Browsing Institutt for fysikk by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 2790
6.8 W all-fiber supercontinuum source at 1.9-2.5 um
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)We report a simple method of generating a spectrally flat and high average power spectral density (up to 14 mW/nm) optical supercontinuum in the 1.95–2.5 μm range covering a transparency window of the atmosphere. The ... -
8.6 MHz Extended Cavity Cr:ZnS Chirped-pulse Oscillator
(Chapter, 2018)We report the first extended cavity Cr:ZnS chirped-pulse oscillator mode-locked by graphene. We demonstrate 415 mW average power at 8.6 MHz repetition rate which results in 48 nJ pulse energy. -
A Benders Decomposition Method for a Multi-stage Stochastic Energy Market Equilibrium Problem
(Master thesis, 2014)In this thesis, a stochastic energy market equilibrium model is developed and implemented in GAMS. The model involves multi objective optimization and is solved as a mixed complementarity problem. To provide an efficient ... -
A biophysical study of oscillatory water regulation in plants : measurements and models
(Doctoral thesis, 2001)In this thesis, several aspects of the water regulation of plants will be studied and discussed. The focus is on biophysical properties of the system, especially on the dynamics and qualitative mechanistics. Following this ... -
A Bivariate Analysis of the Homogeneous Plane-Wave Assumption in Magnetotelluric Theory
(Master thesis, 2015)The magnetotelluric method is an electromagnetic induction method used to image subsurface resistivity. It utilizes Earths' natural time-varying electromagnetic field as a source. The fields propagating into the subsurface ... -
A Bosonic Coherent State Path Integral Representation for Spin Systems based on a Projection Operator Implementation of the Schwinger boson number constraint
(Master thesis, 2018)The path integral single spin partition function in the basis of boson coherent states, for a general normal ordered two-mode Schwinger boson Hamiltonian, has been computed. Within the initial phase of the calculational ... -
A bridge between statistical learning and agent based modelling in stock market predictions
(Master thesis, 2016)The research related to agent based modelling and statistical learning has increased in the recent years, as alternatives to main stream econometrics. This project combines the three for constructing and evaluating a ... -
A Comparison of Biological Dose Estimates in Proton and Carbon Ion Therapy Based on Averaged and Full Linear Energy Transfer Spectra
(Master thesis, 2015)Radiotherapy with ions, also known as particle therapy, is increasing rapidly. Shifting from photons to protons and carbons is not only a great technological transition, but also a shift in physics and in radiobiology. ... -
A comparison of Gravity Wave Parameters derived from the Analysis of a Three-Field Photometer with Imagers
(Master thesis, 2015)A method for preprocessing and analysing a few select fields in airglow intensity images from an all-sky imager was developed and utilized. Waves detected with a three-field analysis were compared with those waves ... -
A comparison of two parallel solution schemes for the advection-diffusion equation - Velocity guided random walk of paticles vs finite volume discretization on Cartesian grid
(Master thesis, 2017)In this thesis two methods for solving the diffusion-advection equation was implemented using MPI. The two methods was a velocity guided random walk of particles and solving the advection-diffusion equation on a grid. Both ... -
A consistent reduction of the two-layer shallow-water equations to an accurate one-layer spreading model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The gravity-driven spreading of one fluid in contact with another fluid is of key importance to a range of topics. These phenomena are commonly described by the two-layer shallow-water equations (SWE). When one layer is ... -
A correlative spatiotemporal microscale study of calcium phosphate formation and transformation within an alginate hydrogel matrix.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The modification of soft hydrogels with hard inorganic components is a method used to form composite materials with application in non-load-bearing bone tissue engineering. The inclusion of an inorganic component may provide ... -
A CUDA Back-End for the Equelle Compiler.
(Master thesis, 2014)As parallel and heterogeneous computing becomes more and more a necessity for implementing high performance simulators, it becomes increasingly harder for scientists and engineers without experience in high performance ... -
A Density Functional Theory Study of Hydrogen Transfer and Rotational Barriers in Vitamin E-like Molecules
(Master thesis, 2011)A study of the antioxidant property of two vitamin E simplifications with density functional theory has been done. In one of the simplifications the phytyl tail and the methyl group on the heterocyclic ring in vitamin E ... -
A Fast Simulation Method for Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Coupled Non-parallel Plates
(Master thesis, 2021)Enkelte systemer i ultralydtesting kan tilnærmes som to ikke-parallelle plater koblet med et fluid, der utstrålende Lamb-bølger brer seg ut i hver plate. Denne oppgaven utvikler en rask og nøyaktig simuleringsmetode for ... -
A field theoretical study of particles in an external magnetic field Setting up the foundations to study QCD in a strong magnetic field
(Master thesis, 2021)I denne master oppgaven studerer vi forskjellige typer partikler i et konstant magnetisk felt. Grunnen til det er for å få et grunnleggende forståelse og skape fundamentale verktøy til å undersøke QCD i sterke magnetiske ... -
A Framework for Constructing and Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts of Electricity Prices: A Case Study of the Nord Pool Market
(Master thesis, 2011)A framework for a 10-day ahead probabilistic forecast based on a deterministic model is proposed. The framework is demonstrated on the system price of the Nord Pool electricity market. The framework consists of a two-component ... -
A GPU Accelerated Simulator for CO2 Storage
(Master thesis, 2014)The goal of this thesis has been to develop a fast simulator for large-scale migration of CO2 in saline aquifers. We have also focused on being able to let the CO2 storage atlas from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate ... -
A high precision method for quantitative measurements of reactive oxygen species in frozen biopsies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Objective: An electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique using the spin probe cyclic hydroxylamine 1-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine (CMH) was introduced as a versatile method for high ... -
A hot spot in the neutrino flux from the Cygnus loop SNR
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)