• 2-Braids and a categorification of the Kauffman bracket polynomial 

      Nilsen, Marte Lovise (Master thesis, 2015)
    • A classifying space for principal G-bundles with connection, in the category of simplicial presheaves 

      Flydal, Peter Marius (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne masteroppgaven studerer vi hoved-G-bunter over glatte mangfoldigheter med kobling, og hvordan man kan lage universelle objekter for å klassifisere dem, tilsvarende Grassmannians for vektorbunter. Konstruksjonene ...
    • A detailed account of Behrens proof of Bott periodicity 

      Hjelvik, Eirik Ward (Master thesis, 2020)
      We give a detailed account of Behrens' proof of real and complex Bott periodicity theorem which is based on the ideas by McDuff. We include thorough computations and some intuition behind constructions and con- cepts. The ...
    • Abstract Homotopy Theory of Smooth Manifolds 

      Lőcsei, Martin (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I denne oppgaven presenterer vi konstruksjonen av en homotopi teori for glatte mangfoldigheter på en måte som ligner Morel og Voevodskys konstruksjon av $\mathbb{A}^1$-homotopi teorien for skjemaer. Dette er basert på ...
    • Algebraic Methods in Analysis and Topology 

      Bergtun, Erlend (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:339, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      This thesis consists of two parts. Part I concerns the classification of unital minimal A∞-structures on graded vector spaces concentrated in degree 0, 1 and 2 up to equivalence. Here we give a complete description of every ...
    • An Abel-Jacobi invariant for cobordant cycles 

      Quick, Gereon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      We discuss an Abel-Jacobi invariant for algebraic cobordism cycles whose image in topological cobordism vanishes. The existence of this invariant follows by abstract arguments from the construction of Hodge filtered ...
    • Computing motivic homotopy classes on the projective line by algebro-geometric methods 

      Hornslien, William (Master thesis, 2020)
      La $k$ være en kropp. Vi undersøker en algebraisk beskrivelse av mengden $[\P^1,\P^1]^{\A^1}$ av \emph{$\A^1$-homotopiklasser} av $k$-skjemaendomorpfier med basepunkt av den projektive linja $\P^1$. Inspirert av Cazanave ...
    • Concerning some aspects of twisted generating functions 

      Oldervoll, Trygve Poppe (Master thesis, 2022)
      Formodningen om nærliggende Lagrangemangfoldigheter postulerer at enhver lukket og eksakt Lagrangamangfoldighet L i kotangentbunten til en lukket mangfoldighet M er hamiltonsik isotop til nullseksjonen. I lys av et teorem ...
    • Differentiable Structures on Spheres and the Kervaire Invariant 

      Haus, Knut Bjarte (Master thesis, 2017)
      We follow Kervaire Milnor in defining and studying the group G of smooth structures on the sphere S^n. Surgery theory is developed and applied to study the subgroup bP^(n+1) of G. The Pontryagin construction induces a ...
    • Examples of non-algebraic classes in the Brown-Peterson tower 

      Quick, Gereon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      For every n≥0 , we construct classes in the Brown–Peterson cohomology BP⟨n⟩ of smooth projective complex algebraic varieties which are not in the image of the cycle map from the corresponding motivic Brown–Peterson ...
    • Fibrasjoner av Kategorier 

      Flaten, Jarl Gunnar Taxerås (Master thesis, 2019)
      Det finnes en {\em kanonisk} modellstruktur på $\Cat$ som bruker ekvivalenser av kategorier, og vi forsøker å forstå fibrasjonene involvert. Første kapittel gir en detaljert utledning av at yonedaimbeddingen $\y : \C \to ...
    • Formality and strong Massey vanishing for real projective groups 

      Quick, Gereon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This report presents a general panorama of recent progress in the arithmetic-geometry theory of Galois and homotopy groups and its ramifications. While still relying on Grothendieck’s original pillars [1], the present ...
    • Geometric Hodge filtered complex cobordism 

      Haus, Knut Bjarte (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:238, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      We define geometric Hodge filtered complex cobordism groups MUn(p)(X) for complex manifolds X. Refining the Pontryagin–Thom construction, we give a natural isomorphism MUn(p)(X) ƒ MUnD (p)(X), where MUnD(p)(X) are the Hodge ...
    • Geometric Hodge filtered complex cobordism 

      Haus, Knut Bjarte; Quick, Gereon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We construct a geometric cycle model for a Hodge filtered extension of complex cobordism for every smooth manifold with a filtration on its de Rham complex with complex coefficients. Using a refinement of the Pontryagin–Thom ...
    • Geometric pushforward in Hodge filtered complex cobordism and secondary invariants 

      Haus, Knut Bjarte; Quick, Gereon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      We construct a functorial pushforward homomorphism in geometric Hodge filtered complex cobordism along proper holomorphic maps between arbitrary complex manifolds. This significantly improves previous results on such ...
    • Internal Higher Category Theory 

      Martini, Louis (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:251, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      The goal of this thesis is to lay the foundations for a theory of ∞-categories internal to an ∞-topos B. Our model for such internal ∞-categories is based on the notion of a complete Segal object, but can equivalently be ...
    • Local Class Field Theory via Lubin-Tate Formal Groups 

      Djurhuus, Eivind Xu (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Oppgaven tar for seg lokal klassekroppsteori via Lubin-Tate teori. Vi viser lokal samsvarighet, basebytte og eksistens for Lubin-Tate utvidelser.
    • Naive motivic homotopy classes of endomorphisms of the projective line 

      Balch Barth, Viktor (Master thesis, 2020)
      Vi studerer naive motiviske homotopiklasser av endomorfier av den projektive linja over en kropp. Først redegjør vi for Cazanaves resultat om at den kanoniske funksjonen fra naive til motiviske homotopiklasser er en ...
    • A note on Real line bundles with connection and Real smooth Deligne cohomology 

      Flydal, Peter Marius; Quick, Gereon; Svanes, Eirik Eik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      We define a Real version of smooth Deligne cohomology for manifolds with involution which interpolates between equivariant sheaf cohomology and smooth imaginary-valued forms. Our main result is a classification of Real ...
    • Obstructions to the Surjectivity of the Thom Homomorphism 

      Kaspersen, Eiolf (Master thesis, 2020)
      Vi presenterer de grunnlegende egenskapene til stabil homotopiteori og generalisert kohomologi og konstruerer Thom-homomorfien fra kompleks kobordisme til singulær kohomologi. Deretter studerer vi denne homomorfien mer ...