Now showing items 3670-3689 of 3737

    • Vehicle Guidance with Control Action Computed by a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter 

      Sans-Muntadas, Albert; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Chapter, 2017)
      Particle filters can be used in navigation and state estimation problems. They can approximate arbitrary posterior distributions and do not require assumptions of Gaussianity or linearizations. This paper suggests to use ...
    • Vehicle Safety of the Velocity Obstacle Algorithm 

      Haraldsen, Aurora; Syre Wiig, Martin; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper presents a mathematical analysis of the velocity obstacle algorithm applied to a nonholonomic vehicle for avoiding a moving obstacle in the plane. The velocity obstacle algorithm can be used for local navigation ...
    • Vehicle velocity estimation on non-flat roads 

      Nerbråten, Stian (Master thesis, 2007)
      The main purpose of this report, is to evaluate feasibility of using The Global Positioning System as an aiding tool for vehicle state estimation based on nonlinear techniques, and to develop a potential solution to the ...
    • Velferdsteknologi i boliger. Muligheter og utfordringer 

      Aspnes, Espen; Ausen, Dag; Høyland, Karin; Mikalsen, Marius; Steen-Hansen, Anne Elise; Storesund, Karolina; Schjølberg, Ingrid; Svagård, Ingrid Storruste; Walderhaug, Ståle (SINTEF Rapport;A23938, Research report, 2012)
      Målsettingen med denne rapporten er å belyse og diskutere muligheter og utfordringer med implementering av velferdsteknologi knyttet til boligløsninger og det å klare seg godt i egen bolig. Utvikling og implementering av ...
    • Velocity and orientation control of underwater snake robots using absolute velocity feedback 

      Kohl, Anna M; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy (Chapter, 2017)
      This article presents a control system for velocity and orientation control of underwater snake robots using absolute velocity feedback. The control system is structured in a hierarchical way, where the highest priority ...
    • Verification and extension of a linear model of a rotary converter 

      Aschenbrenner, Bernhard (Master thesis, 2007)
      In this work, a verification and extension of a linear rotary converter model is done in Matlab®/Simulink. The existing model was developed by Thomas Høyvik Garten in his master thesis “Linear Model of Rotary Converter in ...
    • Verification of downhole choke technology in a simulator using data from a North Sea well 

      Kvernland, Martin Krister; Gorski, Dmitri; Sant'Ana, Mateus; Godhavn, John-Morten; Aamo, Ole Morten; Sangesland, Sigbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The most important contributer to Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) on mature fields is drilling of infill wells. Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) and Continuous Circulation System (CCS) techniques can be used for improved control ...
    • A Very Low SEF Neural Amplifier by Utilizing a High Swing Current-Reuse Amplifier 

      Naderi, Kebria; Habibzadeh Tonekabony Shad, Erwin; Molinas, Marta Maria Cabrera; Heidari, Ali; Ytterdal, Trond (Chapter, 2020)
      Although current-reuse amplifier has been widely used in biomedical applications because of their low input-referred thermal noise, they don't have high output swing and their gain is limited. In this article, a rail-to-rail ...
    • Video distribution using PCI-Express 

      Angvik Hovdar, Magne (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne tekniske rapporten presenterer utviklingen og implementeringen av en videooverføringsapplikasjon som utnytter høyhastighetsbussen PCI-Express p ̊a en m ̊ate som aldri før har blitt gjort. Prosjektet ble utført i ...
    • Videreutvikling og testing av tobeinet robotprototype 

      Au, Knut Harald Gabow; Løvø, Tove Ingeborg; Sundelin, Karl Magnus; Sæbjørnsen, Tor Berge (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Rapporten omhandler en underaktuert tobeinet robotprototype, dens tilknyttede komponenter og programvare gjennom vårt bachelorprosjekt våren 2022. Bilde av roboten sees i figur 3.1. Oppgaven bygger videre på tre tidligere ...
    • Viewing Rate-Based Neurons as Biophysical Conductance Outputting Models 

      Knudsen, Martinius; Hendseth, Sverre; Tufte, Gunnar; Sandvig, Axel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In the field of computational neuroscience, spiking neural network models are generally preferred over rate-based models due to their ability to model biological dynamics. Within AI, rate-based artificial neural networks ...
    • Virtual Holonomic Constraints Based Direction Following Control of Planar Snake Robots Described by a Simplified Model 

      Rezapour, Ehsan; Hofmann, Andreas; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad; Mohammadi, Alireza; Maggiore, Manfredi (Chapter, 2014)
      This paper considers direction following control of planar snake robots for which the equations of motion are described based on a simplified model. In particular, we aim to regulate the orientation and the forward ...
    • Virtual Palpation Gripper 

      Ottermo, Maria Vatshaug (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:95, Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      This thesis presents the design and performance of the Virtual Palpation Gripper, an early prototype of a remote palpation instrument intended for laparoscopic surgery. Psychophysical experiments related to this prototype ...
    • A Virtual Synchronous Machine-based Control for Eliminating DC-side Power Oscillations of Three-Phase VSCs under Unbalanced Grid Voltages 

      Avdiaj, Eros; Suul, Jon Are Wold; D'Arco, Salvatore; Piegari, Luigi (Chapter, 2021)
      This paper presents a Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM)-based control method for avoiding dc-side power oscillations in grid connected voltage source converters (VSCs) when operating under under unbalanced conditions. The ...
    • Viscoelastic Properties of Cells: Modeling and Identification by Atomic Force Microscopy 

      Ragazzon, Michael Remo Palmén; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Vagia, Marialena (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Identification of mechanical properties of cells has previously been shown to have a great potential and effectiveness on medical diagnosis. As a result, it has gathered increasing interest of researchers over the recent ...
    • Vision Aided Inertial Navigation 

      Fredrikstad, Tor Erik N (Master thesis, 2016)
      Camera measurements can be used to replace or supplement GPS measurements for aiding inertial navigation systems. This is especially useful in cases where GPS is unavailable or unreliable, whether it is because the signals ...
    • Vision Restricted Path Planning and Control for Underactuated Vehicles 

      Brekke, Edmund Førland; Sans Muntadas, Albert; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Autonomous vehicles can obtain navigation information by observing a source with a camera or an acoustic system mounted on the frame of the vehicle. This information properly fused provides navigation information that can ...
    • Vision-Based Grasp Pose Detection for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with 0-DoF Manipulators 

      Medina, Mikael Andreas (Master thesis, 2023)
      Med en stor økning i utnyttelsen av havressurser og en økende etterspørsel etter bærekraftige offshore-løsninger, øker også behovet for autonome undervannsfarkoster (AUV-er). AUV-er kan brukes til å utføre rutinemessige ...
    • Vision-based pose estimation for autonomous operations in aquacultural fish farms 

      Schellewald, Christian; Stahl, Annette; Kelasidi, Eleni (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      There is a largely increasing demand for the usage of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) including Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) for underwater aquaculture operations thereby minimizing the risks for diving accidents ...