• Dockit League: Creating a twin stick MOBA using Unity 

      Wang, Andreas; Lilleslåtten, Martin Langslet; Svarverud, Sondre (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Dockit League is a project focused around creating a multiplayer online battle arena(MOBA) game using the Unity game engine. The game revolves around playing against other players in a competitive environment, using Docking ...
    • noMemory 

      Fuglestad, Bjørn Nødland; Hillestad, Bendik Kiste; Stenshagen, Per-Arne Waaler (Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-23)
      noMemory is a project to create a strategy game in Unreal Engine 4. In this game, you control one or more heroes and units, and battle against another human player locally, or against an Artificial Intelligence. This thesis ...
    • Platformer Generation AI 

      Somby, Christer Peltoperä; Luick, Henning Einar; Reitan, Jonas Dalheim; Eidså, Kristoffer (Bachelor thesis, 2016-08-23)
      Kremengine is a game engine written from scratch in C++14. It supports both 3D and 2D. We made our own engine so we could have maximum control of the level generation algorithm and reduce time it take to test things as we ...
    • Project: Avacyn 

      Kolbu, Sebastian; Gregersen, Kristian; Ballangrud, Petter (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Prosjekt: Avacyn er et prosjekt om å lage et dungeon crawler spill i Unreal Engine 4. Vår implementasjon trekker inspirasjon og gjør forbedringer av ulike aspekter fra tidligere utgitte spill i samme sjanger. Utviklingen ...