• Are Musicians Affected by Room Acoustics in Rehearsal Rooms? 

      Hatlevik, Espen (Master thesis, 2012)
      This study has investigated to what extent musicians adjust their source levels to different music rehearsal rooms. In the experiment, six amateur musicians were to perform the same song i four different rehearsal rooms, ...
    • Sound Levels at a Clarinetist’s Ears During Solitary Practice 

      Kjølberg, Simen Helbæk (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne rapporten presenterer målte lydtrykksnivå ved ørene til 4 klarinettister, fra individuelt framførte, strukturerte øvingssesjoner i semi-ekkofritt kammer og i et øvingsrom, sammen med den målte differansen mellom ...
    • Sound pressure levels and sound source components for orchestra musicians 

      Rydland, Helena Kristine (Master thesis, 2015)
      The presented study aimed to do investigations on the balance of the sound components found at the ears of orchestra musicians. This was interesting as orchestra musicians are exposed to much sound in their vocational ...