• Optimal boundary control of a contact thawing process for foodstuff 

      Backi, Christoph Josef; Leth, John; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Journal article, 2016)
      In this work an approach for thawing blocks of foodstuff, in particular fish, is introduced. The functional principle is based on plate freezer technology, which has been used in industry for decades. The aim of this work ...
    • Optimal bruk av energikilder i drift av svømmehall 

      Johnsen, Vegard Blomseth (Master thesis, 2016)
      I dagens samfunn med stort fokus på energieffektivitet og energibesparelse er det viktig å se på byggningers energibruk da disse står for 40 % av energibruken i Norge. Idrettsbygg er den kategorien bygg som har tredje ...
    • Optimal Charge Planning in Hybrid Ferry Systems 

      Finnekås, Morten Volland (Master thesis, 2019)
      Klimaendringene er uten tvil en av de største utfordringene vår generasjon står ovenfor. Ny teknologi utvikles imidlertid som følge av denne utfordringen, og gjør sitt inntog i nye løsninger for at vi skal nå internasjonale ...
    • Optimal Comfort with Limited Power 

      Rødal, Mads Dyrlid (Master thesis, 2018)
      Electricity consumption is growing and with more efficient equipment introducing larger power peaks. Reducing the power peaks can substantially reduce the electricity expenses for a building. In 2015 it was presented that ...
    • Optimal Compensation of Harmonic Propagation in a Multi-Bus Microgrid 

      Skjong, Espen; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-05)
      This paper discusses how an Active Power Filter (APF) can be utilized for system-wide harmonic mitigation in a microgrid with multiple sources of harmonic distortion located at different buses. A two-bus microgrid system ...
    • Optimal Control of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines 

      Lindeberg, Eivind (Master thesis, 2009)
      Floating Offshore Wind Power is an emerging and promising technology that is particularly interesting from a Norwegian point of view because of our long and windy coast. There are however still several remaining challenges ...
    • Optimal control under uncertainty - Applied to upstream petroleum production 

      Hanssen, Kristian Gaustad (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:28, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Optimal control has been applied successfully in a wide range of applications, especially within the process industries in the form of Model Predictive Control (MPC). By employing a dynamic model to predict the response ...
    • Optimal Control-based Docking for Autonomous Ferries 

      Eivind Duus Molven (Master thesis, 2020)
      Dokking til kai er ansett som en svært krevende operasjon for de fleste marine fartøy. Automatisering av denne prosessen vil kunne føre til bedre sikkerhet, lavere energiforbruk, mindre stress for mannskapet og lavere ...
    • Optimal Design and Usage of Battery Storage in Private Houses Using Optimal Control and Stochastic MPC 

      Haugann, Håkon (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en del av POWIOT-prosjektet, som tar sikte på å lage et Internet of Things (IoT) basert strømstyringssystem for å minimere strømkostnader i smarte bygg og for å utjevne belastningen på strømnettet. ...
    • Optimal Design of Controller Parameters for Improving the Stability of MMC-HVDC for Wind Farm Integration 

      Lyu, Jing; Cai, Xu; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta (Journal article, 2017)
      A subsynchronous oscillation (SSO) phenomenon has been observed in a modular multilevel converter-based high-voltage DC (MMC-HVDC) transmission system for wind farm integration in the real world, which is independent of ...
    • Optimal dimensjonering og drift av mikronett 

      Lyngen, Jostein Johansen (Master thesis, 2021)
      Mikronett er små elektriske distribusjonsnett på et begrenset geografisk område som består av laster, energiproduksjon og energilagring som kan være helt uavhengig av det statlige distribusjonsnettet. Det blir spådd som ...
    • Optimal Direct Yaw Control for Four Wheel Independent Drive Electric Vehicle 

      Øren, Ola Anders Hovland (Master thesis, 2017)
      This thesis describes the development of a drivetrain control system for Revolve NTNU which competes in the Formula Student series. A yaw rate based Direct Yaw Control(DYC) Torque Vectoring(TV) strategy has been implemented ...
    • Optimal Dynamic Force Mapping for Obstacle-Aided Locomotion in 2D Snake Robots 

      Holden, Christian; Stavdahl, Øyvind; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Snake robots are biomimetic robots highly suited for traversing challenging terrain where traditional robots have difficulty moving. A key aspect is obstacle-aided locomotion, where the snake pushes against the environment ...
    • Optimal energiproduksjon i fjernvarmesystemer 

      Loraas, Marius (Master thesis, 2021)
      Innledningsvis gis det en oversikt over sentrale tema innenfor fagfeltet fjernvarme. Det utarbeides en matematisk formulering av effekttariffen som Tensio praktiserer for strømkunder i Trøndelag sør. Effekttariffen formuleres ...
    • Optimal Experimental Design for System Identification in a Bi-Hormonal Intraperitoneal Artificial Pancreas 

      Engell, Sarah Ellinor; Davari Benam, Karim; Bengtsson, Henrik; Jørgensen, John Bagterp; Fougner, Anders Lyngvi (Chapter, 2024)
    • Optimal Experimental Design to Estimate Insulin Response in Type 2 Diabetes 

      Engell, Sarah Ellinor; Bengtsson, Henrik; Davari Benam, Karim; Fougner, Anders Lyngvi; Jørgensen, John Bagterp (Chapter, 2023)
      In late-stage type 2 diabetes, automated titration algorithms provide a promising alternative to the current standard-of-care. Many published methods rely on personalized dose-response models to predict a safe and effective ...
    • Optimal human sleep awakening with alarm adjusted by real-time tracking and machine learning 

      Kolstad, Jon Zwaig (Master thesis, 2017)
      75% of youth snooze their wake-up alarms. Some more than others. There exist consumer electronics that can sense light sleep, and initiate a wake-up sequence prematurely. Is it, however, possible to predict whether or not ...
    • Optimal kontrol av kontrollerbar pitch propell 

      Brevik, Anders (Master thesis, 2016)
      I senere år har det blitt gjort store framskritt innenfor propeller med kontrollerbar pitch. Hovedmålet til denne masteroppgaven er å designe en kontroller som finner den optimale kombinasjonen av akslingshastighet og ...
    • Optimal load management strategy for large electric vehicle charging stations with undersized charger clusters 

      Gümrükcü, Erdem; Ponci, Ferdinanda; Monti, Antonello; Guidi, Giuseppe; D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This study proposes a load management strategy for parking and charging facilities with the capacity to serve several hundreds of electric vehicles. The strategy is built upon two assumptions on power distribution systems ...
    • Optimal Maintenance for Degrading Assets in the Context of Asset Fleets-A Case Study 

      Spuntrup, F Schulze; Dalle Ave, G; Imsland, Lars Struen; Harjunkoski, Iiro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Decision-making for maintenance of engineering assets is a common challenge in the process industry due to ongoing degradation. With an increasing company-size, this problem becomes more complex from an operational and ...