• Local Drift Forecasting with Simplified Ocean Models and Multi-Level Data Assimilation 

      Beiser, Florian (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:241, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Search-and-rescue operations at sea are supported by fast predictions of drift trajectories that are classically based on operational ocean models. This thesis promotes a complementary approach for drift forecasting based ...
    • Long-Horizon Informative Path Planning with Obstacles and Time Constraints 

      Ge, Yaolin; Olaisen, André Julius Hovd; Eidsvik, Jo; Jain, Ravinder Praveen Kumar; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We apply non-myopic informative path planning in a simulated river plume case study with several constraints on our agent. A cost valley philosophy is proposed to guide the agent through the field. The purpose of this path ...
    • Map matching using hidden Markov models 

      Klåpbakken, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2020)
      Kartmatching refererer til prosessen der en sekvens med posisjonsmålinger brukes til å estimere en sammenhengende rute på et veinettverk. Posisjonsmålinger som brukes til kartmatching er typisk innhentet ved hjelp av en ...
    • Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms and their Applications to Petroleum Reservoir Characterization 

      Eidsvik, Jo (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:75, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      This thesis consists of papers on stochastic reservoir characterization and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Stochastic reservoir models are very complex and naturally spatial and high dimensional. This makes them hard ...
    • Measuring Summary Quality using Weak Supervision 

      Olsen, Joakim (Master thesis, 2021)
      I dette arbeidet analyserer vi tilstandsrapportar for bustad, og deira samandrag. Studiar har antyda at mange kjøparar av bustad ikkje tek seg tid til å lese heile tilstandsrapportar, og berre les samandrag i staden. Dette ...
    • Model Choice and Experimental Design for Generalized Linear Spatial Models 

      Dahl, Morten (Master thesis, 2007)
      In this paper we look at generalised linear spatial models, in a bayesian setting. For inference we use a special approxomative technique known as the Laplace approximation. We examine a dataset consisting of radionucleide ...
    • Modeling complex dependence structures in space and time using SPDEs 

      Berild, Martin Outzen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:345, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
    • Next generation geophysical sensing: exploring a new wave of geophysical technologies for the energy transition 

      Ringrose, Philip; Landrø, Martin; Potter, John; Eidsvik, Jo; Wienecke, Susann; Bouffaut, Léa; Oye, Volker; Dong, Hefeng; Elster, Anne C.; Johansen, Ståle Emil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • Object tracking and classification using distributed acoustic sensing 

      Fredriksen, Simon Leander Berg (Master thesis, 2024)
      Multi-objekt målfølging (MOT) omfatter et matematisk rammeverk laget for å estimere kinematiske egenskaper av objekter som beveger seg i henhold til en dynamisk modell i et begrenset overvåket romlig område. Bayesiansk ...
    • Parametric spatial covariance models in the ensemble Kalman filter 

      Skauvold, Jacob; Eidsvik, Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Several applications rely on data assimilation methods for complex spatio-temporal problems. The focus of this paper is on ensemble-based methods, where some approaches require estimation of covariances between state ...
    • Parametric Wavelet Estimation 

      Skauvold, Jacob (Master thesis, 2014)
      A method for parametric estimation of seismic wavelets from well logs and seismic data is developed. Parameters include amplitude, skewness, length and fluctuation order, and the link between parameters and wavelet properties ...
    • Particle Filtering Approaches for Atlantic Salmon Migration Based on Acoustic Telemetry Data 

      Høyheim, Kaia Arnøy (Master thesis, 2020)
      Overlevelsesraten til migrerende laksesmolt kan reduseres på grunn av lakselussmitte. Den kan gjøre smolten mer sårbar overfor rovdyr og øke risikoen for å bli smittet av andre sykdommer. Innsikt i hvor smolten befinner ...
    • Positioning and position error of petroleum wells 

      Gjerde, Tony; Eidsvik, Jo; Nyrnes, Erik; Bruun, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      We present a new model for the estimation of positional uncertainty of petroleum wells. The model uses a heavy tailed normal inverse Gaussian distribution for the errors in Earth's magnetic field reference values. These ...
    • Precipitation forecasting using Radar Data 

      Botnen, Tore (Master thesis, 2009)
      The main task of this assignment is to filter out noise from a series of radar images and to carry out short term precipitation forecasts. It is important that the final routine is performed online, yielding new forecasts ...
    • Predicting Dry Bulk Vessel Destinations Using Historical AIS Data 

      Padel, Johannes (Master thesis, 2023)
      Den globale handelen og økonomiske veksten er sterkt avhengig av shippingindustrien, der tørrbulkfrakt spiller en nøkkelrolle. Denne formen for frakt håndterer transport av løst bulkgods, som korn, jern og kull, og er ...
    • Predicting persistent weak layers in maritime regions in Norway using meteorological parameters 

      Aase, Markus J. (Master thesis, 2022)
      Skredvarslingen bruker ulike skredproblem for å skille mellom hva som kan forårsake et snøskred på en gitt dag. Et av de fem skredproblemene kalles vedvarende svake lag (PWL), et horisontalt lag inne i snødekket som er ...
    • Prediction of Lithology/Fluid Classes from Petrophysical and Elastic Observations 

      Straume, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2012)
      The objective of this study is to classify lithology/fluid(LF) variables along depth profiles. The classification is done by a Bayesian inversion method to obtain the posterior probability density functions(PDFs) for the ...
    • A revised implicit equal-weights particle filter 

      Skauvold, Jacob; Eidsvik, Jo; van Leeuwen, Peter Jan; Amezcua, Javier (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Particle filters are fully nonlinear data assimilation methods and as such are highly relevant. While the standard particle filter degenerates for high‐dimensional systems, recent developments have opened the way for new ...
    • Rock Classification Using Multivariate Analysis of Measurement While Drilling Data: Towards a Better Sampling Strategy 

      Sajith Vezhapparambu, Veena; Eidsvik, Jo; Ellefmo, Steinar Løve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Measurement while drilling (MWD) data are gathered during drilling operations and can provide information about the strength of the rock penetrated by the boreholes. In this paper MWD data from a marble open-pit operation ...
    • Sammenligning og prediksjon av gassmålinger. 

      Sandvik, Eivind Bjøralt (Master thesis, 2009)
      Denne oppgaven utarbeider en metode for å estimere ankomsttider til gass basert på en sammenligning av tidsrekker. Disse tidsrekkene består av målinger av ulike egenskaper til gassen ved innløp og utløp av et rør. Volumflyt ...