• Affordances in Human-Chatbot Interaction: A Review of the Literature. 

      Mygland, Morten Johan; Schibbye, Morten; Pappas, Ilias; Vasilakopoulou, Polyxeni (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The present study advances our understanding of human-AI interactions, by identifying and analyzing chatbot affordances in prior research. The results of this review consolidate research findings on chatbots’ affordances, ...
    • Artificial Intelligence Ambidexterity, Adaptive Transformation Capability, and Their Impact on Performance Under Tumultuous Times 

      van de Wetering, Rogier; Mikalef, Patrik; Dennehy, Denis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Automatically Detecting Political Viewpoints in Norwegian Text 

      Doan, Tu My; Baumgartner, David; Kille, Benjamin Uwe; Gulla, Jon Atle (Journal article, 2024)
      We introduce three resources to support research on political texts in Scandinavia. The encoder-decoder transformer models sp-t5 and sp-t5-keyword were trained on political texts. The nor-pvi (available at https://tinyur ...
    • Big Data Analytics Affordances for Social Innovation: A Theoretical Framework 

      Pappas, Ilias; Thapa, Devinder (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper proposes a theoretical framework to identify the mechanisms by which actors perceive the affordances of big data analytics (BDA) and how institutional voids and supports enable or hinder the actualisation of ...
    • Bridging Values: The Inclusion of Young Generations in Computing 

      Szlavi, Anna; Versino, Serena; Zanardi, Irene; Bolesta, Karolina; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia (Journal article, 2023)
      There is a constantly growing need for skilled professionals in the computing field, which poses challenges for finding the right people for the job. According to the 2022 Digital Economy and Society Index, 55% of companies ...
    • Color Calibration on Human Skin Images 

      Amani, Mahdi; Falk, Håvard Hagen; Jensen, Oliver Damsgaard; Vartdal, Gunnar; Aune, Anders; Lindseth, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Many recent medical developments rely on image analysis, however, it is not convenient nor cost-efficient to use professional image acquisition tools in every clinic or laboratory. Hence, a reliable color calibration is ...
    • Confirmation sampling for exact nearest neighbor search 

      Christiani, Tobias; Pagh, Rasmus; Thorup, Mikkel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH), introduced by Indyk and Motwani in STOC ’98, has been an extremely influential framework for nearest neighbor search in high-dimensional data sets. While theoretical work has focused on ...
    • The Data Value Quest: A Holistic Semantic Approach at Bosch 

      Zhou, Baifan; Zheng, Zhuoxun; Zhou, Dongzhuoran; Cheng, Gong; Jimenez-Ruiz, Ernesto; Trung-Kien, Tran; Stepanova, Daria; Gad-Elrab, Mohamed H.; Nikolov, Nikolay; Soylu, Ahmet; Kharlamov, Evgeny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Modern industry witnesses a fast growth in volume and complexity of heterogeneous manufacturing (big) data [1, 2] thanks to the technological advances of Industry 4.0 [1, 3], including development in perception, communication, ...
    • A Data-Driven Approach for Determining Weights in Global Similarity Functions 

      Jaiswal, Amar Deep; Bach, Kerstin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This paper presents a method to discover initial global similarity weights while developing a case-based reasoning (CBR) system. The approach is based on multiple feature relevance scoring methods and the relevance of ...
    • Deriving Design Principles for AI-Adaptive Learning Systems: Findings from Interviews with Experts 

      Kabudi, Tumaini; Pappas, Ilias; Olsen, Dag Håkon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • ePortfolio Introduction: Designing a Support Process 

      Olstad, Hege Annette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      As a result of innovations within the computer field, educational content changes continuously. The constant change can make it challenging for some students to understand what competencies they have gained. Relevant ...
    • Establishing a Health Data Marketplace: A Framework for Success 

      Erdvik, Magnus; Intaraphasuk, Kantasit; Pappas, Ilias; Vassilakopoulou, Polyxeni (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study outlines essential elements needed to develop a Health Data Marketplace (HDM) by building upon an existing data platform in Norway. A comprehensive framework is proposed that accounts for technical, legal, ...
    • Explaining Traffic Situations – Architecture of a Virtual Driving Instructor 

      Sandberg, Martin K. Hoel; Rehm, Johannes; Mnoucek, Matej; Gundersen, Odd Erik; Reshodko, Irina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Intelligent tutoring systems become more and more common in assisting human learners. Distinct advantages of intelligent tutoring systems are personalized teaching tailored to each student, on-demand availability not ...
    • Exploring Active and Critical Engagement in Human-Robot Interaction to Develop Programming Skills: A Pilot Study 

      Mishra, Deepti; Inal, Yavuz; Parish, Karen; Arroyo Romero, Guillermo; Rajbhandari, Rumi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Humanoid robots can help improve the spatial programming skills of children by making abstract concepts playful, tangible, concrete, and thereby understandable. However, active and critical engagement with robots creates ...
    • Exploring the Relationship Between Data Science and Circular Economy: an Enhanced CRISP-DM Process Model 

      Kristoffersen, Eivind; Omotola, Oluseun Aremu; Blomsma, Fenna; Mikalef, Patrick; Li, Jingyue (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      To date, data science and analytics have received much attention from organizations seeking to explore how to use their massive volumes of data to create value and accelerate the adoption of Circular Economy (CE) concepts. ...
    • Fostering Learners’ Performance with On-demand Metacognitive Feedback 

      Papamitsiou, Zacharoula; Economides, Anastasios; Giannakos, Michail (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Activating learners’ deeper thinking mechanisms and reflective judgement (i.e., metacognition) improves learning performance. This study exploits visual analytics to promote metacognition and delivers task-related ...
    • From Responsible AI Governance to Competitive Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Capabilities 

      Papagiannidis, Emmanouil; Mikalef, Patrick; Krogstie, John; Conboy, Kieran (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      In a constantly changing environment, researchers and practitioners are concerned with the issue of whether responsible artificial intelligence (AI) governance can help build competitive advantage. Responsible AI governance ...
    • Gender Differences in Psychosocial Experiences with Humanoid Robots, Programming, And Mathematics Course 

      Tilden, Solveig; Lugo, Ricardo Gregorio; Parish, Karen; Mishra, Deepti; Knox, Benjamin James (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Introduction: There is a gender imbalance in Computer science (CS) and STEM education and careers where males are more represented. With evolving technologies arising and the need for a more diverse workforce, it is important ...
    • Gender-Inclusive Design: Case Studies and Guidelines 

      Szlavi, Anna; Guedes, Leandro (Journal article, 2023)
      The importance of inclusivity as a value in our social contexts is increasing; thus, it is not unusual that the software industry has started to embrace it. The need for such a consideration stems from the fact that the ...
    • Goalkeeper: A Zero-Sum Exergame for Motivating Physical Activity 

      Niforatos, Evangelos; Tran, Camilla; Pappas, Ilias; Giannakos, Michail (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Incentives and peer competition have so far been employed independently for increasing physical activity. In this paper, we introduce Goalkeeper, a mobile application that utilizes deposit contracts for motivating physical ...