Video Quality in an Ecologically Valid Experiment 

      Wanat, Dominika; Janowski, Lucjan; de Moor, Katrien Rachel W (Chapter, 2023)
      Most user studies in the QoE multimedia domain are done by asking users about quality. This approach has advantages: it obtains many answers and reduces variance by repeated measurements. However, the results obtained in ...
    • Behavior-based Classification of Botnet Malware 

      Berg, Peter Ekstrand (Master thesis, 2011)
      ENGELSK: The rapid development of information technology has led to great advances in personal computers. At the same time, it has also brought a lot of threats, where malware (malicious software) is one of the most ...
    • Behaviour Logging Tool - BeLT 

      Stenvi, Robin; Øverbø, Magnus; Johansen, Lasse (Bachelor thesis, 2013)
      ENGLISH: BeLT is an application that captures mouse, keyboard and GUI (Graphical User Interface) interaction on a computer, it also provides information about the system state and hardware peripherals. The purpose of ...
    • Benchmarking Binarisation Schemes for Deep Face Templates 

      Drozdowski, Pawel; Struck, Florian; Rathgeb, Christian; Busch, Christoph (Chapter, 2018)
      Feature vectors extracted from biometric characteristics are often represented using floating point values. It is, however, more appealing to store and compare feature vectors in a binary representation, since it generally ...
    • Benchmarking Cloud Storage Systems 

      Wang, Xing (Master thesis, 2014)
      With the rise of cloud computing, many cloud storage systems like Dropbox, Google Drive and Mega have been built to provide decentralized and reliable file storage. It is thus of prime importance to know their features, ...
    • Benchmarking CSIRT work processes 

      Kjærem, Ivar (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: Nødvendigheten av å sikre informasjonssystemene i en organisasjon akseptert i dag. Organisasjoner implementerer preventive tiltak for å hinder angripere og ondsinnet programvare tilgang til informasjonssystemene. ...
    • Benefits of centralized log file correlation 

      Rinnan, Robert (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: Nettverks administratorer kan korrelere oppføringer i loggfiler manuelt, problemet med slike tilnærminger er manglende grad av fleksibilitet, det er tidkrevende, og man får ikke overblikket over loggfilene i ...
    • Beskrivelse og verdivurdering av sosiale nettverkstjenester 

      Falck-Ytter, Martin (Master thesis, 2011)
      Sosiale nettverkstjenester har i løpet av det siste tiåret opplevd en enorm økning i popularitet. I dag stammer en stor andel av total Internettrafikk fra disse tjenestene. Dette har ikke forblitt ubemerket blant ...
    • Best practices and motivational factors for information security in startups: An exploratory case study of four Norwegian tech startups 

      Futsæter, Nora (Master thesis, 2019)
      Teknologibransjen gjennomgår en revolusjon. Med innovasjon og ny teknologi kommer også stadig nye trusler. For eksempel er norske bedrifter, organisasjoner og offentlige sektorer i stadig større grad ofre for avanserte ...
    • Betaling for redaksjonelt innhold i en norsk nettavis: Analyse av en mulig betalingstjeneste på VG Nett 

      Than, Thien Kim (Master thesis, 2007)
      Norske nettaviser har lenge ønsket å ta betaling for det redaksjonelle innholdet. Så langt har ingen oppnådd stor suksess med betalingstjenester innen det området. Denne oppgaven skal utforske muligheten for å utvikle en ...
    • Beyond 5G Resource Slicing with Mixed-Numerologies for Mission Critical URLLC and eMBB Coexistence 

      Esmaeily, Ali; Mendis, Handunneththi V. K.; Mahmoodi, Toktam; Kralevska, Katina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Network slicing has been a significant technological advance in the 5G mobile network allowing delivery of diverse and demanding requirements. The slicing grants the ability to create customized virtual networks from the ...
    • Bias Mitigation in Face Recognition Systems using Synthetic Data 

      Kopperud, Pernille (Master thesis, 2023)
      De fleste moderne ansiktsgjenkjenningssystemer i dag er basert på dype læringsteknikker som krever en stor mengde merket treningsdata for å fungere tilfredsstillende. Med innføringen av personvernlover og forskrifter som ...
    • BIB-it: en verktøykasse for BIBTEX 

      Bu, Guro; Engen, Geir; Mihailov, Lubomir; Strindhaug, Stein (Bachelor thesis, 2006)
      Høgskolen i Gjøvik har mange brukere av LaTeX og BibTeX blant både ansatte og studenter. LaTeX er et verktøy som brukes mye for å skrive spesielt tekniske dokumenter med mye formler, figurer og kryssreferanser. Til LaTeX ...