Now showing items 8664-8683 of 20696

    • GNSS-free maritime navigation using DEM data and monocular camera images 

      Roedelé, Maxime (Master thesis, 2023)
      Potensielle trusler rettet mot satellittbaserte navigasjonssystemer har vekket fornyet interesse for GNSS-uavhengige systemer, som et middel for å sikre fortsatt drift av kritisk infrastruktur. I tråd med dette presenterer ...
    • GNSS-Independent Maritime Navigation Using Monocular Camera Images with Digital Elevation Map 

      Roedele, Maxime; Vasstein, Kjetil; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article, 2023)
      The threat of GNSS service disruption implies the need for GNSS-independent navigation solutions. We introduce a framework that estimates the position of a maritime vessel in a littoral zone through monocular camera images ...
    • GNSS/INS Integration in Urban Areas 

      Muhammad, Shafiq (Master thesis, 2014)
      The Satellite based navigation systems are often integrated with inertial navigationsystems in order to provide greater accuracy and reliability in the positionand velocity parameters. For this purpose high quality inertial ...
    • GNSS/INS-integrasjon for veiprising i urbane områder 

      Sæstad, Tore Havsø (Master thesis, 2014)
      Teknologiutvikling og stor etterspørsel etter enheter som GPS-er og smarttelefoner har redusert prisen på mikroelektromekaniske systemer som akselerometer og gyroskop og GNSS-mottakere. Q-Free har utviklet flere prototyper ...
    • GNU Debugger for Single-ISA Heterogeneous MAny-Core System (SHMAC) 

      Seime, Bjørn Christian (Master thesis, 2014)
      Processors have historically attained performance improvements primarily by increasing frequency and the number of transistors. As the transistor density increases, keeping the power density constant gets harder. As a ...
    • Go Phish! - Educating Users Not to Bite on Phishing 

      Einangen, Audun (Master thesis, 2021)
      I dagens samfunn hvor vi hele tiden blir bombardert med informasjon fra alle kanter, finnes det noen som prøver å utnytte dette, og sniker harmløst utseende eposter som kan lage kaos inn sammen med den normale strømmen av ...
    • Go Real: Power Electronics From Simulations to Experiments in Hours: Versatile Experimental Tool for Next Generation Engineers 

      Zhong, Qing-Chang; Wang, Yeqing; Dong, Yiting; Ren, Beibei; Amin, Mohammad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The only constant is change-power systems worldwide are going through a paradigm change from centralized generation to distributed generation; transportation systems are being electrified; and billions of lives in third-world ...
    • Goal-Oriented Shopping on Mobile Devices: A Technology Acceptance Study 

      Pedersen, Anders Røsæg (Master thesis, 2014)
      This paper presents the evaluation of goal-oriented shopping for mobile applications using the Mobile Services Acceptance Model to study user acceptance. A prototype application was developed and used as a basis for a ...
    • Goalkeeper: A Zero-Sum Exergame for Motivating Physical Activity 

      Niforatos, Evangelos; Tran, Camilla; Pappas, Ilias; Giannakos, Michail (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Incentives and peer competition have so far been employed independently for increasing physical activity. In this paper, we introduce Goalkeeper, a mobile application that utilizes deposit contracts for motivating physical ...
    • God praksis for måling av informasjonssikkerhetsnivå 

      Bakås, Tone Hoddø (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: Rapporten søker å avdekke parametere som påvirker hva som er god praksis for måling av informasjonssikkerhetsnivå i virksomheter, som antas «å være ledende» innen informasjonssikkerhet. For å finne ut hvordan ...
    • Godt voksnes bruk av netthandel - En empirisk undersøkelse 

      Dølmo, Iver (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      I denne bacheloroppgaven har jeg undersøkt hvordan godt voksne forbrukere mellom 50-75 år forholder seg til den økte digitaliseringen av handelen. For å på best mulig måte besvare problemstillinga, utarbeidet jeg noen ...
    • Going Open: Building the Platform to Reach Out 

      Schanke, Per Kristian (Master thesis, 2007)
      This report presents the results of the development of a portal for open source software. The work is done in collaboration with Keymind Computing AS in context of the European ITEA project COSI. The purpose of this project ...
    • Going relative with Maurice—a survey 

      Solberg, Øyvind (Journal article, 2018)
    • Gold Price Forecast Based on LSTM-CNN Model 

      He, Zhanhong; Zhou, Junhao; Dai, Hong-Ning; Wang, Hao (Chapter, 2019)
      An accurate prediction is certainly significant in financial data analysis. Investors have used a series of econometric techniques on pricing, stock selection and risk management but few of them have found great success ...
    • Goldstone-like phonon modes in a (111)-strained perovskite 

      Marthinsen, Astrid; Griffin, Sinead M; Moreau, Magnus; Grande, Tor; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Selbach, Sverre Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Goldstone modes are massless particles resulting from spontaneous symmetry breaking. Although such modes are found in elementary particle physics as well as in condensed-matter systems like superfluid helium, superconductors, ...
    • Gorenstein weak global dimension is symmetric 

      Christensen, Lars Winther; Estrada, Sergio; Thompson, Peder (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We study the Gorenstein weak global dimension of associative rings and its relation to the Gorenstein global dimension. In particular, we prove the conjecture that the Gorenstein weak global dimension is a left-right ...
    • Got Your Back: Bruk av maskinlæring til å klassifisere sittestillinger i sanntid 

      Liahagen, Ole Jonas; Nilsen, Martin Johannes; Årdal, Simon (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Dårlig rygghelse er et stort problem i dagens samfunn, og kan legge store hemninger på en persons liv. En viktig faktor for å opprettholde god rygghelse er variasjon i måten en sitter på over tid. I denne oppgaven har det ...
    • Government cloud computing: requirements, specification and design of a cloud-computing environment for police and law enforcement 

      Tellefsen, Andreas (Master thesis, 2012)
      ENGELSK: As the amount of information found at digital forensic crime scenes increases each year, conventional methods for evidence handling and analysis come under pressure to perform at a sufficient level. New techniques ...
    • GPS Guided R/C Car: The Local Bug Test Platform 

      Wenstad, Peder (Master thesis, 2010)
      This thesis is a part of the Local Hawk student project where the overall goal is to develop a Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV). The project was initiated by Kongsberg Defence Systems (KDS) and is developed in ...
    • GPS-IMU Integration for a Snake Robot with Active Wheels 

      García Estébanez, Jesús (Master thesis, 2009)
      A snake robot will be defined herein as any multilink robot for whose shape and motion capabilities are reminiscent of a snake like PiKo [1]. PiKo is a five links snake robot with active wheels designed by SINTEF in ...