Now showing items 2983-3002 of 4005

    • Project Stakeholder Evolution 

      ElWakeel, Omar (Master thesis, 2018)
      Discussing stakeholder evolution and dynamics in Norwegian projects from different industries, and identifying the most dynamic and the least dynamic stakeholders for each business sector.
    • Project supply chain management: From agile to lean 

      Asbjørnslett, Bjørn Egil (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:2, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      More than forty years has passed since the start of the North Sea oil and gas developments. On the managerial side of the projects there have been large cost overruns, project planning and control measures developed to ...
    • Project sustainability strategies: A systematic literature review 

      Aarseth, Wenche; Ahola, Tuomas Julius; Aaltonen, Kirsimari; Økland, Andreas; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Because research focusing on sustainability in a project context is still nascent and fragmented, we carried out a systematic literature review covering all research published in five leading journals in the fields of ...
    • Project Time Planning in Norwegian Construction Industry - An Empirical Study 

      Hoseini, Erfan (Master thesis, 2015)
      Literatures investigation reveal that poor project planning is cited by many authors as a delay factor in the construction projects. Project planning have many different aspects and this research only addresses time aspect ...
    • Project Uncertainty Management: A New Approach – The ‘Lost Opportunities’ Practical uncertainty management seen from a project joint perspective 

      Johansen, Agnar (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:185, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      Abstract The thesis examines uncertainty management in a single-project environment. In addition to the main chapters, Appendix I contains the published papers that this thesis is built upon, Appendix II contains the ...
    • ProMetaUS: A proactive meta-learning uncertainty-based framework to select models for Dynamic Risk Management 

      Stefana, Elena; Paltrinieri, Nicola (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Safety managers, practitioners, and researchers can employ different models for estimating and assessing hazards, consequences, likelihoods, risks, and/or mitigation measures in the safety field. The selection of a specific ...
    • Promoting open research by adapting proprietary hardware to open-source software 

      Bartnes, Cathrine; Ockernahl, Agnes Marie Ødegård; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Martin (Chapter, 2022)
      Physiological sensors can give valuable information about the human response when interacting with engineering products or systems, which is essential for engineers to know when developing new innovations. Observing multiple ...
    • Promoting user-centricity in short-term ideation workshops 

      Heck, Johannes; Rittiner, Florian; Meboldt, Mirko; Steinert, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Participating in a short-term ideation workshop – based on design thinking principles – may increase the innovation capability of companies. We show how the persona methodology can be successfully applied to promote ...
    • Proof-testing strategies induced by dangerous detected failures of safety-instrumented systems 

      Liu, Yiliu; Rausand, Marvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Some dangerous failures of safety-instrumented systems (SISs) are detected almost immediately by diagnostic self-testing as dangerous detected (DD) failures, whereas other dangerous failures can only be detected by ...
    • Properties of thermal sprayed coatings for internal use in pipes and bends 

      Sunde, André (Master thesis, 2015)
      NTNU/SINTEF are participating in a research project called Smooth Surfaces , financed by Norsk Forskningsråd, and with Brunvoll, Triplex, Omya Hustadmarmor and Aquamarine as industry partners in the project. One of the ...
    • Properties of TSA in natural seawater at ambient and elevated temperature 

      Wilson, Håvard; Johnsen, Roy; Torres Rodriguez, Cristian; Hesjevik, Sven Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Electrochemical properties of thermal sprayed aluminium (TSA) coating were investigated in natural seawater at elevated temperatures with and without cathodic protection (CP). TSA has a low current density requirement when ...
    • Proposals for enhancing tactical planning in grocery retailing with S&OP 

      Dreyer, Heidi Carin; Kiil, Kasper; Dukovska-Popovska, Iskra; Kaipia, Riikka (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore tactical planning in grocery retailing and propose how process and integration mechanisms from sales and operations planning (S&OP) can enhance retail tactical ...
    • Proposed aspects for evaluation of the value of spaces in historic buildings 

      Stendebakken, Mari Oline Giske; Grytli, Eir Ragna; Olsson, Nils (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      There is an unrealised potential for new uses of cultural heritage sites. The purpose of this paper is to identify evaluation aspects for assessing the potential of new uses for cultural heritage places and test the proposed ...
    • Proposed Measures for Cost Reduction in the NTNU Campus Collection Project 

      Gjerde, Katrine Jørgensen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne masteroppgaven er et samarbeid med Statsbygg som omhandler NTNU Campussamlingsprosjektet. Prosjektet styres etter prosjektstrategien Design to Cost (DtC) som har satt en absolutt kostnadsramme på 11.032 milliarder ...
    • Proposing a novel approach for testing complex medical task trainer prototypes 

      Lilleløkken, Oscar; Ege, Daniel Nygård; Auflem, Marius; Steinert, Martin (Chapter, 2020)
      Using the Wayfaring model in the Fuzzy Front End of product development can aid designers in uncovering and answering ambiguous design questions. However, it does not aid the challenge of combining insights and concepts ...
    • Prosessovervåkning og KPI's 

      Bjørnstad, Simen (Master thesis, 2010)
      Overvåking av forskjellige prosesser er en essensiell del i et fremtidsrettet og konkurransedyktig produksjonssystem. Denne overvåkingen er nært knyttet til bedriftens vedlikeholdsorganisasjon, som kan benytte overvåking ...
    • Prosjektering av testrigg brukt i teknologikvalifisering av undervanns vibrasjonsdempesystem 

      Munkeby, Øyvind (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne rapporten dokumenterer utviklingsprosessen og resultatene av et bachelorprosjekt med mål om å designe og produsere en ramme for testing av Momentum Technologies’ vibrasjonsdempere. Rammen skal brukes i et ...
    • Prosjektledelse i kulturbransjen 

      Mork, Live Wermundsen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg tematikken rundt prosjektledelse i kulturbransjen. Kulturbransjen er en veldig fleksibel og kreativ bransje som i stor grad er basert på erfaringer da det er få utdanninger tilgjengelig, ...
    • Prosjektleders rolle hos Forsvarsbygg - En analyse av prosjektleders ansvar, arbeidsfordeling og tilpasning til hvert prosjekt 

      Nymoen, Erland Victor (Master thesis, 2015)
      Masteroppgaven er skrevet i samarbeid med Forsvarsbygg (FB) og bygger delvis på en prosjektoppgave fra høsten 2014. Målet har vært å kartlegge prosjektleders arbeidsoppgaver, tidsbruk, om samme oppgave utføres flere ganger, ...
    • Prosjektmodeller og prosjekteierstyring i statlige virksomheter 

      Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot; Kvalheim, Eirik Vårdal; Volden, Gro Holst (Concept rapport;, Research report, 2016)
      Denne studien ser på styringen av store statlige prosjekter fra fagdepartement og ansvarlig virksomhet (selskap) sin side, i fem ulike sektorer. Vi finner at bevisstheten om og kompetansen på styring av statlige prosjekter ...