Browsing Program for industriell økologi by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 100
Integration of Environmental Aspects and Ethics in the Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum at University of Trondheim
(Report, 1993)An upgraded and enlarged block of core subjects within social sciences including environmental education as a part of the undergraduate part of the “Sivilingeniør” (MSc. ) programme at NTH, is under implementation . This ... -
A Systems approach to Environmental Engineering: Collaboration between University, Research Centre and Industry
(Chapter, 1996)University and college education of engineers and technicians face a sever dilemma. On the one hand is there a strong need and demand from society to enforce interdisciplinarity and systems thinking to master the intricate ... -
Energy Resource Planning: Integrating Wind Power
(Research report, 1998) -
Status for industriell økologi i norsk næringsliv - sammendrag av undersøkelse gjort høsten 1997
(Research report, 1998)Industriell økologi ble fra januar 1998 et av satsingsområdene i forskningsprogrammet Produktivitet 2005. I en forberedende fase frem til september 1998 skal det utarbeides en "state of the art"-rapport knyttet til sentrale ... -
Eco-efficiency: state-of-the-art
(Research report, 1998) -
Hva nytt bringer Industriell Økologi inn?
(Research report, 1998) -
A Philosophical Approach towards Industrial Ecology
(Research report, 1998) -
Materialflyt, resirkulering og økologisk effektivitet for aluminium
(Research report, 1998) -
Miljø som konkurransefaktor
(Research report, 1998)I dette notatet skal vi se på næringslivets egen oppfatning av miljø som konkurransefaktor, identifisere sentrale aktører og mekanismer som påvirker konkurransesituasjonen, og til slutt diskutere hvorvidt økonomiske og ... -
Sustainable Development A Framework for Industrial Ecology
(Research report, 1998) -
Lokal Agenda 21 og industriell økologi - to parallelle veier til bærekraftig utvikling ?
(Research report, 1998) -
Statsvitenskapelig bidrag til Industriell Økologi
(Research report, 1998)Dette er en grunnlagsrapport til "State-of-the-art"-rapporten for Program for Industriell Økologi til P2005. Hensikten med denne er å analysere Industriell Økologi ut i fra en statsvitenskapelig synsvinkel. På dette området ... -
Avfallstrømmar for Papp og Papir, Glas, Jern og Metall og Plast i Norge
(Research report, 1998) -
A systems approach to extended producer responsibility: Economic efficiency and environmental effectiveness for packaging in plastic industry in Norway
(Chapter, 1998)This paper will, through a theoretical discussion of efficiency and effectiveness, present a model for a recovery system. The plastic packaging recovery system in Norway is described, and despite the lack of empirical data, ... -
Promoting Industrial ecology by extended Producer Responsibility- Principles and Practices
(Chapter, 1998)An important part of the concept of Industrial ecology aims at understanding and improving the metabolic pathways of materials in society. Extended producer responsibility is one of the recent, and indeed important, ... -
Improving Energy Flows in a Industrial Society by Taxing Exergy Losses in Material Production
(Journal article, 1998)In most of the Western hemisphere there is presently an intensive debate regarding the proper pricing of energy. Attempts to internalize the social and environmental costs related to energy consumption are confronted by ... -
Ethical Consequences of Systems Thinking in Industrial Ecology
(Report, 1998) -
Sustainable Urban Watermanagement based on the Concept of Industrial Ecology
(Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 1999:4, Research report, 1999) -
Industrial ecology: a new paradigm?
(Research report, 1999)The aim of industrial ecology is to design and re-design industrial systems, by using nature as a metaphor and model. In this way far less non-renewable resources will be used and far less emissions and wastes will be ...