• GNSS-free maritime navigation using DEM data and monocular camera images 

      Roedelé, Maxime (Master thesis, 2023)
      Potensielle trusler rettet mot satellittbaserte navigasjonssystemer har vekket fornyet interesse for GNSS-uavhengige systemer, som et middel for å sikre fortsatt drift av kritisk infrastruktur. I tråd med dette presenterer ...
    • GNSS-Independent Maritime Navigation Using Monocular Camera Images with Digital Elevation Map 

      Roedele, Maxime; Vasstein, Kjetil; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article, 2023)
      The threat of GNSS service disruption implies the need for GNSS-independent navigation solutions. We introduce a framework that estimates the position of a maritime vessel in a littoral zone through monocular camera images ...
    • GPS Guided R/C Car: The Local Bug Test Platform 

      Wenstad, Peder (Master thesis, 2010)
      This thesis is a part of the Local Hawk student project where the overall goal is to develop a Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV). The project was initiated by Kongsberg Defence Systems (KDS) and is developed in ...
    • GPS-IMU Integration for a Snake Robot with Active Wheels 

      García Estébanez, Jesús (Master thesis, 2009)
      A snake robot will be defined herein as any multilink robot for whose shape and motion capabilities are reminiscent of a snake like PiKo [1]. PiKo is a five links snake robot with active wheels designed by SINTEF in ...
    • Gradient-based Methods for Production Optimization of Oil Reservoirs 

      Suwartadi, Eka (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:104, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      Production optimization for water flooding in the secondary phase of oil recovery is the main topic in this thesis. The emphasis has been on numerical optimization algorithms, tested on case examples using simple hypothetical ...
    • Graph-Based Multi-Modal SLAM for Resilience in Sensor-Degraded Environments 

      Totland, Sigurd Vatn (Master thesis, 2021)
      Pålitelig og nøyaktig samtidig lokalisering og kartlegging (SLAM) er en nødvendig forutsetning for vellykket bruk av autonome systemer, som gjør det mulig for roboter å kartlegge og navigere omgivelsene sine, uten bruk av ...
    • Graph-based Path Planning in a Simulated Rough Terrain 

      Jonsebråten, Andreas; Karlsen, Vegar; Varhaug, Glenn R. (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne rapporten beskriver implementasjonen av baneplanleggingsrammeverket, GBPlanner2, for en simulert versjon av Lone Wolf ATVen. Rapporten dekker også implementasjon av viapunktfunksjonalitet. Spesifikasjoner, design og ...
    • Graph-theoretic approaches and tools for quantitatively assessing curricula coherence 

      Varagnolo, Damiano; Knorn, Steffi; Staffas, Kjell; Fjällström, Eva; Wrigstad, Tobias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this paper, we propose a method to analyse the coherence of existing curricula at higher education institution. We focus our attention to engineering programmes at universities but the proposed method is by no means ...
    • Graphical Inspection Tool for Ultrasound Measurements in 3D 

      Aamold, Mikkel Carlton (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne oppgaven fortsetter arbeidet som ble gjort i en prosjektoppgave, hvor er verktøy ble utviklet for å visualisere 3D målinger fra en ultralyd sensor, DolphiCam2. Dette ble gjort i Windows, gjennom DirectX APIet og ...
    • Grasp selection in bin picking tasks for robotic manipulator arm with end-effector geometric constraints 

      Gravdahl, Irja (Master thesis, 2019)
      Robotisert «bin-picking» er problemet med å gripe objekter plassert tilfeldig i en kasse og flytte dem til en ny lokasjon, en etter en. Problemet oppstår ofte i industrien der varer kommer til en ny stasjon i store kvanta ...
    • Grasping virtual fish: A step towards deep learning from demonstration in virtual reality 

      Dyrstad, Jonatan Sjølund; Mathiassen, John Reidar Bartle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We present an approach to robotic deep learning from demonstration in virtual reality, which combines a deep 3D convolutional neural network, for grasp detection from 3D point clouds, with domain randomization to generate ...
    • Ground Station and Hardware Peripherals for Fixed-wing UAV: CyberSwan 

      Eriksen, Mikael Kristian (Master thesis, 2007)
      In this master's thesis, a ground station (GS) for the fixed-wing UAV: CyberSwan (CS), has been developed. The CS was designed for surveillance purposes, and two other master's theses deals with the work of making it ...
    • Ground systems software for automatic operation of the HYPSO-2 hyperspectral imaging satellite 

      Berg, Simen; Bakken, Sivert; Birkeland, Roger; Chiatante, Corrado; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne (Chapter, 2023)
      HYPSO-1 was launched in January 2022, equipped with a novel hyperspectral imaging payload with the main objective of performing marine research. In 2024, HYPSO-2, with an enhanced capture capacity, will be launched. The ...
    • Guaranteed Feasible Control Allocation using Model Predictive Control 

      Naderi, Mehdi; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sedigh, Ali K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper proposes a guaranteed feasible control allocation method based on the model predictive control. Feasible region is considered to guarantee the determination of the desired virtual control signal using the pseudo ...
    • Guidance Algorithms for Planar Path-based Motion Control Scenarios 

      Haugen, Joakim (Master thesis, 2010)
      The problem of performing accurate path maneuvering tasks in planar space is investigated in thesis. The purpose is to utilize limited knowledge about the vehicle's maneuverability constraints to output feasible reference ...
    • Guidance and Control of Robot Manipulators and Autonomous Marine Robots 

      Moe, Signe (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:322, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      This thesis is motivated by the increasing use of robots within numerous fields and in a vast range of applications. The use of robots provides several advantages, e.g. reduced labor costs, increased production and ...
    • Guidance and Control of Underwater Snake Robots Using Planar Sinusoidal Gaits 

      Kohl, Anna M. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:292, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      This thesis presents different approaches for guidance and motion control of underwater snake robots. The robots considered in this thesis are neutrally buoyant and move slowly with a planar, biologically inspired sinusoidal ...
    • Guidance and Control System for Dynamic Positioning and Path Following of an AUV exposed to Ocean Currents 

      Kristoffersen, Aksel (Master thesis, 2021)
      Fullt aktiverte AUV-er har potensialet til å utføre ubemannede undervannsoppdrag, og dynamisk posisjonering og stifølgning er begge viktige scenarier å mestre for å oppnå inspeksjons- og intervensjonsoppgaver på nært ...
    • Guidance and Path-Planning Systems for Autonomous Vehicles 

      Lekkas, Anastasios M. (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:126, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      This thesis is concerned with two interconnected and very important problems regarding the autonomy of vehicles, namely, path planning and guidance. By adopting a modular approach, path planning and guidance can be viewed ...
    • Guidance for a fixed-wing UAV under large environmental forces 

      Hansen, Henrik Adrian (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne masteroppgaven undersøker styrelover for fastvingede ubemannede luftfartøy (UAVer). Forskningen har betydning for bruksområder som flyfotografering, fjernmåling og miljøovervåking, hvor UAVer ofte møter store ytre ...