• Risk and Reliability Based Calibration of Structural Design Codes: Principles and Applications 

      Baravalle, Michele (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:342, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Structures and infrastructures are essential for most societal activities and are required to be safe, as well as economically and environmentally sustainable. At the same time, societal resources of all kinds are limited. ...
    • Risk-based Design of an Offshore Wind Turbine using VoI Analysis 

      Mendoza Espinosa, Jorge; Kohler, Jochen (Chapter, 2019)
      Monopiles are the most common solution for supporting wind turbines in offshore conditions. At the design phase of a monopile, a frequency check is to be performed to avoid the resonance hazard with the 1P and 3P excitation, ...
    • Risk-based Fatigue Design Considering Inspections and Maintenance 

      Mendoza Espinosa, Jorge; Kohler, Jochen; Bismut, Elizabeth; Straub, Daniel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The different phases of a structure’s life-cycle are managed by different teams with little interaction. Correspondingly, the optimization of the individual phases is isolated and does not necessarily result in optimal ...
    • Robust Cardiovascular Models for Prediction of Hypertension Using Minimal Data Sets 

      Bjørdalsbakke, Nikolai Lid (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:225, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Such diseases are multifaceted, but can manifest as acute events such as cardiac infactions, strokes and aortic dissections which can lead directly to death ...
    • A robust line-tracking photogrammetry method for uplift measurements of railway catenary systems in noisy backgrounds 

      Jiang, Tengjiao; Frøseth, Gunnstein Thomas; Rønnquist, Anders; Fagerholt, Egil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      For electrical railways, contact wires are used to ensure stable and continuous power supply to trains operating on the infrastructure. One crucial design parameter used to control the catenary design is the vertical ...
    • Robusthet av eksisterende betongbruer 

      Asheim, Andreas Høyland (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg robusthet av eksisterende konstruksjoner, med fokus på betongbruer. Robusthet er en essensiell egenskap for alle konstruksjoner som øker motstandsdyktighet mot lokale brudd, uavhengig av årsaken. ...
    • Robusthet av eksisterende korrosjonsskadde betongbruer 

      Sæter, Ingeborg Mo (Master thesis, 2023)
      Første del av oppgaven beskriver og diskuterer hvordan ulike regelverk behandler robusthet og tema relatert til begrepet. Det er særlig sett på Eurokoder og Statens vegvesens vegnormal, N400 Bruprosjektering. Dette innebærer ...
    • Role of calcium on chloride binding in hydrated Portland cement–metakaolin–limestone blends 

      Shi, Zhenguo; Geiker, Mette Rica; De Weerdt, Klaartje; Østnor, Tone Anita; Lothenbach, Barbara; Winnefeld, Frank; Skibsted, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Chloride binding is investigated for Portland cement–metakaolin–limestone pastes exposed to CaCl2 and NaCl solutions. The phase assemblages and the amount of Friedel's salt are evaluated using TGA, XRD and thermodynamic ...
    • Role of Five-fold Twin Boundary on the Enhanced Mechanical Properties of fcc Fe Nanowires 

      Wu, Jianyang; Nagao, Shijo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      The role of 5-fold twin boundary on the structural and mechanical properties of fcc Fe nanowire under tension is explored by classical molecular dynamics. Twin-stabilized fcc nanowire with various diameters (6~24 nm) are ...
    • Room Temperature Characteristics of Polymer-Based Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces 

      He, Zhiwei; Vågenes, Elisabeth Tanami; Delabahan, Chrisrosemarie; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Ice adhesion is mainly dictated by surface properties, and water wettability is frequently correlated with ice adhesion strength. However, these established correlations are limited to high ice adhesion and become invalid ...
    • Room-Temperature Curing and Grain Growth at High Humidity in Conductive Adhesives with Ultra-Low Silver Content 

      Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland; Redford, Keith; njagi, john; Kristiansen, Helge; Helland, Susanne; Kalland, Erik; Goia, Dan; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Isotropic conductive adhesives (ICAs) are alternatives to metallic solders as interconnects in solar modules and electronic devices, but normally require silver contents >25 vol.% and elevated curing temperatures to achieve ...
    • Round-Robin Study for Ice Adhesion Tests 

      rehfeld, nadine; Brassard, Jean-Denis; Yamazaki, Masafumi; Sakaue, Hirotaka; Balordi, Marcella; Koivuluoto, Heli; Mora, Julio; He, Jianying; Pervier, Marie-Laure; Dolatabadi, Ali; Asenath-Smith, Emily; Järn, Mikael; hou, xianghui; Stenzel, Volkmar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Ice adhesion tests are widely used to assess the performance of potential icephobic surfaces and coatings. A great variety of test designs have been developed and used over the past decades due to the lack of formal standards ...
    • Running fracture in a H2 pressurized pipeline: characterization and simulation of dynamic ductile fracture in two X65 pipeline steels 

      Valheim, Steffen (Master thesis, 2011)
      Long running fractures in pipelines pose great danger to humans, as well as leading to significant economical losses. Current methods of predicting crack arrest require cumbersome re-calibration when new pressurized media ...
    • Running fracture in a H2 pressurized pipeline: from small scale material testing to full scale experiments and simulations 

      Gjermund, Haug (Master thesis, 2011)
      Cracks should never occur in gas transmission pipelines. Cracks in pipelines are the most critical pipe failure mode and the cost of such an event is always huge depending on when and where it happens. Human life and nature ...
    • Sammenkobling av lange limtrebuer i buebroer 

      Sveen, Ole Christian (Master thesis, 2014)
      I denne oppgaven er det sett på muligheten for å bygge lengre trebroer enn de eksisterende. Målet er å finne ut hvor mange ledd det er hensiktsmessig å dele broens bue inn i, hvor sterke disse leddene må være, og hvordan ...
    • Sammenligning av beregningsmetoder for fiberarmerte etteroppspente flatdekker 

      Sletvold, Ola Selnes; Hallsteinsen, Sivert M (Master thesis, 2017)
      Oppgaven sammenligner to ulike løsninger for å finne dimensjonerende krefter for kontroll av et etteroppspent, fiberarmert flatdekke i betong i brudd- og bruksgrensetilstanden. De to ulike løsningene er ekvivalent rammemetode ...
    • Sammenligning av dimensjoneringsregler: revisjon av Eurokode 2 

      Bergaust, Markus; Sadat, Ramin (Master thesis, 2023)
      I den siste tiden har det vært flere revisjoner av EN 1992-1-1:2004. Flere ganger har det vært snakk om å gjøre standarden mer brukervennlig. I denne studien sammenlignes meto-der, modeller og bakgrunnsteorier i EN ...
    • Sammenligning av dimensjoneringsregler: revisjon av Eurokode 2 

      Bergaust, Markus A.; Sadat, Ramin (Master thesis, 2023)
      I den siste tiden har det vært flere revisjoner av EN 1992-1-1:2004. Flere ganger har det vært snakk om å gjøre standarden mer brukervennlig. I denne studien sammenlignes metoder, modeller og bakgrunnsteorier i EN 1992-1-1:2004 ...
    • Sammenligning av fagverksbroer ved bruk av algoritmebasert design 

      Bentsen, Jarle; Guettler, Per Høie (Master thesis, 2021)
    • Sammenligning av metoder for skjærdimensjonering av betong 

      Engen, Morten (Master thesis, 2012)
      Denne oppgaven beskriver hva som påvirker skjærkraftkapasiteten til rektangulære slakkarmerte betongbjelker. Fire modeller; 45 graders fagverksmodell, fagverksmodell med variabel helning, trykkfeltsteori og modifisert ...