Now showing items 1294-1313 of 3737

    • Estimering av spedbarns bevegelser ut fra videodata 

      Nesset, Svein Arne (Master thesis, 2008)
      For å kunne gi best mulig behandling av nevromotoriske sykdommer hos barn, er det viktig at diagnosen stilles så tidlig som mulig. Derfor pågår det et forskningsprosjekt der man studerer barns sporadiske bevegelser når de ...
    • Estimering av TNS-parametre og -ytelse 

      Skorpen, Roger (Master thesis, 2007)
      Undervannsbåter er avhengige av et treghetsnavigasjonssystem (TNS) for å kunne beregne egen posisjon når de er neddykket. Denne oppgaven vil se nærmere på et skrogfast TNS som er i bruk på de norske undervannsbåtene av ...
    • Eurobot 2007 

      Kjemphol, Gunnar (Master thesis, 2007)
      Eurobot Open er en internasjonal robotkonkurranse for studenter og uavhengige robotklubber fra hele verden, der lagene konkurrerer mot hverandre med autonome roboter. Konkurransen finner hvert år sted i et europeisk land, ...
    • Eurobot 2007 Navigasjon 

      Knausgård, Kristian Muri (Master thesis, 2007)
      Eurobot Open er en internasjonal robotkonkurranse for autonome roboter, hvor studenter og uavhengige klubber fra hele verden kan delta. NTNU, representert ved Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, har deltatt i samtlige ...
    • Eurobot 2008 

      Mørkrid, Odd Erik; Øien, Kristian Ivar (Master thesis, 2008)
      Eurobot Open er en internasjonal robotkonkurranse for studenter og uavhengige organisasjoner, som arrangeres i Europa i mai hvert år. Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk har deltatt hvert år siden 2000, gjennom prosjekt- og ...
    • Eurobot 2009 

      Kjølseth, Christian Wegger; Wergeland, Øystein (Master thesis, 2009)
      Eurobot Open er en internasjonal robotkonkurranse for studenter og uavhengige organisasjoner, som arrangeres i Europa i mai hvert år. Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk har deltatt hvert år siden 2000, gjennom prosjekt- og ...
    • Eurobot 2010: Navigasjonssystem 

      Haaland, Kristin Holst (Master thesis, 2010)
      Eurobot Open er en internasjonal robotkonkurranse som arrangeres hvert år. Det er erehundre lag av studenter og uavhengige organisasjoner som deltar. NTNU deltar for 10. årpå rad. I 2010 er tittelen på konkurransen Feed ...
    • Eurobot NTNU 2012: Treasure Island 

      Halvorsen, Are; Myren, Sindre Røkenes; Sperre, Andreas Hopland (Master thesis, 2012)
      Eurobot is an annual competition for autonomous robots. Typically two teams compete against each other for 90 seconds on a 2x3m playing area. The main goal is to collect as many points as possible. There are several matches ...
    • Evaluating FIFO-based Instruction Scheduling Techniques using FPGAs 

      Metz, David Christoph; Jellum, Erling Rennemo (Master thesis, 2020)
      The performance advantage of out-of-order processors stems from their ability to extract more instruction-level parallelism (ILP) and memory-level parallelism (MLP) than in-order cores. This is largely the benefit of the ...
    • Evaluating hyperspectral Secchi depth retrieval through hybrid modeling and regression 

      Bakken, Sivert; Luis, Kelly; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This work compares different regression models combined with hybrid modeling to estimate water clarity using hyper-spectral remote sensing data. The Secchi depth, a proxy of water clarity, can be modeled using first ...
    • Evaluating Modern C++ for Embedded Systems 

      Standal, Bendik Steinkjer (Master thesis, 2020)
      Oppgaven undersøker den moderne standard av programmeringsspråket C++ og evaluerer språkets anvendbarhet innen utvikling av innvevde systemer. En gjennomgang av språkets historie, standardiseringsprosess, beste praksis of ...
    • Evaluation and Suppression of Oscillations in Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Constant Voltage Load and Pulse Skipping Modulation 

      Zhou, Jiayu; Guidi, Giuseppe; Ljøkelsøy, Kjell; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper identifies how Constant Voltage Load (CVL) characteristics cause Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) systems to exhibit a poorly damped oscillation mode. When operated with pulse skipping strategies such as Pulse ...
    • Evaluation of a modular system topology for large-scale wireless EV charging in a commercial parking facility 

      Guidi, Giuseppe; D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter, 2021)
      This paper evaluates the operation of a modular transformer-less grid interface topology for large-scale wireless charging of electric vehicles (EVs) under a loading scenario for a commercial parking facility. The studied ...
    • Evaluation of distributed damping subs with active control for stick–slip reduction in drilling 

      Nüsse, Pauline Marie; Ambrus, Adrian; Aarsnes, Ulf Jakob Flø; Aamo, Ole Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Drill string vibrations can cause damage to the equipment and reduce drilling performance. There are two primary methods to address this issue: top drive control or the use of specialized tools near the bottom hole assembly ...
    • Evaluation of Energy Transfer Efficiency for Shore-to-Ship Fast Charging Systems 

      Karimi, Siamak; Zadeh, Mehdi; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Shore-to-ship charging systems are usually designed based on various operational and design parameters including the onboard power and propulsion requirements, available charging times, and the capability of local power ...
    • Evaluation of Inertia Emulation Strategies for DC- Voltage-Controlled and Power-Controlled Converter Stations in HVDC Interconnections 

      Puricelli, Francesco Giacomo; D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Piegari, Luigi (Chapter, 2020)
      This paper presents an evaluation of two control schemes for virtual inertia support from the converter terminals of an HVDC interconnection. A point-to-point interconnection between asynchronous power systems is assumed, ...
    • Evaluation of Kalman filters for estimation of the annular bottomhole pressure during drilling 

      Rognmo, Thomas (Master thesis, 2008)
      Estimation of the annular pressure at critical locations in the well is crucial for high-precision pressure control. Certain parameters which are important in order to determine the pressure profile of the well (in particular ...
    • Evaluation of Lyapunov-based adaptive observer using low-order lumped model for estimation of production index in Under-Balanced Drilling 

      Nikoofard, Amirhossein; Johansen, Tor Arne; Kaasa, Glenn-Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      A distributed drift-flux model and a low-order lumped model describing a multiphase (gas-liquid) flow in the well during Under-Balanced Drilling (UBD) has been presented. This paper presents a novel nonlinear adaptive ...
    • Evaluation of Methods for Robust, Automatic Detection of Net Tear with Remotely Operated Vehicle and Remote Sensing 

      Haugene, Tormod (Master thesis, 2014)
      Accompanying the continuous growth of the aquaculture fish farming industry in the recent years, the usage of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) for regular inspections of net integrity has become increasingly common. For a ...
    • Evaluation of the GlucoPred hardware for glucose measurements in a liquid medium 

      Palm, Kaj Andreas (Master thesis, 2015)
      The goal of this study is to assess the suitability of the GlucoPred hardware platform, designed for non-invasive glucose measurements through the skin, in terms of glucose detection in liquid samples. This evaluation is ...